mmmf mmmf mmmf
I'm currently at a racetrack. Unfortunately there are more trump banners than last year. And multiple DOGE flags.

Real conversation here included asking a doge flag person if they thought Elon musk could throw a football. They said yes, everyone else laughed.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
MAGA and DOGE are the apex of the homosexual movement. The crash test dummies at the rally crave the attention and acceptance of Trump. They want a strong daddy to make them feel safe and loved. It is gay. And I am tired of pretending it isn't.
a lot of the leading demagogues, commentators, streamers, meme personalities, etc., from the far-right are very gay, actually. although that probably speaks to a certain type of psychology in a small minority of homosexuals.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
This is road racing, for what it is somewhat progressive but now it's more popular so bigger undesirable crowd. Rally doesn't give enough time to bring your flags. Drifting seems relatively progressive also.

But yea, how does the anti gay crowd overlook Grindr always crashing when Republicans are in town.
Don't answer that.

Last edited by RTHKI (3 days ago)


re: "we regret our trump vote but the woke stuff was just so annoying, you know."

i've yet to hear one of these people explain to me what woke stuff is or what about it annoyed them. it's a phantasm.

meanwhile other trumpers are actually celebrating the gutting of stem expertise and the enshittification of government jobs. to them, it's just deserts. for something.

i actually cannot even imagine what this is like, nation-wide, across the entire range of institutions and doctoral/postdoctoral programmes. just total funding moratorium on all forms of research.

america was a world-leader in research and academia, and for very good reasons. china and india have been pouring an order of magnitude more money into their own research programmes and universities to try and catch up. and your 'engineering CEO genius STEM lord' administration are vandalising america's prestige and ruining the careers of so many of your brightest young people.

incredible stuff, folks! winning to own the libs!

Last edited by uziq (2 days, 12 hours ago)


tyt i know, but...


time was, the billionaire oligarchs would at least throw a few crumbs to humanity. open a few hospitals. build some libraries. open a new wing to a research centre.

the USAID cuts to HIV medicines are going to kill millions of people during this presidency.

but hey, he shot a tesla into space that’s so cool man!

without jay here this is all preaching to the choir. a conservative trumper hears about stuff like foreign aid and one of the first things their brain can connect that to is the foreigners are taking their tax dollars and making it so that americans struggle. "why not us? we should take care of our own first, no?" then the conversation jumps to concern (faux or just misinformed) about the epidemic of homelessness, which they insist is also the fault of foreign aid programs. "we're flushing all these <arbitrary high figure> of dollars down the toilet!" and there's always a backup thing to blame when you debunk any of their causation claims. it's like the presidential line of succession, but for fake news.

they chill out a bit and huff noncommittally when you bring up the all the billionaire beaks. "well! that's not their real value, you know." it's actually quite easy to get them to eventually allow that the rich who use our infrastructure should help pay for it, but this is often not retained from one conversation to the next any more than they read my links when they ask for them, or than they send me links when I ask for them. when it comes to the thieving rich, suddenly they're not good at economy math and don't really have the time for this stuff.

"no matter what, trump/musk have a solid strategy." a trumper can't elaborate on what that is coherently. you just have to trust that it's a good one. "and if gas goes down, we'll be vindicated." this, from people who haven't trusted the government for decades, and supposedly still don't. cognition out-of-sync.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (1 day, 12 hours ago)


american liberals are not exempt from some of this kind of thinking. (e: while the following is not as egregious as maga):

unrelated to politics, one self-avowed liberal in my circles with a sagacious mien recited a quote from benjamin franklin about the saxophone, with zero indication of jest. this was obviously one of those -abraham lincoln moments. five seconds of google-fu for the specifics, and the inventor of the sax was born after franklin's death. the original quote was supposedly in the next century, in a local newspaper, and about the cornet.

this is an example of an easy fact-check a person person can do, on their own. this person likes fact checking when it's them doing it (preferably against conservatives), including for misattributed quotes. they present as "experts" on any subject that comes up and will spend an afternoon reading wikipedia about the bible or sumerian history or whatever just to infodrop along with the usual obnoxious spelling/grammar catches. so i get the knowing elbow nudge about v.p. vance not liking fact-checking, but this person loathes being on the receiving end of it. they get all angry or insular and withdrawn when it is done to them.

it wouldn't do anyone any favors here to point out that adolphe sax was well past when franklin could have made a joke about the instrument and gentlemen who don't play it. or that the quote is even later (and non-verbatim) to begin with. next to the other fake news that americans—including lefties—eagerly line up to mouthpiece for: fairly inconsequential. enough on my plate without needlessly generating cold shoulders at work.


i think a lot of americans don't like being corrected, and don't have the emotional maturity or were never taught how to take correction without internalizing it as a personal attack. or they usually receive correction in the manner or intent of an attack.* on the reverse, i also think a lot of americans don't do a very good job of correcting without coming off as unnecessarily, insufferably smug. if their intent is to inform, ineffectual. but exasperation, i understand. completely understandable, the urge to sign on and call a republican senator an absolute nincompoop for hopping up and down on a table flinging feces across the room.

*(e: this is one of the barriers i've encountered and have had to figure out ways to tiptoe around on an individual basis when walking people through math, or computing)

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (1 day, 11 hours ago)

i dunno, man, somehow i think an anachronous anecdote about the saxophone isn't quite as bad as cheering on torpedoing your own medical research, national parks, and HIV humanitarianism.
The X stands for
+1,818|6430|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

re: "we regret our trump vote but the woke stuff was just so annoying, you know."

i've yet to hear one of these people explain to me what woke stuff is or what about it annoyed them. it's a phantasm.
I'm guessing that the people who voted for Trump to defeat the wokeism that they'd never experienced and were never going to, and the people who write critiques of books they haven't read and films they haven't seen - Cats for example - are the same people.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6430|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

time was, the billionaire oligarchs would at least throw a few crumbs to humanity. open a few hospitals. build some libraries. open a new wing to a research centre.
The Sacklers for example, didn't they put a lot into the arts?

but hey, he shot a tesla into space that’s so cool man!
That was pretty cool.
Fuck Israel

uziq wrote:

i dunno, man, somehow i think an anachronous anecdote about the saxophone isn't quite as bad as cheering on torpedoing your own medical research, national parks, and HIV humanitarianism.
absolutely not my intent to imply that. this was a yuge aside.

but it feels like the same thought process people use to internalize whatever they hear from the first place they hear it and belligerently defend it. it's the impression i have, anyway, from decades of talking with my fellow americans.

Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

re: "we regret our trump vote but the woke stuff was just so annoying, you know."

i've yet to hear one of these people explain to me what woke stuff is or what about it annoyed them. it's a phantasm.
I'm guessing that the people who voted for Trump to defeat the wokeism that they'd never experienced and were never going to, and the people who write critiques of books they haven't read and films they haven't seen - Cats for example - are the same people.
has anyone here has argued to ban the cats musical? if mac wanted to hang a cats poster in his classroom, i'd give him the thumbs up.

but i don't feel the need to watch cats 2019. beheld enough to justify a solid 'thanks but no thanks.' i don't understand how even someone with a catgirl fetish like you could justify that cgi horror show. guessing the grinch does it for some people though. different strokes.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (1 day, 11 hours ago)

The X stands for
+1,818|6430|eXtreme to the maX
Once again, Taylor Swift as a cat.

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

The Sacklers for example, didn't they put a lot into the arts?
lol of course dilbert reaches for the jewish family responsible for the opioid crisis.

i was thinking more of the erstwhile efforts of golden age philanthropists like carnegie, but go ahead with your little compulsive obsessions.

elon loves jews by the way. can't get enough of them. loves them. maybe stop trying to give every argument involving the musk-rat an anti-semitic slant?


Dilbert_X wrote:

That was pretty cool.
once again, instead of responding to the serious substance of anything, you make some wisecrack and think it covers for intelligence.

you've been doing this during the entire ascent of 'STEM lords in government', and you'll continue joking and being semi-ironic about the fallout. the truly funny thing is, in 4 years time when the next lot get in, you'll revert to moaning about 'elites' and 'dangerous humanities hipsters'. 'we need an engineering CEO in charge!'

Last edited by uziq (1 day, 11 hours ago)

The X stands for
+1,818|6430|eXtreme to the maX
Wasn't the whole opioid crisis caused by the Sacklers?
Didn't that lead into the fentanyl thing?
How is this Canada's fault?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

re: "we regret our trump vote but the woke stuff was just so annoying, you know."

i've yet to hear one of these people explain to me what woke stuff is or what about it annoyed them. it's a phantasm.
I'm guessing that the people who voted for Trump to defeat the wokeism that they'd never experienced and were never going to, and the people who write critiques of books they haven't read and films they haven't seen - Cats for example - are the same people.
a truly nonsensical take. stop trying so hard and grow up?
The X stands for
+1,818|6430|eXtreme to the maX
OK, but there's a definite parallel, two groups of people who have very strong opinions about something they know nothing about.
Fuck Israel
i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that film critics do know what they're talking about, actually.

what is it with you and your weird little hobby horses? jews and defending the critically panned movie adaptation of 'cats'. whew! some life!

Dilbert_X wrote:

OK, but there's a definite parallel, two groups of people who have very strong opinions about something they know nothing about.
i don't think it's the same at all. people have expressed a disinclination to watch cats in media-educated terms (and critics have elaborated).

while the trump administration is flagging federal pdfs for instances of the word "female," the magas can't really explain the whats or whys of 'woke' or how it bothers them, but for sure there's an undefined number of library books with titles they're not sure about that need to be addressed!

it's not a compelling argument to tell people they need to go see a fanfiction of a thing they're not that interested in just to prove they're not interested in it.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (1 day, 11 hours ago)

i think it's pretty funny that he skips over the substance of the posts and totally ignores the part about millions of people, many of them children, dying because of the denial of totally inexpensive HIV medication. dead africans? negligible. but let's loop back to that time, 6 years ago, when you were uncharitably dismissive of A FILM ABOUT SINGING CATS THAT I LIKED!!!

19% rating on rotten tomatoes, aggregated from 334 critics reviews.
32 rating, 'generally unfavourable', on metacritic, aggregated from 52 critics reviews.

it doesn't look like i was wrong, nor that the critics are a bloc of MAGA ignoramuses, here. i don't need to read the entirety of 50 shades of grey, 50 shades darker, 50 shades freed, etc. to conclude from a few mercifully short excerpts that it's cultural ditch-water. no smart person does that with their time, even the supremely well-educated cultural cognoscenti like myself.

Last edited by uziq (1 day, 10 hours ago)

The X stands for
+1,818|6430|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that film critics do know what they're talking about, actually.
Then Trump and all the geniuses he employs must know what they're talking about too.

I'll concede that some strange paths have been gone down, I'm sure its all part of the genius plan which is guaranteed to deliver something sometime.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Once again, Taylor Swift as a cat.

personally, i think it's weird to lust after CGI furry-kink versions of 20 year old popstars who make music exclusively for tween girls.

i think it's really weird to do it when you're a live-at-home bachelor knocking on his 50s.

but hey, you do you man. that's probably the jews' fault too.

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