I was riding the train home ( Just came back from an anime con ). Yeah, I'm a geek. So, yeah, I'm on the train and my this beautiful woman catches my eye. I mean she wasn't just beautiful, oh no, words can't describe how gorgeous she was. She must have been a model of some sort. Anyway, enough of me blabbering about how pretty she is. I see her, right? Being the nerd I am, I naturally start feeling really nervous, and happy at the same time. Weird feeling. Anyway, this isn't what my story is about. Here is what I really wanted to tell you guys:
A few minutes into the train ride, this drunk dude comes barging on the train and starts harassing the passengers. His first victims were 3 old ladies. I felt sorry for them, of course. But being the coward that I am, I paid no attention, and merely held tighter onto my anime memorabilia. Then, something terrible happened! The guy sitting next to me said " Give me a break ". The drunkard hears him, but mistakes me for the dude beside me. He picks me up by the tie, and says "You youngsters have no respect for us old people anymore. I think it would be best if you shut up and mind your own business." That was pretty scary. Of course, I didn't do anything. I just nodded and apologized to the drunken old man. He eventually put me down. So, were things getting better? Nope. Things got a lot worse. After he was done with me, he noticed the beautiful girl who was sitting right in front of me. This was bad. The perverted old man wasted no time in sweet-talking the girl. He was playing with her hair and stuff, and was saying stuff like: "I bet you think I can't get it hard anymore just because I'm old, don't you?" I really wanted to do something, but my body was too afraid to move. That is until the old guy was really gonna do it. He was really gonna whip it out and try to prove his point to the girl.
That was it. That was the last straw! With all my courage I stood up and mumbled: " P-p-p-please st-s-s-stop what you're doing." The drunk guy replied with: "Huh? You again?! Didn't I tell you to sit down, and shut up?" Me: " C-c-can't you see that she doesn't like what you're doing? It's pretty obvious." The drunken waste of life wastes no time, and knocks me on my ass. I start to panic thinking stuff like "Is he gonna kill me?" and all that stuff. But just before he lands one more punch on my bleeding nose. This cool train officer stops the drunken old man in his tracks, and puts 'cuffs on him. He looked so freakin' cool, while I, on the other hand, looked so lame. But, do not worry for me for I am alright. I will always be alright. I live yet to fight another day.
A few minutes into the train ride, this drunk dude comes barging on the train and starts harassing the passengers. His first victims were 3 old ladies. I felt sorry for them, of course. But being the coward that I am, I paid no attention, and merely held tighter onto my anime memorabilia. Then, something terrible happened! The guy sitting next to me said " Give me a break ". The drunkard hears him, but mistakes me for the dude beside me. He picks me up by the tie, and says "You youngsters have no respect for us old people anymore. I think it would be best if you shut up and mind your own business." That was pretty scary. Of course, I didn't do anything. I just nodded and apologized to the drunken old man. He eventually put me down. So, were things getting better? Nope. Things got a lot worse. After he was done with me, he noticed the beautiful girl who was sitting right in front of me. This was bad. The perverted old man wasted no time in sweet-talking the girl. He was playing with her hair and stuff, and was saying stuff like: "I bet you think I can't get it hard anymore just because I'm old, don't you?" I really wanted to do something, but my body was too afraid to move. That is until the old guy was really gonna do it. He was really gonna whip it out and try to prove his point to the girl.
That was it. That was the last straw! With all my courage I stood up and mumbled: " P-p-p-please st-s-s-stop what you're doing." The drunk guy replied with: "Huh? You again?! Didn't I tell you to sit down, and shut up?" Me: " C-c-can't you see that she doesn't like what you're doing? It's pretty obvious." The drunken waste of life wastes no time, and knocks me on my ass. I start to panic thinking stuff like "Is he gonna kill me?" and all that stuff. But just before he lands one more punch on my bleeding nose. This cool train officer stops the drunken old man in his tracks, and puts 'cuffs on him. He looked so freakin' cool, while I, on the other hand, looked so lame. But, do not worry for me for I am alright. I will always be alright. I live yet to fight another day.