l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:

I am a part time ghost hunter, kinda like my hobby.  I have numerous EVP's that i track, clean up and listen to for clues on why the spirits are still roaming.  I have over 200 EVP's, only 40 or 50 of them are coherent words.  And only 2 have been threatening in nature, mostly of defense of their dwelling.  Like "stay away", but nothing insulting or anything like that.  If you wanna try out EVP, its pretty fun and creepy.  its all over the net if you google EVP, it will bring up how to do it or many ways to do it.  Have fun.
Care to send us a few of your EVP's somehow?
U.S. > Iran

Vaelman wrote:

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

he said no...but his stomach hurt really bad like an ache you get after running along time and are out of shape, and it was only in one spot
1/2 dollar size? one side? left or right?

Dont mean to be naggy..
he said it was right about fist size, and it was on the right side

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

he said it was right about fist size, and it was on the right side
Hurm, I'm not sure.  The stomache pain throws me off but if he is Christian I'd tell him to go get blessed or doused with holy water or something to be on the safe side.

If not Christian get some crystals or something for protection.  I hear demons take it personally when they fail at an attack.

Good luck.
U.S. > Iran
Im not sure....his friends dad who is a minister, I told him to talk to him, that he could help more than he might think.  And asked if he believed in God, and if not, I would get on the right side

thanks my friend
Interesting stories and experiences here.  Unfortunately I haven't experienced anything out of the ordinary; however, even though I can be quite skeptical about things, I have always been interested in the possibilities of ghosts, aliens, and other phenomenon.

Just recently, about a week ago, my manager introduced me to a radio program called "Coast to Coast AM," which features talk about various phenomenon, odd encounters..you name it- its really addictive listening to.  If you've got the time, check to see if your local radio stations broadcast it: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/info/wheretolisten.html

They also have recordings of their broadcasts available through 'Streamlink', the sucky part is that you have to subscribe to hear it.

Last edited by subz3r0mkt (2006-05-31 23:11:42)

Here is a good site to see some interesting stuff

http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-soci … video.html
+35|7089|Phoenix, Az

smtt686 wrote:

i believe in aliens...just look at the grand canyon... u think that shit was caused by water??? i think not
I live in Arizona, and a few miles from the canyon so I go there often.
A team at ASU have done studies and they have found seeweed deep inside rocks.
But we will never know...
Expert Opportunity Misser
+9|6875|Bikini Bottom Germany
There are aliens but they want nothing to do with us human morons.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

Vaelman wrote:

Here is a good site to see some interesting stuff

http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-soci … video.html
Some weird stuff on there man, freaked me out.
+788|6974|Brisbane, Australia

d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:

I am a part time ghost hunter, kinda like my hobby.  I have numerous EVP's that i track, clean up and listen to for clues on why the spirits are still roaming.  I have over 200 EVP's, only 40 or 50 of them are coherent words.  And only 2 have been threatening in nature, mostly of defense of their dwelling.  Like "stay away", but nothing insulting or anything like that.  If you wanna try out EVP, its pretty fun and creepy.  its all over the net if you google EVP, it will bring up how to do it or many ways to do it.  Have fun.
Shit man, first time I did that, I listened for about 5 seconds and shit myself it was so scary, Man, this is a pretty serious thread


I use to frequent the forums there, 'enlightenment' possibly............
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

Towelly wrote:

Last two thoughts, slightly off topic, but I was thinking about these earlier, if the big bang theory is true, and the universe is constantly expanding, that means there has to be an edge. Now what happens at that edge??
The universe is expanding at or faster than the speed of light. As a result of this, nothing is ever able to reach the "edge".

"Redshift" will explain the universe is expanding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift

As for OBE or ghosts, I'm blank...


Superior Mind wrote:

I honstly don't believe in ghosts (they are the effect of high emps in areas that cause halusanations), but I hope they do exsist so I have something to do after I die. I believe in alien life, it has been discovered in a fosilized state on Mars (bacterium).
Actually they disproved that.  Turns out it was water molecule pockets or something to that effect.
do people really think if we die out, there won't be another planet with life on, jus empty universe? that would be a bit of a waste for a few million years till something else evolves DaMN CHRiSTIANS SAYiNG WE ARE THE  ONLY LIFEFORMS IN THE WHOLE WORLD N CREATED BY GOD, MY ASS!!!
+89|7032|Sheffield, England
if ya wanna read about ufo's


and the search box type ghosts
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

bennisboy wrote:

do people really think if we die out, there won't be another planet with life on, jus empty universe? that would be a bit of a waste for a few million years till something else evolves DaMN CHRiSTIANS SAYiNG WE ARE THE  ONLY LIFEFORMS IN THE WHOLE WORLD N CREATED BY GOD, MY ASS!!!
Selfish tbh lol
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6966|Land of =KBK=
I never go out hunting the afterlife.  Oh no.  But I have opened myself and my home to those that are traveling on their walk.  Some stop for a moment, some stop for a bit longer.  My sister's house in CO is always full of those making their final journey.  Just leave them alone and they will leave you alone.

I would like to hear some of those EVP's that you may have.  It's always cool to hear what they have to say.  If you can understand them that is.
+20|6872|Des Moines, IA
Other life forms in the Universe - of course.  Statistically, the odds are in favor of there being other life out there.  I don't know if it's "intelligent life", and there's no guarantee that it's evolved / advanced enough to visit us.  With all that being said, there is something enchanting about the thought of being visited by non-human life forms.  It's awefully tempting to believe that we've been visited before!  I hope we are visited "officially" in some documented form while I'm still around to enjoy it.

Yeti / Lochness Monsters / etc - Yes, some of them.  There must be undiscovered / unclassified species of animals in the world.  We haven't even explored all of "inner space", let alone "outer space".

Ghosts / Supernatural - I'm not so sure.  I believe that our life force / energy / spirit / whatever continues to exist after we die (energy can be converted into something else, and matter can't be destroyed nor created - so where did we come from?)  I do believe in God (that's another thread), so it would make sense for our energy / life force / spirit / whatever to become part of God / or heaven or whatever when we die.  To me, ghosts and the paranormal are simply manifestations of those spirits on their way to heaven / hell / wherever. 

Maybe I'm just afraid to face the possibility that after we die everything just stops for us?  Boy, I hope not.
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6966|Land of =KBK=

wanderlost wrote:

Maybe I'm just afraid to face the possibility that after we die everything just stops for us?  Boy, I hope not.
Nope, everything does not just stop.  You just move on to a higher plane of existence and continue to help those around you.
Not really a Brit
Aliens: Yes they do exist. The universe is too big to deny that there is anything else out there.

Loch ness monster: Not necessarily the exact monster people claim to have seen, but there must be surviving prehistoric marine animals out there in the water somewhere. After all, crocodiles managed to survive. New species of insect/frog etc. are being discovered every day, so within reason, even new species of ape could be yet to be discovered.

Now ghosts is tricky. Obviously a part of you survives, you have energy stored inside you from the food you eat etc. which you use everyday to survive. Energy can't be created or destroyed, so what happens to it when you die. So yes, you continue to exist, as energy at least. It's not likely to be in a conscious state, and you won't be a person anymore with thoughts/feelings because those are products of (electrical?) currents in your brain.

Edit: forgot which was the main topic, lol.

Last edited by rh27 (2006-06-01 15:24:28)


wanderlost wrote:

Maybe I'm just afraid to face the possibility that after we die everything just stops for us?  Boy, I hope not.
And that is the reason religions gets started in the first place.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
A valid point my science teacher made was that nowadays UFO's are pretty much unheard of, But back in the day people thrived off of that sort of stuff and loved it when a new alien story came out, But now I hear none whatsoever... It was blatent that UFO's we're made up to keep people satisfied in the media.. Now we got other shit to keep us occupied no-one really bothers making up stories

But Aliens I do believe in..
Vagine Movie Thread Creator
great topic, i love the paranormal.  I've encountered a few things that definately raised my eyebrow, along with some friends of mine.  Remember that show FEAR on MTV? I'd love to go on that show if they ever did another season, would be a blast.
U.S. > Iran
Have any of you guys heard of "The Scariest Place On Earth", which is the Waverly Hills Sanitorium outside of Louisville, Ky?  Apperently there were lots and lots of people that died of tuberculosis.  Alot of patients that were psychotic among other problems.  Only reason I ask is because of a show on tv at the moment, where its a documentary on the place.  People in this show have found/encountered some fucked up stuff.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

Has anyone got any good websites with video's on showing apparitions etc.

I stumbled across this and decided to see how my thread done.
http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/11509 … ish_Forest
Chupacabra maybe?

EDIT: BTW That site has some sick stuff on it so watch out.

Last edited by Zeon. (2006-07-05 08:34:40)

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6997|Broadlands, VA
I've had one ghost experience that I **know** happened.  I was about 18 and still lived at home as I was commuting to University.  We had an eight year old english setter, Fellah, who suddenly developed a perforated spleen.  Anyway - the vet said we could let it go and he'd last "a while" or operate.  I chose to operate.  I said good bye to him & dropped him at the vet.  He never made it off the table and I felt like sh*t.

About a week later I was sound asleep, flat on my back (which I HATE).  I went to roll over and could not - I was pinned under by blankets.  So I sat up, reached down and patted Fellah on his rump and asked him to move over as he was curled up between my legs at knee level.  He got up, hopped of the bed & vashied, the spot where he was sleeping was still warm to the touch.  Oh, and as he hopped down I could hear his metal dog collar and tags jingle.  The ones I had in a small velvet bag in my desser drawer.

That's my experience.

Last edited by Kaosdad008 (2006-07-05 10:05:17)

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