mad scotsman

Bahiti wrote:

OK .. let's say that you can see and talk to ghosts.  How would that make you feel?

Personally I can see them and I speak to them.  -karma if you like but some people are "portals" and can see those that have crossed over.  Call it a Native thing.  Being American Indian and following my path I have seen a few things that would scare the piss out of some people.  Seances (spell check) are a bit out there but so would a Sweat Lodge to most people that have never experienced one.  In the sweat lodge you are likely to see any number of things.  And no you do not do any drugs prior to going in.

On a personal level, here at home we have an elderly couple that lives here.  They are ghosts.  The old man loves to watch TV and when we are heading off to bed he will turn the living room light back on and the TV back on so he can watch.  His wife has a habit of hiding my apron when I need it the most.  Like when I am baking.  I give up looking for it and it will be on the counter.  She loves to play in the kitchen.  Though there is one room in our house that I absolutely refuse to go into.  It seems that there was a drug addict that hung himself in there and I can feel his presence.  It's not a good one.

I would have to believe in ghosts seeing as my name, Bahiti (pronounced like buy a tie), is the Comanche word for Ghost
when they "cross over" do you see them as what they looked like when they died or a spiritual vision or what they looked like in their prime or what?
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6965|Land of =KBK=

Just a bedroom that is full of junk right now.  My husband stores things in there.  But I can feel the energy and it is not good.  I had to go in there once to help move some things around and I couldn't breathe too good and there was a smell, almost of sulfur, that he couldn't smell but I could.  That's when I started asking questions about the house and who had lived here over the years.  It was built in the 50's and has a lot of activity.  Past activity from the live ones LOL.  My husband has lived here for 12 years and myself I have lived here 5 years. And only been in that room twice.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
If you refuse to go in there then get us a few shots of the old couple maybe?

If the energy from them isn't bad, it'd nice to see some nice examples of partitions.

Last edited by Zeon. (2006-05-31 18:53:22)

+23|6948|Chicago, IL

rustynutz wrote:

I Believe in aliens, a whole universe and we are the only things in it? fuck no!
Hell yeah, picture infinite space..... no borders.... we know there are other systems similar to ours (orbits and sun\stars), we can't be the only thing out here.
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6965|Land of =KBK=

mad scotsman wrote:

when they "cross over" do you see them as what they looked like when they died or a spiritual vision or what they looked like in their prime or what?
It depends.  I can see all the features of their face.  Yes they have expressions.  I see them fully clothed, Thank God for that one LOL.  But they are not "whole"  I can see the things behind them. 

For instance, my mother crossed over 6 years ago.  I remember how she looked when she died but when she comes to visit me I see her as she was when she was well.  Vibrant.  But yet my grandfather, I see him as he was when he died.  Pale and sickly.

I have seen the elders that have died in the Indian wars as they were the day they lost their life. 

It's a bit hard to explain.  But it just really depends on the circumstances of when they show themselves to me.
I am British!
+124|7000|England and damn proud

BallisticallyYours wrote:

rustynutz wrote:

I Believe in aliens, a whole universe and we are the only things in it? fuck no!
Hell yeah, picture infinite space..... no borders.... we know there are other systems similar to ours (orbits and sun\stars), we can't be the only thing out here.
Damn Straight
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6965|Land of =KBK=

Zeon. wrote:

If you refuse to go in there then get us a few shots of the old couple maybe?

If the energy from them isn't bad, it'd nice to see some nice examples of partitions.
I can try.  Catching them when I am wide awake is fun sometimes   The older lady is the funny one.  She just giggles when she is playing in the kitchen.  But I'll try to get some.  Can't make any promises though as I don't keep my dig cam on the ready so to speak LOL
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Meanwhile Bahiti

Whats your scariest enounter then? Bar the whole storage room thing

Last edited by Zeon. (2006-05-31 19:01:13)

mad scotsman
this shit is facinating,,,we all used to sit up late for hours talking about this stuff when we were kids , lol it s 3 am here and WELL past my bed time but i cant pull away from this topic,,,DAMN YOU ALL, ill sleep in for work tommorow and theyll ask why,,,what am i going to say,," sorry boss, stayed up late last night talking about ghosts on the net" ,,,boss" ok well that ok then".
U.S. > Iran
I have a friend that lives in Kokomo, Indiana (about an hour and half from me), and his house used to be haunted in one room.  The room was a pantry, but had a door that went outside as well.  It was the only haunted room in the house, and the door would fly open from time to time.  My friends dad didnt want him or his brother going in there when they were little.  He hammered a nail into the floor with the top still sticking out so you couldnt just open the door.  The next night after he and his brother got home from school, the nail was bent over and the door open.  He called his dad, and his dad told them to go across the street to the neighbors house.  Apparently the story is, the older couple that lived there, the woman hung herself in the pantry, and a couple years later the guy shot himself in the same room.  He tried putting a brick on the floor between a nail and the door, so that it couldnt just be pushed out of the way, and later that night after doing it, he (his dad) found the brick topled over the nail, and the door open again.  They always had problems with that room, until they renovated the house and knocked that room out and removed it from the house.

There is also a cemetary up there, that has a drive that is in the shape of a 6, and supposedly if you drive around it 3 times, and get out of your car, screwed up stuff happens, such as seeing your name on a gravestone, car locking you out, and just other eerie stuff.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

mad scotsman wrote:

this shit is facinating,,,we all used to sit up late for hours talking about this stuff when we were kids , lol it s 3 am here and WELL past my bed time but i cant pull away from this topic,,,DAMN YOU ALL, ill sleep in for work tommorow and theyll ask why,,,what am i going to say,," sorry boss, stayed up late last night talking about ghosts on the net" ,,,boss" ok well that ok then".
Good job i'm a kid, i'm f00king knackered mind you.

Lots of 3am nights get tiring on these damn forums
+2|6952|New Jersey
Personally I believe in Ghosts not aliens
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

I have a friend that lives in Kokomo, Indiana (about an hour and half from me), and his house used to be haunted in one room.  The room was a pantry, but had a door that went outside as well.  It was the only haunted room in the house, and the door would fly open from time to time.  My friends dad didnt want him or his brother going in there when they were little.  He hammered a nail into the floor with the top still sticking out so you couldnt just open the door.  The next night after he and his brother got home from school, the nail was bent over and the door open.  He called his dad, and his dad told them to go across the street to the neighbors house.  Apparently the story is, the older couple that lived there, the woman hung herself in the pantry, and a couple years later the guy shot himself in the same room.  He tried putting a brick on the floor between a nail and the door, so that it couldnt just be pushed out of the way, and later that night after doing it, he (his dad) found the brick topled over the nail, and the door open again.  They always had problems with that room, until they renovated the house and knocked that room out and removed it from the house.

There is also a cemetary up there, that has a drive that is in the shape of a 6, and supposedly if you drive around it 3 times, and get out of your car, screwed up stuff happens, such as seeing your name on a gravestone, car locking you out, and just other eerie stuff.
That seems freaky, alot of stuff like that happens but all the time you hear something like it, it doesn't get old lol.

Keep em coming,
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6965|Land of =KBK=

Zeon. wrote:

Meanwhile Bahiti

Whats your scariest encounter then? Bar the whole storage room thing
Barring the storage room ... I had lived in North Carolina in the mid 80's for a couple of months.  Was visiting some friends.  They had a fair amount of land and this old house in the middle, almost middle, of it.  Was up late watching some cop show on the idiot box and heard this voice saying "get out".  OK.. whatever.  Ignored it.  Went to bed.  Forgot about it.  They had this one door that led up to the attic that was a bit tough to open.  Had a slide bolt on it.  Humidity had made it swell to where is was extremely difficult to get in to it.  Anyway, my girlfriend and I was getting ready to go out when that damn door burst wide open and then we felt this brush of air and putrid dead smell float around us.  Then the door slammed with someone saying that they thought they told us to leave.  Scared the crap out of us.  On our way out we looked back down the drive, it was about a 1/4 mile to the road, and there was this "glow" of sorts around the house.  We got our bags out of that house and told our friends goodbye.  Never went in there again.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Wow more scary shit

The scariest moment i've had is going round my mates house and just sitting there with his computer speakers full blast (PUMPING MUSIC FTW)... Then we started hearing what sounded like whispering which scared the crap out of us. Turnt off the speakers and went outside tbh.
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6965|Land of =KBK=
Don't blame you there.

OK, along the same lines of ghosts.

OBE. .. Out of Body Experiences.  Anyone have any of those?

I've had three that I can honestly remember.  Two of them going back in time and one.. well I'm not sure what the time frame would be.  Could have been in the past.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Sometimes I get a feeling where i'm in a dream and nothing seems real. Like being light headed, drunk and having deja vu at the same time if you can piece them together. I sort of float around the place for say 20 seconds or something.
U.S. > Iran
Only personal experience I have with a messed up  type of thing...There is an old abandoned house on a backroad south of town.  When my mom was a kid, there was a black family that moved in there.  I hate to say it, and its kind of embarrassing, but the KKK used to be really big here, and we are just 10 minutes from Indianapolis.  But after some time, my mom had gotten to know the little girls that lived there, they were the same age as my mom, and rode her school bus.  They went by on the bus to pick them up one morning and found a burning cross in their front yard...and of course, never saw the family again.

Here is where my experience happens.  About 5 years ago, this road that this house is on, goes from my town, to Morristown, which we had some friends out there and we would go that way from time to time.  Take in mind this house is a brick house, vines all grown up all over it and it looks abandoned.  So a couple of my friends were coming back from Morristown, and as part of the road, you are pointed straight at the house....and looks very creepy.  But as they turned (the road has a bit of a dogleg), their headlights went across what looked like a person.  It freaked them out really bad, and they come and tell this to me and another friend.  And me, knowing the past of the house, wanted to go out there.  I thought they were screwing with me.  But we get out there, and see nothing.  So we turn down the part that goes in front of the house, find a driveway, turn around and head back.  And as we face the house, there is a light on in the back of the house.  You cant actually see the window, but you can see the shape of the window on the ground on the side of the old barn that was next to the house.  At first I thought, "yeah some guy just out there in the middle of the night" (which this was about 11:30 pm, so its plenty dark outside), but when I saw the light on, i was freaked.  We got the F out of there, and I dont think Ive gone past the house since.

Sorry so long
Metal Godz
I once saw a turrtle in my back yard, it was Tommy's, he lost it.
I am British!
+124|7000|England and damn proud
Where my dad used to live (sorry cant say where) it was a big house 3 stories up but it was a long house, now a hotel. the ground floor was fine nothing wrong with it, u went up stairs it would suddenly become really cold, if u went down the hall it would get colder, even in the summer with the heating on and all the radiators on it would be stone cold and there was always wind blowing through, then u could go upstairs and it was cold but not as cold (i had to sleep on the 3rd floor) any way i was not in my mind my dad would not let me sleep on the second floor even though he did but he slept at the other end of the hall where it was warmer but still un-nerving, he even built into the floor a small escape hatch when it was opened a ladded would drop down into his room. every night i was there i would hear noises like banging on the walls and faint screaming, i soon moved back to my mums after that and only went to see my dad every 2nd weekend, but now we live in this house still bigger than the average persons (sorry i like to gloat with this house) but i feel very safe and will never forgot what im gonna tell you now...
I was playing in the garden at my dads old house, i was with my step brother playing football i glanced at my room on the 3rd floor and i saw an old lady just sitting there and i told my step brother to look to and he saw it to, we told my dad then we all went up to have a look and there was some knitting on the floor... that is one thing i will never forget about that house, still send shivers down my spine..even now

Bahiti wrote:


"Just a bedroom that is full of junk right now.  My *HUSBAND* stores things in there."

"Anyway, my *GIRLFRIEND* and I was getting ready to go out when that damn door burst wide open and then we felt this brush of air and putrid dead smell float around us."
Im sorry but i just noticed it...

Story: When my older brother lived at home with our parents he lived in a little house 100m behind our house in the backyard & one time in the night he came in to our house from his and he was all white in his face so my mother ask "Whats wrong?" He have just seen something: Imagin youreself a little girl in a white dress in the night, without a head!...

Around the same week, my mothers-cousins-mother were walking in the forest and suddenly on the ground she saw a head from a little girl.

But ofcourse there was no real head or girl it was "just" a ghost.
mad scotsman

HeavyMetalDave wrote:

I once saw a turrtle in my back yard, it was Tommy's, he lost it.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

Only personal experience I have with a messed up  type of thing...There is an old abandoned house on a backroad south of town.  When my mom was a kid, there was a black family that moved in there.  I hate to say it, and its kind of embarrassing, but the KKK used to be really big here, and we are just 10 minutes from Indianapolis.  But after some time, my mom had gotten to know the little girls that lived there, they were the same age as my mom, and rode her school bus.  They went by on the bus to pick them up one morning and found a burning cross in their front yard...and of course, never saw the family again.

Here is where my experience happens.  About 5 years ago, this road that this house is on, goes from my town, to Morristown, which we had some friends out there and we would go that way from time to time.  Take in mind this house is a brick house, vines all grown up all over it and it looks abandoned.  So a couple of my friends were coming back from Morristown, and as part of the road, you are pointed straight at the house....and looks very creepy.  But as they turned (the road has a bit of a dogleg), their headlights went across what looked like a person.  It freaked them out really bad, and they come and tell this to me and another friend.  And me, knowing the past of the house, wanted to go out there.  I thought they were screwing with me.  But we get out there, and see nothing.  So we turn down the part that goes in front of the house, find a driveway, turn around and head back.  And as we face the house, there is a light on in the back of the house.  You cant actually see the window, but you can see the shape of the window on the ground on the side of the old barn that was next to the house.  At first I thought, "yeah some guy just out there in the middle of the night" (which this was about 11:30 pm, so its plenty dark outside), but when I saw the light on, i was freaked.  We got the F out of there, and I dont think Ive gone past the house since.

Sorry so long
I Fucking hate it when shit like that happens and its pitch black, it really dont do you no good lol.
Good story though, never really heard of any KKK happenings. UK doesn't hold many KKK activists. *good
U.S. > Iran
odly enough as ive been reading thru this, ive been watching Ghost Hunters on the scifi channel lol
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6875|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Not gonna sleep tonight

Does anyone watch that thing on trouble where they set up camera's in a supposedly haunted house and you can watch them for a few hours.. That has returned some pretty scary shit.

Last edited by Zeon. (2006-05-31 19:32:47)

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