I think you would really enjoy the whole process of setting an automatic watch. I didn't think I would be into it either but once I started it is actually pretty cool. Make me feel like a man

Time to put away the childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11. No more speakers. You need to get watches.
I feel like wasting money.

I like that it is automatic. I have the same one in red with a tan band. I also like that is has a few numbers. It makes reading the time easier. I am so used to digital displays that it takes me a moment to read this type of watch.

And I usually don't have the patience to try. I don't like the date part either.
My smartwatch is so amazingly useful by the way. You should try a smart watch Uzique. They don't all look terrible like the Apple watch.

I often need to respond to emails and text quickly at my high stress bullshit whatever.