Dead Meat
haha, that was great!!! I am Bungholio!!! +1 for good post!!!
LMFAO! "I am the Energizer f-ing Bunny! How can I hear you!" LMFAO

+1 freaking awesome. It puts shame to myself though seeing as I'm 14, but definately miles more mature than that! Wow.... Sorry, funny as hell, thanks a million for posting! Gotta listen again lol...
Howdah Lysozyme
+21|6938|Pittsburgh, PA
Fucking hilarious...+1 BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW, I CANNOT HEAR YOU!

Oh, and PspRpg-7, I love that chicks ass in your sig *drool*
LOL. Nice to hear George 'Dubya's' intimate chats with the Iranians..... 

Nice one dude.  Theres no way I would have had the patience to sit through that even if I was recording it!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7120|Marathon, Florida Keys
i dont know that kid, and dont want to know him......i hate him though.
+130|6843|Orlando, FL
ROFL!  Well, apparently some other guy recorded a bit more of his outburst.  Now, for some reason, the mics are a bit distorted.  Its hard to distinguish voices, but you might be able to recognize my voice from the first recording.  Now, there are some names mentioned, so I'll go ahead and let you know who is who.  Obrian is one of the friends of Ruether, who I actually was hoping would stay, but in the end, didn't.  Ruether, as you all know, is the kid who has the spaz attack.  Olin, is some random kid, who actually made this longer recording, and is apparently a friend of Obrian.  The other voice is a clan mate of mine, Dingo.  This recording is a bit more intense, and this was the first time I had heard it, or even knew there was another recording.  I suggest you turn down the volume a bit.  Enjoy!
+130|6843|Orlando, FL
Also, I found out his Xfire, so for anyone who is interested in flaming him, its "cougarplaya9".  Have fun.

Last edited by <KoS>Audio (2006-06-10 08:16:25)

S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6914|Pickle Village
OMG that is freak'in hiarious.  "I am bungholio!"   ROFL
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6937|Britain and Damn proud of it!
'AAhhhhh i cannot hear the VOICES!! noooo the voices are bad, yes bad, tell me to kill all my friends before they get me 1st, oh yes, but don't hear them, oh no DO YOU HEAR ME MOFO?????'

The kid needs to take some of his meds and stop watching Full Metal Jacket cause i'm sure i heard him call you Pvt. Pyle.... and several other quotes...
I knife Generals
+278|6848|Search Whore killing fields
And thats why you dont give kids cocaine.

DirtyMexican wrote:

And thats why you dont give kids cocaine.
or weed.

that kid is wierd... i never seen a 14 yr old that hyper...
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK
Funny thing is Beavis and Butthead were a parody of kids like this.  Always makes me laugh when kids miss the irony and are inspired by them.
I had to hit stop 1/3rd of the way through. Someone needs to backhand him.
Un Moderador

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

smokingun wrote:

wow i a 14 year old, thats crazy. he needs to get some pills lol. Still there are some 15 year olds that are quite mature, i mean im so mature that i became a normal member to (STRS) and became co-leader, promoted by 30 year olds.
I thought that was you... I registered with your forums, and Heffty has been trying to recruit me ever since ^^
you are mine badsnipa!!!!!!!!
DO NOT run away

ermmm.....back on topic
sad sad sad little kid, probably the closest people he ever had to being his friends
Ready for combat
+211|6906|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
lol i wanna piss him off and laugh at him, plz find where he plays and watch me piss him off for more laughs.
hell maybe ill just own his nooby ass

whats his bf2 name

Last edited by seymorebutts443 (2006-06-10 09:37:40)

Dont tread on me
+77|7005|Mountains of West Virginia
"Ummm lolz maybe?"  Nice

How did you guys keep that chill when he was doing that.
+101|6987|Southern California

<KoS>Audio wrote:

Well, I'm the recruiting officer for my clan, Kill On Sight.  We get a steady number of recruits, and arn't THAT picky on who who we bring in, all we ask is that they can be mature and active.  Sometimes, we get a "pack" of recruits, and by that I mean a few friends will all join together, which sucks in my position, because if I don't let one of the friends in, then the others will leave with him.  Well, this recently happend where three friends left their old clan to join ours, and two of them were great players and pretty cool kids.  Now, the third kid was like 14 years old, has hardcore ADD attacks, and is simply a tool.  So, we try to stay away from kids like that, but on the other hand, I want these other two guys to stay.  Tough situation.  Well, after about a week, I was fed up with this kid, and finally told him that he just wouldn't fit in with us, and that is when the shit hit the fan.  This kid went NUTS.  Started screaming at the top of his lungs, started calling me this and that, so as I right clicked his name to ban him from TS, I realized how hilarious this whole thing was, so I decided to record it.  Now, I started the recording when he was rambling on asking us if we could hear him.  I don't know why, but I suppose his ADD was kicking in, and he was just screaming on about anything that came to his mind.  Now, I'm a pretty laid back guy, as you will hear in this recording, and actually found the humor in this "outburst" of his.  Now, just to give you the rundown on who everyone is, Ruether, who is the kid screaming, was the recruit.  I am the guy telling Ruether that I can hear him, sounding pretty laid back, and the guy saying "you have a small pee pee" at the beginning and twords the end telling me now to say anything and let him scream was a member of my clan.  Anyway, I'm sure you guys will get lots of laughs out of this recording, and encourage you to pass it around to your buddies so they can get a kick out of it too.  Ladies and gentleman, I'm proud to present..."Ruether Going Nuts".

Also, in case you were wondering what happend to his two friends, they dipped and went to start their own clan with Ruether.  Good luck to them, because I can't imagine a kid like this having any sort of leadership role in a clan.  Anyway, enjoy!
I thought you said you wanted mature people in your clan???  Is posting his infirmity on the web so people can laugh at him mature? Is it legal?

He is a kid, what example did you just set for him and others observing your behavior, m8? What if the kid sees what you have done and becomes profoundly depressed "now that everyone on earth knows" he has episodes? What makes you think ADD is the culprit? You were breaking-up he and his friends so this could be irrational abandonment issues, do you know anything about the kids home life? A brief psychotic episode can be sparked by many things but this event may not be that either. Maybe this kid is Jeffersonian and doesn't like hubris and cannot control his temper when confronted with it?

Think again about maturity. What you seem to really want are calm players who don't get upset which is only a small part of maturity and are traits that can be exhibited by immature people as well.

In this situation he was obviously very hurt by what you said to him but you are being extremely cruel and unethical treating a clan/former clan mate that way. He must not have been all that bad if his friends stuck with him....

I'm not going to -1 you because these are very serious exo-game issues.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-10 09:53:05)

Dreads & Bergers
+364|7027|Riva, MD

gene_pool wrote:

I'm 13 and my ex-clan never had a problem with me =/ I'm a lot more mature then that freak. Or any other people that are around my age that play BF2.
Finally, i'm not the youngest person here.  I think you meant ADHD(Attention Defisit Hyperactivity Disorder) btw, i'm 14 and I have ADD but I don't belong in a sanitarium like that kid.  I haven't even seen ten year-olds that bad and i've seen a ten year old singing about dildos and calling people the N word while screwing around in Halo 2.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-06-10 09:46:29)

Fuck me some clans take it way to serious imo they run it like a fucking army ,fuck that its all about haveing fun with m8s and pwning nub ass .not to be anally whipped by some bloke who thinks he is a army officer in real-life

+1 for you though actually spunking the time to post that shit

Last edited by [netsas]knight (2006-06-10 09:49:21)

+130|6843|Orlando, FL

Snipedya14 wrote:

"Ummm lolz maybe?"  Nice

How did you guys keep that chill when he was doing that.
Because it was fucking hilarious.
I knife Generals
+278|6848|Search Whore killing fields

<KoS>Audio wrote:

Snipedya14 wrote:

"Ummm lolz maybe?"  Nice

How did you guys keep that chill when he was doing that.
Because it was fucking hilarious.
I would of tried to piss him off more.
Ready for combat
+211|6906|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

DirtyMexican wrote:

<KoS>Audio wrote:

Snipedya14 wrote:

"Ummm lolz maybe?"  Nice

How did you guys keep that chill when he was doing that.
Because it was fucking hilarious.
I would of tried to piss him off more.
i think we all would have.
+101|6987|Southern California

["Today 09:51:08]  [ -1 Reason To Enforce An Age Limit]   [I'm going to -1 you, though."] 

<KOS>Audio did you give me this karma? ROFLMAO

No comments to my posting eh?  OK m8. 

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-10 09:59:50)

that doesnt top french 9yr old boys talking FRENCH! i was laughing so hard xD but that is funny too....
+101|6987|Southern California

seymorebutts443 wrote:

DirtyMexican wrote:

<KoS>Audio wrote:

Because it was fucking hilarious.
I would of tried to piss him off more.
i think we all would have.
No seemore, I don't think we all would.

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