Member since 2005
+44|7084|Kansas, USA

Psycho wrote:

More Americans died in the Civil War than all the other wars combined.

RicardoBlanco wrote:

As for your comment on number of deaths in the American civil war, it's plain WW2 5.5 million jews alone died. I believe the WW1 figure for casualties was roughly 18 million...only 700,000 died in the american civil war.
Reread what I said. I was specifically referring to American (U.S.) deaths. This was not to belittle deaths of people from other countries through various conflicts, only to highlight that in our country there were more deaths of our citizens in that one conflict which was between it's own citizens than in all the other conflicts which were against other countries.

And, my numbers were slightly off. In the Civil War there were approximately 558,000 deaths and in all other wars that the US has fought it, the total of all deaths is approximately 638,000. So, the Civil War deaths are not more than all the other war deaths combine, but they are roughly equal [Reference]. However, if you consider the deaths as a proportion of the overall population at the time it is much greater for the Civil War.

Again, my point was that the deaths from the Civil War are much. much higher than the deaths from any war in which we fought people from another country.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6850|Texas - Bigger than France

RicardoBlanco wrote:

Devil's Advocate, and I don't understand what you mean about "I've read some of your posts which may disagree with the "I don't impose myself..." comment you made."............such as?
Whoops - you're right.  I reread some of your stuff.  It's not you - it just seen your name associated with some negative threads.  I guess I've seen some threads you started that have degraded to cultural bias, usually ugly, which I assumed was baiting.  This is not true.  Of course, you just posed the question and walked away, so I apologize for getting this mixed up.

Racism is terrible - I was worried you were making the point that racism is part of nature.  And because racism influences decision making - minimizing it's impact is always a concern.
Decepticons forever!
In Sweden you generally dont talk about races, the standard opinion is that all human beeings are the same, no matter the color of your skin. the differences is what neo-nazis and racists feeds of, we should all really stop using the word race when it comes to a human beeing, why not just call us humans?

xXSarnathXx wrote:

In Sweden you generally dont talk about races, the standard opinion is that all human beeings are the same, no matter the color of your skin. the differences is what neo-nazis and racists feeds of, we should all really stop using the word race when it comes to a human beeing, why not just call us humans?
Because people need votes. no races = no racism = nothing to complain about.

perceived racism = fodder for politicians, proposed social programs to help "repressed minorities".
The English

Pug wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

Devil's Advocate, and I don't understand what you mean about "I've read some of your posts which may disagree with the "I don't impose myself..." comment you made."............such as?
Whoops - you're right.  I reread some of your stuff.  It's not you - it just seen your name associated with some negative threads.  I guess I've seen some threads you started that have degraded to cultural bias, usually ugly, which I assumed was baiting.  This is not true.  Of course, you just posed the question and walked away, so I apologize for getting this mixed up.

Racism is terrible - I was worried you were making the point that racism is part of nature.  And because racism influences decision making - minimizing it's impact is always a concern.

Just exploring ideas is all, this is a debate section so lets all throw some ideas around. Racism, the way I understand it IS terrible, natural human instincts however are not necessarily so...

RicardoBlanco wrote:

Is it purely that one relates to human beings and the other to animals i.e you get different breeds of dog and different races of human.
No difference.  We like to use different names for things that describe humans ... so as to seperate ourselves from the animals we all really are.
The English

remo wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

Is it purely that one relates to human beings and the other to animals i.e you get different breeds of dog and different races of human.
No difference.  We like to use different names for things that describe humans ... so as to seperate ourselves from the animals we all really are.
I think we have to differentiate to a degree, our minds are much more developed in logical thinking than those of animals...

Would an animal have the ability, however, to hate another of the same breed purely because of what breed it was (say for example the pitbulls fucking hating the poodles) and are there any examples in nature?
Interesting topic. Just to make it more interesting:

Black people are a lot better at running short and long distances, that a fact. If we all are Humans, why are they better at some thing ? Why are we better at some thing ? I'm white. Saying that white=black=red=yellow makes no sense. 2 Apples from different trees taste different, but still they are 2 apples. It is taboo to discus things like that, but this doesn't mean that there is no difference.

If you would take 3 islands, put 10 people in each of them, 10 African, 10 Asian, 10 White, from all over the world ( different cultures ). An if we would monitor those groups in a matter of time, i bet 10$ that there would be a lot of differences in each group.

What are your ideas on those 2 ^^ ??? 

We can't say which race is better or worse, but saying that we are equal is dumb. A 2 year child could find a difference between a white and a black man.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6850|Texas - Bigger than France

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Interesting topic. Just to make it more interesting:

Black people are a lot better at running short and long distances, that a fact. If we all are Humans, why are they better at some thing ? Why are we better at some thing ? I'm white. Saying that white=black=red=yellow makes no sense. 2 Apples from different trees taste different, but still they are 2 apples. It is taboo to discus things like that, but this doesn't mean that there is no difference.

If you would take 3 islands, put 10 people in each of them, 10 African, 10 Asian, 10 White, from all over the world ( different cultures ). An if we would monitor those groups in a matter of time, i bet 10$ that there would be a lot of differences in each group.

What are your ideas on those 2 ^^ ??? 

We can't say which race is better or worse, but saying that we are equal is dumb. A 2 year child could find a difference between a white and a black man.
Please prove the following racist statements scientifically:

1) Black people a better runners
2) Being white, your racial makeup allows you to do what better?
3) Three island theory - prove that race is the driving difference between the groups and not isolation from the other groups
4) Other than skin color, what are the differences a two year old cite that we would brand as racism?

Please shut this thread down...

Pug wrote:

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Interesting topic. Just to make it more interesting:

Black people are a lot better at running short and long distances, that a fact. If we all are Humans, why are they better at some thing ? Why are we better at some thing ? I'm white. Saying that white=black=red=yellow makes no sense. 2 Apples from different trees taste different, but still they are 2 apples. It is taboo to discus things like that, but this doesn't mean that there is no difference.

If you would take 3 islands, put 10 people in each of them, 10 African, 10 Asian, 10 White, from all over the world ( different cultures ). An if we would monitor those groups in a matter of time, i bet 10$ that there would be a lot of differences in each group.

What are your ideas on those 2 ^^ ??? 

We can't say which race is better or worse, but saying that we are equal is dumb. A 2 year child could find a difference between a white and a black man.
Please prove the following racist statements scientifically:

1) Black people a better runners
2) Being white, your racial makeup allows you to do what better?
3) Three island theory - prove that race is the driving difference between the groups and not isolation from the other groups
4) Other than skin color, what are the differences a two year old cite that we would brand as racism?

Please shut this thread down...
Lets take a person from Siberia and Africa.

1) Short and chubby, to preserve heat
2) Tall and slim, to resist heat

So now those to guys are in Sahara desert. Both are walking along, after few hours, the guy from Siberia starts to lose to much water, his body temperature rises, he can't walk in these conditions...

We all are different, we have adapted to our native climate and our way of life. Is Siberian guy a racist ? Coz his body can't adapt to new conditions ? It is a fact that our bodies resemble the conditions that we live in.

Races are different, oposing this is senseless. The differences aren't only of physical level...
um.........................and........why r we talking about this in the "seriouse and debate talk" section again?

I'm in a race to breed.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6850|Texas - Bigger than France

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Lets take a person from Siberia and Africa.

1) Short and chubby, to preserve heat
2) Tall and slim, to resist heat

So now those to guys are in Sahara desert. Both are walking along, after few hours, the guy from Siberia starts to lose to much water, his body temperature rises, he can't walk in these conditions...

We all are different, we have adapted to our native climate and our way of life. Is Siberian guy a racist ? Coz his body can't adapt to new conditions ? It is a fact that our bodies resemble the conditions that we live in.

Races are different, oposing this is senseless. The differences aren't only of physical level...
Ok, I sort of give up.  You aren't getting it based on using another stereotype.

You should be able to prove genetically that:
1) Siberians are fat
2) Africans are skinny

This would be in addition to the statements you made before.

Here's the point you missed...write it down...If I'm a black guy how much faster am I than a white guy?  If I have a black grandfather does this make me 25% faster?  What physiological difference do I have as a white guy that makes me slower, because I think I might be able to outrun at least someone?

Specifically you are citing physical differences as well as others differences...I want to see the proof.  Refer me to wikipedia or something referencing "Black people are faster" or "Siberians are fat".

Racism = stereotypes.
The English

Pug wrote:

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Lets take a person from Siberia and Africa.

1) Short and chubby, to preserve heat
2) Tall and slim, to resist heat

So now those to guys are in Sahara desert. Both are walking along, after few hours, the guy from Siberia starts to lose to much water, his body temperature rises, he can't walk in these conditions...

We all are different, we have adapted to our native climate and our way of life. Is Siberian guy a racist ? Coz his body can't adapt to new conditions ? It is a fact that our bodies resemble the conditions that we live in.

Races are different, oposing this is senseless. The differences aren't only of physical level...
Ok, I sort of give up.  You aren't getting it based on using another stereotype.

You should be able to prove genetically that:
1) Siberians are fat
2) Africans are skinny

This would be in addition to the statements you made before.

Here's the point you missed...write it down...If I'm a black guy how much faster am I than a white guy?  If I have a black grandfather does this make me 25% faster?  What physiological difference do I have as a white guy that makes me slower, because I think I might be able to outrun at least someone?

Specifically you are citing physical differences as well as others differences...I want to see the proof.  Refer me to wikipedia or something referencing "Black people are faster" or "Siberians are fat".

Racism = stereotypes. … 0_2000.htm
GunSlinger OIF II

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Pug wrote:

BerkuT_gru wrote:

Interesting topic. Just to make it more interesting:

Black people are a lot better at running short and long distances, that a fact. If we all are Humans, why are they better at some thing ? Why are we better at some thing ? I'm white. Saying that white=black=red=yellow makes no sense. 2 Apples from different trees taste different, but still they are 2 apples. It is taboo to discus things like that, but this doesn't mean that there is no difference.

If you would take 3 islands, put 10 people in each of them, 10 African, 10 Asian, 10 White, from all over the world ( different cultures ). An if we would monitor those groups in a matter of time, i bet 10$ that there would be a lot of differences in each group.

What are your ideas on those 2 ^^ ??? 

We can't say which race is better or worse, but saying that we are equal is dumb. A 2 year child could find a difference between a white and a black man.
Please prove the following racist statements scientifically:

1) Black people a better runners
2) Being white, your racial makeup allows you to do what better?
3) Three island theory - prove that race is the driving difference between the groups and not isolation from the other groups
4) Other than skin color, what are the differences a two year old cite that we would brand as racism?

Please shut this thread down...
Lets take a person from Siberia and Africa.

1) Short and chubby, to preserve heat
2) Tall and slim, to resist heat

So now those to guys are in Sahara desert. Both are walking along, after few hours, the guy from Siberia starts to lose to much water, his body temperature rises, he can't walk in these conditions...

We all are different, we have adapted to our native climate and our way of life. Is Siberian guy a racist ? Coz his body can't adapt to new conditions ? It is a fact that our bodies resemble the conditions that we live in.

Races are different, oposing this is senseless. The differences aren't only of physical level...
Joseph Mengele believed the same exact thing, hey he was a doctor too.
Black is a race, White is a race, Hispanic is a race.

The N***er who gang bangs and robs people is a breed, the White trash that lynch's people and lives in a trailor is a breed and the Wet***k's who jump the border and work illegally are a breed.

Kind of like a pure bred dog at the Westminster Dog Show is a race(breed for animal) and the dog in the street covered in mud and humping your leg is a mutt (breed in human).

My take on it anyways.
GunSlinger OIF II
cougar, did you know that the US army does not acknowledge hispanic as being a race.  What would you consider someone from Spain?

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

cougar, did you know that the US army does not acknowledge hispanic as being a race.  What would you consider someone from Spain?

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