The NSFW Game is something my buddies and I started doing back in college (though it had another name back then). The NSFW (=Not Safe For Work) Game basically tries to get somebody else to unknowingly open a file, site or other media source containing material not safe for work in a place where it could be embarrassing. During college this would usually mean people opening files of fat naked women on the library or computer center workstations. Now that we are older the stakes are much higher with all of us in professional working enviornments.
My favorite story actually doesn't involve me. One of my buddies sent another of my buddies from a yahoo mail account with my second buddy's boss's name a powerpoint presentation entiled "Proposal" with the grossest pictures you've ever seen. The poor guy recieved it during a meeting where he was presenting a project (projection from his laptop) and when he saw that the boss had sent them a proposal quickly put it on screen...only to be met by pure and utter embarrasement.
Any of u ever played the NSFW game?
My favorite story actually doesn't involve me. One of my buddies sent another of my buddies from a yahoo mail account with my second buddy's boss's name a powerpoint presentation entiled "Proposal" with the grossest pictures you've ever seen. The poor guy recieved it during a meeting where he was presenting a project (projection from his laptop) and when he saw that the boss had sent them a proposal quickly put it on screen...only to be met by pure and utter embarrasement.
Any of u ever played the NSFW game?
Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-06-11 05:59:23)