Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6966|Land of =KBK=
First OBE. 

Wounded Knee.  The first one.  I can see the battle raging on below me.  I'm floating above the action.  I can see the village being massacred.  One of the women running is my sister and she is carrying my infant niece in her arms.  She is heading for the dry gulch looking for someplace safe to hide.  She never sees the soldier coming up on her and she is shot in the back.  My niece lived and was saved by a young male Indian.  At this point I try to get to my sister and when I get to her, I am no longer floating I am part of the battle, I hear a man say "No good Indian Squaw!" and I turn my head only to be knocked in the face with a rifle butt.

When I wake up the next morning and head downstairs to have some coffee my sister asked me who hit me and said that my eye was black.  I went in to the bathroom to check it out and there on my left eye is a bruise the shape of a rifle butt.

Explain that one! LOL
mad scotsman

Bahiti wrote:

Don't blame you there.

OK, along the same lines of ghosts.

OBE. .. Out of Body Experiences.  Anyone have any of those?

I've had three that I can honestly remember.  Two of them going back in time and one.. well I'm not sure what the time frame would be.  Could have been in the past.
only the time i was sitting in a hash dealers house (when i was younger and smoked a bit of weed) with some friends and we all got talking about OBE, all of a sudden EVRYONE just stopped talking and stared at me , say " what the fuks wrong , are you ok" then screeming my name constant, so i started saying ," you lot think im stupid ?stfu or ill kick your ass" ( i owned my mates) anyway ,they kept doing it so i was just laughing , thinking " these gyus are dumb as fuk" so 1 of my mates stood up and rushed towards me as if to shake me , but he went past me and seemed to be shaking something just behind me , so because i was so stonned , i jumped out my seat and turned round expecting to see my self out cold on the chair and guess what?? i wasnt there,,,oooohhhh the laughs they had,,,pricks lol,,,scared me for a second tho
The universe is Hugemongus take a look for yourself … ndex.html, thats alot of ground to cover or in other words space to cover and i wouldnt doubt it theres some aliean life form out there besides us. I am a religious person and i believe that there is ghost or paranormal life but what i dont believe is "Big Foot" and a "Lochness Monster", besides i was always thought from my father that big foot was a hairy bum running around in the forest with big feet(look at shaquile oneal), Lochness Monster was a fairy tale like santa clause in ireland but dont get me wrong i think there is creatures still to this day unkown to human that lives in the ocean/lakes/rivers, and as for Chupacabra its just a inbread with different types of animals lol.
Aliens - Yes - "What happens in Roswell stays in Roswell."  But really were in a small area of space, we can't be the only ones.

Ghosts - Yes - Personal Experience

Personal Experience -

A while ago my friend Mike committed suicide.  After the wake a bunch of friends and I were screwing around with a Ouija board cause we felt that our friend had followed us back from the wake.  Well we made contact with something that answered all the questions we asked to prove it was him.  A lot of the questions were ones that the other people on the board did not know.  It seemed that he didn't know that he was dead and was confused why some of us were in town (some of us were away at college).  It was strange but, it helped a lot of us get the closure we needed.  BTW for those of you who think that other people were making the answer, at one point is was moving by itself, and shortly after that we decided to put the board away.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Nothing like that for me, i'm boring lol. 1st OBE meaning there is more?
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6966|Land of =KBK=

mad scotsman wrote:

only the time i was sitting in a hash dealers house (when i was younger and smoked a bit of weed) with some friends and we all got talking about OBE, all of a sudden EVRYONE just stopped talking and stared at me , say " what the fuks wrong , are you ok" then screeming my name constant, so i started saying ," you lot think im stupid ?stfu or ill kick your ass" ( i owned my mates) anyway ,they kept doing it so i was just laughing , thinking " these gyus are dumb as fuk" so 1 of my mates stood up and rushed towards me as if to shake me , but he went past me and seemed to be shaking something just behind me , so because i was so stonned , i jumped out my seat and turned round expecting to see my self out cold on the chair and guess what?? i wasnt there,,,oooohhhh the laughs they had,,,pricks lol,,,scared me for a second tho
LMAO!! That would scare me too!!
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6909|Your attic
Ok, as I'm an opinionated sort of person, I'll go through my thoughts on each of these sorts of things

Although it would be nice to think that after are physical lives are over we evolve into some form of higher being/ghost, it doesn't truely make sense. I for one believe that once we die, we die, end of story, thou est worm food, the energy from your body is taken up as food by detritovores (feed on dead things) and used as either energy or heat. I guess I'm just scientific about it, however if I'm wrong I'll say hi to lucifer for you all

My mind switches around on this one, firstly in such a giant and expasive universe it seems almost impossible that even in our own galaxcy ( the milkyway) we are alone, hell if I remember right one of the moons of Pluto is essentially a giant Arctic, which would equal water, which would equal the possibiblity of life, and thats 2 planets/moons out of about 100. Not a massive amount, but 2 times several hundred billion is a rather large number. However, even out of those 2-300 billion planets (I realise it's probobly alot more) that could sustain life, for a planet to mantain an ecosystem as varied as our own, it would require all the factors that allowed life to flurish here to be applied to other planets. By factors I mean pressure, temperature, etc, and although I know little on the subject, it is quite widely thought that to develop a full and rich ecosystem, all of these random factors would have to be in perfect alignment. Obviously figures are impossible to even guess at, but theres still a chance that we truly are alone in this universe. Either way, for all we know these "aliens" could be far less evolved then us, and even if they did have all technology needed for long distant space transport, why would they come here??

Nessie, well someone said it before me, its most likely that a very large ancient reptile (possibly the Ichthyosaur[google it]) once swam up a open river and into Loch Ness, someone saw it, the legend started. Even if it was there, it certainly isn't now, countless people have gone up to Scotland looking for it, none have produced proof, I believe they even had a full sonar team on the Loch, and they found nothing.
The Bigfoot/Yeti appeals to my curious side, and it would be nice to think that we don't know everything about what goes on above the surface of the water. Again very little evidence, alot of hoaxes, possibly once long ago there were some giant apes, and again these may have brought legends on, but nowadays, with satalites that can read a registration plate on the ground and advanced survilence and tracking techniques, I doubt Bigfoot is out there.

Last two thoughts, slightly off topic, but I was thinking about these earlier, if the big bang theory is true, and the universe is constantly expanding, that means there has to be an edge. Now what happens at that edge??

Second relates to that, before the big bang (or whatever creation theory you believe in), what was there, even if there is a *God*, what was there before God?? Who created  God, and who created the person that created the person that created God?
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Ah yeh the good old Chupa, I wouldn't want one of those prowling round at night near me bh.
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6966|Land of =KBK=
Yes there are more.  Two more that I can say were OBE.  Others I'm not so sure about.

2nd OBE

Sand Creek.. Being there and watching as Black Kettle raises the flag that was suppose to let the soldiers know that his village was a peaceful one and then seeing him being shot.


This happened while meditating so I'm not real sure of the time frame. My great grandmother had already been dead for close to 10 years when this happened.

My great grandmother takes my hand and starts walking me towards this funeral byre.  On it I can see a girl's body.  Around it are dozens of white women crying.  My great grandmother then points  her finger at me and then raises her hand in a arch over her head and ends up pointing at the funeral byre.  She then takes my hand and leads me over to the women and I can see myself lying there.  The white women are about to light the fire.  I start crying and pleading with my grandmother when she then points back to where were first standing and there I see myself dressed in buckskins with Indian women around me. They are smudging me. 

Scared me at first until I saw the meaning behind the byre, the white women, and the Indian women.  It meant that I was to no longer walk the white man's road. I was to start my Journey on the Red Path and follow the teachings of my ancestors.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

Towelly wrote:

Last two thoughts, slightly off topic, but I was thinking about these earlier, if the big bang theory is true, and the universe is constantly expanding, that means there has to be an edge. Now what happens at that edge??

Second relates to that, before the big bang (or whatever creation theory you believe in), what was there, even if there is a *God*, what was there before God?? Who created  God, and who created the person that created the person that created God?
The list goes on and on mate, but if some day those questions were answered too a full explanation then I would be happy..
One night, when it was like big moon 'nd stuff, i like totally saw this cool red flashing light, i was totally like OMFG    A UFO!!!, Then like my mom came out side 'nd stuff, then she told me it was like just a airplane 'nd that its been more than 24 hours so i need to take my ridelin again, KTHXBAI.
mad scotsman
im someways i want to believe when you die you are still something but in a way i think whrn you die it will be like befor you were born,,,your just nothing again.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
I have actually seen a UFO as a big flashing red light, it darted across the sky alot though so it def. wasn't a plane... /thinks
One little thing: Its not possible for a human being to think: the end of the universe, because its endlessly big. You are thinking something that is growing and getting bigger, bigger, bigger in the end you may get disturbed in you brain.
mad scotsman
i come from a small town and we have a local newspaper, (although nothing happens ) , so some friends and i thought it would be cool to tell the paper we saw a ufo and they sent a photographer to take our picture s pointing at the sky where we apparently saw a ufo,,lmao noobs,,,we made the second page though lol
Death and the After life....

This is a big point of view question but I believe this...

You die...
You are a spirit till you are able to move on...
And then you are reborn to experience life again in another body be it animal or otherwise.
and then you die again ...
rinse and repeat.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
I'd like to think i'd be reborn but knowing what I know already. But that wont happen clearly even if I was reborn
U.S. > Iran
Apperently there is some coincidental situations right now....Im sitting here at my desk in my office, and my brother tells me this story of a couple nights ago.  And this is all copy and paste from his instant message, so I have nothing to do with what it ya go (spaced into paragraphs as i got each message)

the other night i was with my friends and walking down the street way out on 100S to oen of their houses and there are woods next to his house and we were about a house and a half away and i saw something shape like a C with 2 sharp points on the top it was all black silhouette and it slid out int othe middle of the street and un curled to an 8 foot tall thing and as soon as i saw it i drop the stuff in my hands and felt pulled down towards the ground and almost fell down but i grabbed my face and started screaming and as soon as i made a vocal sound the thing disapeared and my wholoe body went into a frozen numbness and lost control of what i was doing and my friends were scared too i started cryign when i was yelling and they i scream at them to get into his house as fast they oculd and not to go anywhere near that direction (i pointed) and then we got inside and it took like an hour to calm down

me and jordan went back out to see if anything was different or anything and we went to where it happend in the road and we were a good distance away from it but when i saw it i felt so much closer and when i saw it everything was brighter and it was insane

it was liek i was possesed or something and my friend derek his dads a minister and what not and he told he was positive it was a demon and that the only thing that could save me was jesus christ and he asked if he could pray for me cause he was worried about it and he stop me in the hallway to pray

Ill post more as he tells me
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Woah bugger that... I wouldn't want to encounter anything like that
I am British!
+124|7001|England and damn proud
wow thats freaky shit

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

"... as i saw it i drop the stuff in my hands and felt pulled down towards the ground and almost fell down but i grabbed my face and started screaming and as soon as i made a vocal sound the thing disapeared and my wholoe body went into a frozen numbness and lost control of what i was doing...
A friend of mine claimed to have had an experience with an attempted possession and described feelings of being pinned down.  Ask him if he got a headache shortly afterwards...  my friend complained of that...
U.S. > Iran
Here is more of my conversation with him.....or atleast what he says to me.

but ive been thinking about things that ive dreamed about or pictured randomly in my head for some reason in certain places and its not so pleasant

things are going weird

like a couple months ago

------This is my personal thoughts on this ------
i believe he was attacked by a demon...judging by what he said happened, and what he experienced...And FYI, this next part I am going to post from him....IMO is his perception of the Valley of Death..which some of you may know or heard of from the Bible.  This is a dream he had.....and to me, this sounds like his perception of it.

iahd this dream i was on a road there was a bridge but there was a valley type thing but on each side under the bridge were cement walls on each side with vines growing up them and coming onto the bridge and it was all forest and tress and stuff and i was on the bridge and look over the edge about 40 ft down was a creek in the valley part and i was down there and then after i was there the valley kinda curved off into the woods further and the creek opend to a pond surrounded by trees still but there was a big rock

and there was a body on it i couldnt tell if it was dead or asleep but either way it was someone i knew

my best friend that he loves and cares for so much but shes allways depressed and has tried suicide before and all this
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|7003|Hell's prison
I am a part time ghost hunter, kinda like my hobby.  I have numerous EVP's that i track, clean up and listen to for clues on why the spirits are still roaming.  I have over 200 EVP's, only 40 or 50 of them are coherent words.  And only 2 have been threatening in nature, mostly of defense of their dwelling.  Like "stay away", but nothing insulting or anything like that.  If you wanna try out EVP, its pretty fun and creepy.  its all over the net if you google EVP, it will bring up how to do it or many ways to do it.  Have fun.
U.S. > Iran

Vaelman wrote:

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

"... as i saw it i drop the stuff in my hands and felt pulled down towards the ground and almost fell down but i grabbed my face and started screaming and as soon as i made a vocal sound the thing disapeared and my wholoe body went into a frozen numbness and lost control of what i was doing...
A friend of mine claimed to have had an experience with an attempted possession and described feelings of being pinned down.  Ask him if he got a headache shortly afterwards...  my friend complained of that...
he said no...but his stomach hurt really bad like an ache you get after running along time and are out of shape, and it was only in one spot

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

he said no...but his stomach hurt really bad like an ache you get after running along time and are out of shape, and it was only in one spot
1/2 dollar size? one side? left or right?


Dont mean to be naggy.. :P

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