UnOriginalNuttah wrote:
Horseman 77 is being sued for misrepresenting the news to suit his own aims.
-A single veteran is bringing the case, saying that him and his wife suffer $85 million worth of trauma because he claims he is quoted out of context
-Horsey still won't stop going on about of a few seconds in a whole film which was blatantly and obviously slowed down, and gave time for the voice over.
-Charlton Heston is clearly a lunatic anyway, and so what if they add continuity shots or re-dubbed parts, this is common practice in many documentaries and news reports.
-If people don't want what they said to be used in the same context that they spoke them in, they they should know better than to talk to a camera. I for one don't even remember that bit of the film, but going by the quote of the dialog used, I severely doubt that the guy suffered any loss of reputation, seeing as he only appeared in the film for a few moments and wasn't actually described as being opposed to the war in any narrative, and couldn't be inferred to be opposed to the war from the quote which was used. And in fact, by the time it even came out on DVD he had put his position straight in Fahrenhype 9/11.
-The message is not invalidated because people like Horseman refuse to hear it, instead focusing on whether they 'like' the person presenting it, even if they think it is.
...and you just wish he was Canadian, Major_Spittle.
My .02:
Friends of mine served when Moore did his documentary in Iraq. They are severely pissed at him because after the hundreds of interviews he did where the soldiers showed support for Bush and this country, he threw out their comments and put in the 5 or so people he could find that supported his position (anti-war/bush).
Michael Moore is a piece of shit who, if I saw today, I would gladly take a baseball bat to...
He's a lying manipulator who didn't film a documentary, but rather a piece of fiction.
I hope he gets killed in a drive by...