yeah... fear scared the crap out of me. gotta play it with the surround sound on at night and really loud
F.E.A.R. is the greatest!
bf2 with patch 1.3 installed can be a terrifying experience
JohnClark wrote:
Condemned : Criminal Origins
lead_head wrote:
JohnClark wrote:
lol, qft! CTD's freak me out.superfly_cox wrote:
bf2 with patch 1.3 installed can be a terrifying experience
Halo, at first glance, doesn't look scary at all, but I'm sure some of you here that played it remember the Library...I still have flashbacks *shudders*
i never tried F.E.A.R, but iv'e heard it's crazy as shit... but i know that DOOM 3 is scary..
Alien vs predator 2, play the marine campaign, not the best game ever and really dated now, but was fun! will give a few jumps. FEARs a great game to play and look at, the girl appearing seemed in obvious places but thats just me :S still worth getting though IMO
Last edited by Barney_T_Dinosaur (2006-06-10 12:49:13)
4 ps2... definetely fatal frame or silent hill.. its one of those scray ass japanese made games.
PC... every knows that f.e.a.r. takes the cake.
PC... every knows that f.e.a.r. takes the cake.
Chuck Norris : The video game
Super Mario Bro's For NES.
The levels where you are underground are creeeeeeeepppppyyyy. You are in a cave, in the dark with mushroom heads running around and killer turtles flying over your head and if you take one wrong step you fall straigh to hell. After you go through about 50 of these caves you are rewarded with a pixalated princess named "Toadstool (yuck)", that doesn't even put out any pussy.
The levels where you are underground are creeeeeeeepppppyyyy. You are in a cave, in the dark with mushroom heads running around and killer turtles flying over your head and if you take one wrong step you fall straigh to hell. After you go through about 50 of these caves you are rewarded with a pixalated princess named "Toadstool (yuck)", that doesn't even put out any pussy.
lol. Mario FTW!Cougar wrote:
Super Mario Bro's For NES.
The levels where you are underground are creeeeeeeepppppyyyy. You are in a cave, in the dark with mushroom heads running around and killer turtles flying over your head and if you take one wrong step you fall straigh to hell. After you go through about 50 of these caves you are rewarded with a pixalated princess named "Toadstool (yuck)", that doesn't even put out any pussy.
Have yet to play FEAR.
The scariest game I have ever played has been Alien vs. Predator as the Marines
Man I fucking HATE facehuggers........
The scariest game I have ever played has been Alien vs. Predator as the Marines
Man I fucking HATE facehuggers........
Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2006-06-10 16:00:30)
I agree with most of you. if you want scary game FEAR is the one for you..and AVP2 wouldnt be bad choice either
Fear did make my jump at parts and it did well to keep my on the edge of my seat all the time but it wasn't completly scary. Definitely had some of the coolest and best combat in an Fps
yup resident evil-=5TON3D wrote:
my choice..
for pc.
f.e.a.r (needed more of the girl though)
silent hill 3
doom 3 (only the first few levels & some other good scenes,rest gets to repetative)
silent hill 4
silent hill 2
silent hill 3
project zero 1 & 2
silent hill 4 & 2
res evil (back when it was released,classic survival horror)
hmmm Fear and Doom win on the pc, Doom did get boring after a while though
Silent hill and Condemed was a scary game on the consoles
Silent hill and Condemed was a scary game on the consoles