hmm what can i say? sounds like a rapper
Metal FTW!!!! (the music type that is )
A mere shadow - you sound like a Metal Gear Solid player with a name like that, and that makes you cool
Alpha...alpha...what? Sorry, too busy drooling over sig
Lol, wondering what people have to say about my name.
Lol, wondering what people have to say about my name.
sounds like saladfingers
Just like the guy on mortal combat.
Wern't you played by robert deniro in taxi, or perhaps you were the baddy in lethal weapon 3
jinto sk???????
is that foriegn lol
is that foriegn lol
lol no it was the name I made up to play KOTOR on the Xbox,then used for SWG so it is now my online name
Mad Scotsman -pretty self explanitary really
Mad Scotsman -pretty self explanitary really
i just thought i would be quite funny to see, "you have been killed by a mad scotsman" in game, no other reason for the name.
mad scotsman because its is a cold day and the marbles are hibernating for the winter
Rhymes with umm arselick, can't fink of anything clever, no offence of course Mr Arsenic.
1927..What happened that year
Why not S shadow ? ;P
Last edited by Big McLargehuge (2006-06-06 17:10:53)
Big McLargehuge. Definitely original as I've never seen it before, haha. I might start usin that name with the ladies at the bars, lol.
big mclarge huge,,,you stole my sig