we live in a fucked up world where all that matters are our personal material possession and not doing what is RIGHT.
I absolutely LOVE the part where it says "after a day of waiting my friend HAD to go out and pend $300 on a new sidekick". What a joke. Who HAS to spend this kind of money on something like this. I feel very little for this girl because she seems pretty spoiled to me. A simple cell phone won't do, she needs the ABSOLUTE BEST, not that I am saying she deserved to have her phone stolen, but hey, you have something nice and someone else will take it from you. Does anyone feel that the phone would not have been returned had it been an everyday very common sort of phone? I think it would have been returned or at least not kept as some prized possesion by the lowly people that found it in the first place. I personally would have returned the phone if you were wondering.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7073|Toronto Canada
haha that thief bitch got owned!! i think she is dyslexic to be honest. same with her brother and friend. look at their myspace accounts.

I know, tehy tipe lyke tis!11!!!!!!!!!!!!loooooooooooooooooooooooool uuuuuuuuu cnat tutch meeeeee11!1!!! omfgz0rs. I hope they get some humilliation and jail time. I emailed him too
lol hiliarious
has joined the GOP

bs6749 wrote:

I absolutely LOVE the part where it says "after a day of waiting my friend HAD to go out and pend $300 on a new sidekick". What a joke. Who HAS to spend this kind of money on something like this. I feel very little for this girl because she seems pretty spoiled to me. A simple cell phone won't do, she needs the ABSOLUTE BEST, not that I am saying she deserved to have her phone stolen, but hey, you have something nice and someone else will take it from you. Does anyone feel that the phone would not have been returned had it been an everyday very common sort of phone? I think it would have been returned or at least not kept as some prized possesion by the lowly people that found it in the first place. I personally would have returned the phone if you were wondering.
fuck you. you are an idiot. these people are dirt shit poor, they wouldn't have returned it if it was one of those shitty child phones they make now. yeah, she has to have the best. so the fuck what? if people want nice things they can have them. and you never know, maybe she DOES need a sidekick. maybe it has other features she uses for work or school. you, sir, have no fucking idea what spoiled is. watch one of MTVs reality TV shows before you go call somebody spoiled. how is buying a phone you like spoiled anyways? i hope you die in a flaming wreck of a truck carrying sidekicks.

(we should take bets on how much negative karma i get for this)

I've got 20 bucks on at least five. You're at 18 now.
has joined the GOP
What the Deuce?
This is some funny stuff, I hope it goes on for a while!
has joined the GOP

Ender2309 wrote:

bs6749 wrote:

I absolutely LOVE the part where it says "after a day of waiting my friend HAD to go out and pend $300 on a new sidekick". What a joke. Who HAS to spend this kind of money on something like this. I feel very little for this girl because she seems pretty spoiled to me. A simple cell phone won't do, she needs the ABSOLUTE BEST, not that I am saying she deserved to have her phone stolen, but hey, you have something nice and someone else will take it from you. Does anyone feel that the phone would not have been returned had it been an everyday very common sort of phone? I think it would have been returned or at least not kept as some prized possesion by the lowly people that found it in the first place. I personally would have returned the phone if you were wondering.
fuck you. you are an idiot. these people are dirt shit poor, they wouldn't have returned it if it was one of those shitty child phones they make now. yeah, she has to have the best. so the fuck what? if people want nice things they can have them. and you never know, maybe she DOES need a sidekick. maybe it has other features she uses for work or school. you, sir, have no fucking idea what spoiled is. watch one of MTVs reality TV shows before you go call somebody spoiled. how is buying a phone you like spoiled anyways? i hope you die in a flaming wreck of a truck carrying sidekicks.

(we should take bets on how much negative karma i get for this)
GREAT RANT! You obviously can't read though. I said that she didn't deserve to have it stolen and that I would have returned it. So why fuck me? Because I don't watch the precious MTV shows that you do? There is some good quality programming. Not setup at all I may add too. It is great for the feable minded person. Congratulations on liking this show. Could someone please answer me why anyone cares about karma points anyway?
Who is dirt shit poor? The people that stole the phone, as I claimed were lowly? Or are you referring to the "poor girl" that spent $300 on the phone? Anyone know of a school that makes you have a $300 phone? I don't. Possibly work, but then they should pay some sort of compensation if they were any kind of decent employer in the first place, not to mention the fact that if this WERE required by an employer, the girl is probably making GOOD MONEY so she lost very little.
And ALSO as I stated, the girl IS entitled to what she wants. But if you have something nice, someone will try to take it from you. A suggestion would be to try and read the posts before firing away aimlessly next time. Have a good day sir.
has joined the GOP

bs6749 wrote:

Ender2309 wrote:

bs6749 wrote:

I absolutely LOVE the part where it says "after a day of waiting my friend HAD to go out and pend $300 on a new sidekick". What a joke. Who HAS to spend this kind of money on something like this. I feel very little for this girl because she seems pretty spoiled to me. A simple cell phone won't do, she needs the ABSOLUTE BEST, not that I am saying she deserved to have her phone stolen, but hey, you have something nice and someone else will take it from you. Does anyone feel that the phone would not have been returned had it been an everyday very common sort of phone? I think it would have been returned or at least not kept as some prized possesion by the lowly people that found it in the first place. I personally would have returned the phone if you were wondering.
fuck you. you are an idiot. these people are dirt shit poor, they wouldn't have returned it if it was one of those shitty child phones they make now. yeah, she has to have the best. so the fuck what? if people want nice things they can have them. and you never know, maybe she DOES need a sidekick. maybe it has other features she uses for work or school. you, sir, have no fucking idea what spoiled is. watch one of MTVs reality TV shows before you go call somebody spoiled. how is buying a phone you like spoiled anyways? i hope you die in a flaming wreck of a truck carrying sidekicks.

(we should take bets on how much negative karma i get for this)
GREAT RANT! You obviously can't read though. I said that she didn't deserve to have it stolen and that I would have returned it. So why fuck me? Because I don't watch the precious MTV shows that you do? There is some good quality programming. Not setup at all I may add too. It is great for the feable minded person. Congratulations on liking this show. Could someone please answer me why anyone cares about karma points anyway?
Who is dirt shit poor? The people that stole the phone, as I claimed were lowly? Or are you referring to the "poor girl" that spent $300 on the phone? Anyone know of a school that makes you have a $300 phone? I don't. Possibly work, but then they should pay some sort of compensation if they were any kind of decent employer in the first place, not to mention the fact that if this WERE required by an employer, the girl is probably making GOOD MONEY so she lost very little.
And ALSO as I stated, the girl IS entitled to what she wants. But if you have something nice, someone will try to take it from you. A suggestion would be to try and read the posts before firing away aimlessly next time. Have a good day sir.
hold up a second. eat your own words son. i never said i liked nor watched any MTV shows. just that the people on them are spoiled. something easily realized by channel surfing. so, you sir can't read enough. yep, i am calling the lowly people dirt shit poor. and i never said it was REQUIRED, just needed.

from that website we learned this: sidekicks upload their data to a global server. so, if she was using say, a day planner function or a calander, well, obviously she would have no choice but to get a second sidekick, if only to recover her schedule data.

as well, Mr. A+ reader, did I EVER say you were dirt because you felt she deserved it stolen or that you were a POS because you would have kept it? no.

A suggestion would be to try and read the posts before firing away aimlessly next time. Have a good day sir.

Ender2309 wrote:

bs6749 wrote:

Ender2309 wrote:

fuck you. you are an idiot. these people are dirt shit poor, they wouldn't have returned it if it was one of those shitty child phones they make now. yeah, she has to have the best. so the fuck what? if people want nice things they can have them. and you never know, maybe she DOES need a sidekick. maybe it has other features she uses for work or school. you, sir, have no fucking idea what spoiled is. watch one of MTVs reality TV shows before you go call somebody spoiled. how is buying a phone you like spoiled anyways? i hope you die in a flaming wreck of a truck carrying sidekicks.

(we should take bets on how much negative karma i get for this)
GREAT RANT! You obviously can't read though. I said that she didn't deserve to have it stolen and that I would have returned it. So why fuck me? Because I don't watch the precious MTV shows that you do? There is some good quality programming. Not setup at all I may add too. It is great for the feable minded person. Congratulations on liking this show. Could someone please answer me why anyone cares about karma points anyway?
Who is dirt shit poor? The people that stole the phone, as I claimed were lowly? Or are you referring to the "poor girl" that spent $300 on the phone? Anyone know of a school that makes you have a $300 phone? I don't. Possibly work, but then they should pay some sort of compensation if they were any kind of decent employer in the first place, not to mention the fact that if this WERE required by an employer, the girl is probably making GOOD MONEY so she lost very little.
And ALSO as I stated, the girl IS entitled to what she wants. But if you have something nice, someone will try to take it from you. A suggestion would be to try and read the posts before firing away aimlessly next time. Have a good day sir.
hold up a second. eat your own words son. i never said i liked nor watched any MTV shows. just that the people on them are spoiled. something easily realized by channel surfing. so, you sir can't read enough. yep, i am calling the lowly people dirt shit poor. and i never said it was REQUIRED, just needed.

from that website we learned this: sidekicks upload their data to a global server. so, if she was using say, a day planner function or a calander, well, obviously she would have no choice but to get a second sidekick, if only to recover her schedule data.

as well, Mr. A+ reader, did I EVER say you were dirt because you felt she deserved it stolen or that you were a POS because you would have kept it? no.

A suggestion would be to try and read the posts before firing away aimlessly next time. Have a good day sir.
I was assuming that you watched the shows on there because you seemed to know the kind of stuff they have on...fair enough? Seems like a pretty normal assumption if you ask me.

No, you didn't say that I was dirt or a POS but you did come out saying, "Fuck you. you are an idiot" if you don't remember go ahead and look at YOUR OPENING LINE. The opening line is basically what summed up your great input and yourself as a person as well.

Isn't something that is "needed" the same as being "required"? I guess maybe you are a little confused on the meanings of these two words. Either that or I am wrong. Probably me again. It must be the MTV that I watch that is misinforming me.

BTW I don't EVER remember saying that you called me names or whatever you think I meant. Where did you find this info? Surely not in my post... maybe you just made that up too. Oh well. Stick and stones...

I believe it's down.
has joined the GOP

bs6749 wrote:

Ender2309 wrote:

bs6749 wrote:

GREAT RANT! You obviously can't read though. I said that she didn't deserve to have it stolen and that I would have returned it. So why fuck me? Because I don't watch the precious MTV shows that you do? There is some good quality programming. Not setup at all I may add too. It is great for the feable minded person. Congratulations on liking this show. Could someone please answer me why anyone cares about karma points anyway?
Who is dirt shit poor? The people that stole the phone, as I claimed were lowly? Or are you referring to the "poor girl" that spent $300 on the phone? Anyone know of a school that makes you have a $300 phone? I don't. Possibly work, but then they should pay some sort of compensation if they were any kind of decent employer in the first place, not to mention the fact that if this WERE required by an employer, the girl is probably making GOOD MONEY so she lost very little.
And ALSO as I stated, the girl IS entitled to what she wants. But if you have something nice, someone will try to take it from you. A suggestion would be to try and read the posts before firing away aimlessly next time. Have a good day sir.
hold up a second. eat your own words son. i never said i liked nor watched any MTV shows. just that the people on them are spoiled. something easily realized by channel surfing. so, you sir can't read enough. yep, i am calling the lowly people dirt shit poor. and i never said it was REQUIRED, just needed.

from that website we learned this: sidekicks upload their data to a global server. so, if she was using say, a day planner function or a calander, well, obviously she would have no choice but to get a second sidekick, if only to recover her schedule data.

as well, Mr. A+ reader, did I EVER say you were dirt because you felt she deserved it stolen or that you were a POS because you would have kept it? no.

A suggestion would be to try and read the posts before firing away aimlessly next time. Have a good day sir.
I was assuming that you watched the shows on there because you seemed to know the kind of stuff they have on...fair enough? Seems like a pretty normal assumption if you ask me.

No, you didn't say that I was dirt or a POS but you did come out saying, "Fuck you. you are an idiot" if you don't remember go ahead and look at YOUR OPENING LINE. The opening line is basically what summed up your great input and yourself as a person as well.

Isn't something that is "needed" the same as being "required"? I guess maybe you are a little confused on the meanings of these two words. Either that or I am wrong. Probably me again. It must be the MTV that I watch that is misinforming me.

BTW I don't EVER remember saying that you called me names or whatever you think I meant. Where did you find this info? Surely not in my post... maybe you just made that up too. Oh well. Stick and stones...
sigh... wrote:

need- A condition or situation in which something is required or wanted wrote:

re·quired -Needed; essential: missing several required parts.
therefore, a requirement is the same as a need, but a need is not neccesarily a requirement.
what i meant ( i was pretty sure this was obvious, guess not) was that if it was required the job/school/whatever would have told her she absolutely HAD to have it. by need i meant she had a PERSONAL reason to have it.

secondly, lets try to refrain from pulling posts into this farther than one back, k? it just serves as a personal attack, albeit a weak one.

I said that she didn't deserve to have it stolen and that I would have returned it. so why fuck me?
i never said that you said i called you names. what i did was rebuke this statement. my original post has NOTHING to do with this line, but you responded to it primarily as though i had. but to answer that question, i said "fuck you" because you were belittling and attacking this girl.

It must be the MTV that I watch that is misinforming me.
but, lets try to keep from attacks in order to keep this from getting closed, k?

No, you didn't say that I was dirt or a POS but you did come out saying, "Fuck you. you are an idiot" if you don't remember go ahead and look at YOUR OPENING LINE. The opening line is basically what summed up your great input and yourself as a person as well.
thanks for the compliment.
about the first thing, yes, fair enough, and i concede that to you with dignity and grace.

oh, btw, people care about karma because its FUN. its another form of competition, which is FUN.
Property of BF2s©
+112|6890|Brisbane Australia
Im tempted to load that up onto one of my hosts to help him out a bit with space and bandwidth.

I just hope he gets the Justice he is striving for and that this doenst end up as some poor taste joke.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7073|Toronto Canada
that site is insane! i cant believe the traffic in 2 days! that bitch is a star already!

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