+269|6894|Marlton, New Jersey.
this is my favorite
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … german+kid

Last edited by eagles1106 (2006-06-10 17:54:14)

+130|6843|Orlando, FL

eagles1106 wrote:

lol it might be taf, he was talking a lotta shit last night   everytime he killed somebody that pissed him off he'd be like...OMFG WHAT NOW BITCH,etc.  My bro got in a tank in a match and ruether was like DUDE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN A TANK I TOLD YOU NOT TO...and my bro goes->you never told me dude...
He was trying to take a bunch of leader ship over everybody when my bro is 16 and probably kill the little douche..lol

i have got to show this thread to my bro
Well, he is power hungry.  What 14 year old in a clan with a leadership role wouldn't be?  Your brother is nuts if he wants to be in a clan with that kid.  Give him our website  www.kill-on-sight.com 

eagles1106 wrote:

http://bf2s.com/player/43389710/ <-think this dude is also in the clan...holy hell look at his aviator stats
That is Obrian.  Cool kid and a great player.  That specific account was a joint account with his friend, meaning both him and his friend played on it and earned stats together.  Obrian also has a Colonel name which is "{ETU}_AlphA_eXt" and a First Sergent name which is "brian_westbrook".  The kid plays BF2 more than I do, which is ALOT.
+269|6894|Marlton, New Jersey.
oh shit  brian westbrook, im an eagles fan look at my name...
+130|6843|Orlando, FL

eagles1106 wrote:

looool ever seen this video...a bit off topic in a way but the funny thing is that hes screaming in german too
compare this kid to ruether, who is more crazy.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … german+kid
The video has to be fake.  Nobody else could have recorded that but himself.  And who would actually set up a camera, turn the power on, press the record button, and act like that?  Someone trying to be funny.  It is pretty funny though.
+11|6934|Just the other side of Reality







gene_pool wrote:

I'm a lot more mature then [...]  any other people that are around my age that play BF2.
I'd like to disagree with that.

Last edited by Daysniper (2006-06-10 11:57:38)

I can't hear you. I can't hear you.

Yes. Yes. We've been hearing you for the last ten minutes.


EDIT: Maybe he has short time memory loss. He forgets he has already said he can't hear you.

Last edited by Shadow893 (2006-06-10 12:10:23)

Artillery Magnet
+9|6857|Plymouth, England

So that's what happens when cousins have kids.......
You think that recording is bad eh? I let a 10 year old kid in our clan... and one day I was talking to my friend Mike about a program that made channels for Teamspeak. This little kid overheard me and went nuts and wouldn't leave me alone for 3 days until I gave it to him. Well like an idiot I did... woke up this morning and found this http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/8264 … gay6ik.jpg
couldn't get in the TS. Luckily, I'am good friends with the guy who gives us the Teamspeak so he deleted it and gave us a new one. I know this sounds weird coming from me cause I'am only 15 but kids are so fucking retarted. We now put an age limit for our clan.
That is one of the best things I've heared.

I remember Reuther. If you got in the chopper he was gonna fly he'd scream. Then later when he wasnt gonna use it he'd fly away and crash it so we couldn't hop in. Good guy... not
+101|6987|Southern California

<KoS>Audio wrote:

The kid has issues that I don't have time or the patience to deal with.  I'm sure most everyone feels the same way.  I'm also pretty certain that mostly everyone would have simply banned him and not recorded any of it, but because I did and posted it on here, that makes me immature.  Interesting.  Thanks guys for the 1,000 views, over 60 replies, and 22 Karma off this one post.  I think everyone is going to side with me on this one.
You took the time to ridicule him. So you had enough time to do something.

Banning him after you explained why he didn't make the cut would have been more mature than what you have done.

That you posted here does not make you immature. Making a joke out of it may have. If you don't like him leave the kid alone. I get the impression now from your many comments that this was a vindictive act.

Popularity may add up to good feelings for you at the expense of another but you know as well as I that history is manifest with examples of widely popular, even idolized, people and actions that represent immature or unethical behavior.

I generally respect everyone posting most of the time. I do not intend this as an insult to anyone here, just a call to question motives and actions. I've asked you to consider whether a more mature approach could have been adopted either as a recruiting officer or a human being.  Having an opinion, and the right to it, doesn't make questionable behavior OK. Karma or no, I question the example you set is not as mature as it could have been.

For the young fun-loving karma crowd go read "Lord of the Flies". Soon.

Audio, If you were sitting in a college leadership ethics classroom and were shown this thread (and it was by someone else detaching you from the responsibility for it) and had to evaluate it what would you write as your essay to pass the class?

- good luck and have fun.
I Hate Claymores
Not all teenagers are that crazy. My clan has about 4 members in the 15-16 range and no one has a problem with me and I don't have a problem with anyone else.
;what are u tired of?
the kid; y0r mom!

and then he says hes som1's dad and hes gay and LOL

I remember that kid... I am banned from their new TS
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6895|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
hmmmmmm, k, Toxic here and i just joined [TAF]-Tactical Assault Force w/ Reuther, colony, and pilot

k...never saw this comin.  Hmmmmm, i was already in =P= (team Precision) and was kinda getting a feel for some diff clans cause i wanted to join 1.

This may make the dscision for me.  Colony and Pilot are cool guys but reuther does freak out a lot.  I didnt know he had ADD, so dont rip on him too hard, its a disorder that he has no control over.  Anyway, i may be out of [TAF] after hearing about this.
I knife Generals
+278|6848|Search Whore killing fields
Can You Hear Me
hey eagles who the hell are you if you were in are TS then come back so i can talk to ya.
+130|6843|Orlando, FL

Colony wrote:

hey eagles who the hell are you if you were in are TS then come back so i can talk to ya.
From what I understand, Eagles is Toxic's brother?  I say that based on what I've gathered from earlier posts...not too sure though.
+101|6987|Southern California
to the anonymous karma-clause  I have a good sense of humor - show me some I could use a good laugh.  (or was "complete jackass" your sig?)

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-10 16:36:07)

This kid is a spaz.
will you guys grow up really come on audio he wast on your  TS and u came on his to piss him off u  kno it i kno it so as far as i kno u can go fuk urself.
+130|6843|Orlando, FL
In case you guys don't realize, Colony is in Ruether's clan.  Kind of obvious, lol.  Good times, good times.
ya im in TAF not ruethers clan and the reason you set him off is because you came on his TS and played ur fag music.after he left the clan........
now now guys chill out and take it to irc,x-fire or msn but dont start a real big slagging match here .

Colony wrote:

ya im in TAF not ruethers clan and the reason you set him off is because you came on his TS and played ur fag music.after he left the clan........
Thats not what he told me.

Gene«•»: so y were u saying that in the first place
Gene«•»: cause u were really going off
1Lt. Ruether[TAF]: yah
1Lt. Ruether[TAF]: because i got kicked out and 3 of my best friends were in
Gene«•»: did u forget to take your ritilin
1Lt. Ruether[TAF]: and it was unfair
1Lt. Ruether[TAF]: and yes i did
1Lt. Ruether[TAF]: i forgot that day
Gene«•»: wow...
1Lt. Ruether[TAF]: and i cant control it when they piss me off i go nuts lol

To me that implies that he went into someone elses Teamspeak and did it.

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