What exactly is the karma feature for???
if someone likes what you said/did they give you positive.
if someone doesnt like what you said/did or if theyre just an asshole they give you negative.
im guessing its suppost to give people an idea if your helpfull or not, and its a incentive to be good.
if someone doesnt like what you said/did or if theyre just an asshole they give you negative.
im guessing its suppost to give people an idea if your helpfull or not, and its a incentive to be good.
Read this:
And this:
Use the Search. Wash, rinse, repeat as necessary and wipe hands on pants.
And this:
Use the Search. Wash, rinse, repeat as necessary and wipe hands on pants.
Please search.
But ill tell you anyways, if someone is a smacktard and posts random crap then people will give them -1.
If someone is helpful, funny or just does something non-smacktardish they might get a +1 karma.
If you look i have 62 karma. That means that people have given me 62 + Karma because they think im funny or something..
But ill tell you anyways, if someone is a smacktard and posts random crap then people will give them -1.
If someone is helpful, funny or just does something non-smacktardish they might get a +1 karma.
If you look i have 62 karma. That means that people have given me 62 + Karma because they think im funny or something..