twiistaaa wrote:
if they all packed up their crap and went at it in an all out brawl on american soil who would win? ive got no idea but i thought it'd be interesting.
and i know marines are apart/under the navy so answer it either with them seperate or against. either way.
Nice poll question. You left out "mutual destruction" as the 5th coice. lol This post indicates some people don't understand how the U.S. Military fights. Synergy is the key.
USMC is not under the Navy.
The Navy can't "win" because it needs to hold ground and can't. But it can trump the Army and USMC with nukes, so can the Air Force but by doing so it loses its own bases of operation. Air Force needs to land and refit so they are at the mercy of ground forces sooner or later. USMC and Army would be brutal but Army has more toys and enough SF/Ranger/Airborne baddasses that the USMC would be overwhelmed sooner or later. The Army and USMC can't go to sea or air with meangful force so they can't beat the Navy. The Air Force maybe able to beat the Navy 1/2 the time but the Navy has it's own mean airforce so that is a wash. Marines can go amphibious and outflank the Army so may they can capture HQ or something but otherwise no go. Rock-Paper-Scissors.
Naaaa it is when you put these service components together that you get the preeminent asskicking machine that we have today.
Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-09 08:14:44)