I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that statement about doing it right the first time. If we would have done things right, we would have marched our asses strait into Bagdahd and dropped the 'hammer of liberty" back in 1991. Nobody sees the future to the extent of knowing how a huge regional conflict will turn out. The only thing that is a given fact is that we have to do what we can TODAY, in order to try and ensure positive growth.JG1567JG wrote:
Your British soldiers are paying for it with their Blood as are ours. Nothings Free. Freedom is not Free.RicardoBlanco wrote:
...and how did the americans get it free? I'd be surprised if it'd been a gift...
Maybe the new PM gave it to us for rigging the Iraqi Elections.
Just because we will have an Embassy doesn't mean we are going to take all the oil or control the country.
104 Acres---We Americans feal if you are going to do it, you might as well do it right the first time
Personally, I could give a shit if a person is Liberal or Conservitive. It's up to both sides to quit their God damn bitchin', and work to make this situation stabalize as quickly as possible. Unfortunately for the Iraqis, it seems that even they don't give a damn about what happens in their own land. It's time for them to quit hanging on the tablecloth of big government and take some friggin' inituative. Sack up, and show the middle east how great your country could be instead of constantly hiding behind doors.