Does anyone notice, say, your in an abrams right on operation harvest, you see a speeding BTR-90 trying to evade your cannon, you shoot and you actually hit it maybe 2 or 3 times, and it does no damage? i dont understand. I was playing it yesterday and it took 5 shells do blow the damn thing up and even when i did the little git still got out and put a sraw in me. Does it have to be specific spots you hit it in to do any damage?
Ive never had a problem with this before....... 2 Shots on Karkand and that BTR is dead.
Id appreciate any comments

Oh and tah for the karma points

Ill +1 you if you seem to know anything about this topic
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7057|The United Center
There have always been problems with hitboxes against fast moving objects.  I can't count how many times I've had a sraw/eryx/tank shell go through a DPV/FAV coming right toward me at full speed.  Same goes for the jets and the helicopters.  I've hit enemy jets coming in to bomb me with a tank shell and had it do no damage whatsoever. 

One of the keys to flying the little bird is to just keep moving around as fast as possible.  90% of the time if you get hit by AA/AT, it'll do no damage if you're moving fast enough.

Anyway, yeah, it's a known problem.  The technical reason for it is because the hitbox data is stored serverside and what you're seeing is just the model moving.  So even though you're hitting the model, the hitboxes lag behind just a bit.  Naturally, the faster the vehicle is moving, the farther behind the hitboxes are.  This is why a lot of times if you aim behind a helicopter or something, it'll register as a hit, even though it shows the shell/rocket exploding like 10 feet behind it.

Quite odd, but it happens.
It might be due to lag or anything similiar to that. I'm not sure, I know that it's still generally 2 hits from any tank to kill or at least flame kill (Get that fire a-goin') on an APC. I've had times where it looks like I hit, and it won't count.
Ive hit an FAV 3 times, and done nothing. But the coax hits it and does damage, whys that? +1 anyway for your sensible answer thanks
+3,135|7048|The Hague, Netherlands

yeah sometimes its just strange, hit some tanks that just wont die/apc's  sometimes even infantry ! but well. could be the lagg or something, or the my pc is slower
i now see why on servers with high ping it takes me more shots to bring down a jet. thx
I cant believe it, ive hit an su-35 frogfoot with a 120mm shell and done nothing lol.... its strange. But hey, thi game is full of its own little glitches like this.
There's been times when I shot with a rifle, the little X marker comes up as if I hit, and nothing happens. No points for an attempted kill or a kill regardless and it's just rediculous overall. I do believe it's some form of lag. Because in the game you're hitting the "image" of your target, yet the actual "target" is ahead of that image of it.
Do you think this issue will ever be resolved? or is it something which is just a part of the game?
I think it actually might just be a short lapse in your internet of sorts. I don't think this is bothering anyone else, and if it is, they haven't mentioned it. Leave it alone, see if it resolves itself. If it doesn't bug EA about it, or fiddle around with your settings and get a bandwidth tester to check out all possible problems and solutions.
Tah for the suggestion. Id +1 you but ive already done that. lol.
Meh, it's cool. Not a biggy. Glad to help. That and I'm sorta wrapped up so I can't actually play Bf2. >.>

Two letters.



The Karma Collector!
+233|7000|The Netherlands
I have got a rather simple question: what hand weapons are used in AF? I mean, is it the bf2v weapons for the Americans, or are there new ones like there were in EF?? I don't even know which sides are playing on those maps, can anyone tell me?
This isn't really relevant, but anyways, the sides are the same as in BF2. USMC, PLA (China), and MEC.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7057|The United Center
I would bet it's just somethign that's part of the game.  I didn't go too in depth with it, but a lot of it has to do with ping.  The game is programmed to try and make the game fair for everyone, regardless of whether your ping is 10 or 110.  When the hitbox data is stored serverside, it doesn't perfectly coincide with the model data because the server is actually predicting where it believes the hitbox should go, not necessarily where it is. 

It sounds odd, but you're actually better off with a ping right on the middle ground because then you'll see the model and hitbox line up better.  If you have a super low ping, you're seeing the model in a place before the hitbox is there so you're actually a bit ahead of the game.  If you have a high ping, then you're seeing the model behind where the hitbox is.

It's a bit tough to explain, but hopefully this makes it a bit easier to understand.
Theres no new weapons. Just air vehicles.
I have a gf aswell dude lol, well, fiancee. I still find time to play it
Yeah so do I, but not late at night. That would be when we talk. And talk. Which isn't bad mind you, but anyways...

And I know Elenor. No nothing really. A few new vehciles, but really not that great. It's only 10 dollars though so not THAT expensive.
its 6 quid well spent here. AF is way better that EF
Never had EF. Looked like a waste of money. Same for SF.

Did anyone notice that that's alot of F's in the second part of the title.

Guess EA gets alot of F's. >.>
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7057|The United Center
Well, it does make it a lot easier to remember...BF, SF, EF, AF.

Also, yeah, AF is far superior to EF.  In the two days I've had AF, I've already played it more than the two months I've had EF.
The Karma Collector!
+233|7000|The Netherlands
Haven't got any of those booster packs yet, and I don't feel any sorry. Spent $80 on BF2(SF) already and I find that quite enough for now, it's not that EA deserves any profit in making an expanded "patch" if you ask me, because that's just what those boosters seem to me, they would have been great if they were just free patches, but noooo EA tries to steal as much money as they can for the least amount of work it can cost them! Anyway, just my opinion so wth, let's just play this game
And then they make patches for their patches for their fixes. Gotta love them EA boys.

And AF is worth it, only reason SF was worth it is because of the extra unlock. And only because SF features more squad based combat rather than vehicles.
The Karma Collector!
+233|7000|The Netherlands
Is there any way to test AF in Single Player? I mean, without really buying it? I once had a mod which turned all the weapons into EF unlocks, just in Single Player, and I downloaded a map on which EF played, even their chopper and jet were on the map, again, without buying it, but in Single Player, or unranked online.

So, is there a way for me to "test" the A-10 without having to buy AF?
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7057|The United Center
Not that I know of, no.  You're going to be disappointed in the A-10, just so you know.  The Little Bird, however, that thing is sex.  I've had six rounds now where I've had over 40 kills and no deaths using it.  It's absolutely insane.  Best vehicle in the game, hands down.
The Karma Collector!
+233|7000|The Netherlands
The Little Bird? What weapons does the pilot control than? Rockets (like a Cobra) or a minigun? And is there a gunner seat? Or can people sit on the side-bars? I bet this chopper is very manouvrable than isn't it?

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