
I've probably talked about this way too much but these devices are so omnipresent that it just keeps coming up.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America
My new keyboard and mouse both have extremely customizable lighting settings, with the rainbow waves as default. Strangely also has integration for discord notifications and downloads to change it in response to music. I felt quite old looking at the settings and thinking "who has time to play with all these?" I tend to keep a fairly dim solid color mostly for the backlighting. I did talk with some normies at work about it though, whose minds were absolutely blown by the fact peripherals can do it, excepting the one woman who actually plays games and has it on her laptop.

I have the same problem with lights, newbie. My case has a piece small piece of black tape on the power button because the blue light there would just blink when it was asleep. Likewise, my external hard drive has a front and back blinking white light that I address by wedging up against my speakers lest it make a distracting lightshow on the wall.

Seriously, just removing electronics from your room isn't enough these days. Fridge or coffee maker decides to turn on the LCD panel at 3am, and the whole place glows. There should at the very least be a button on every device with lights, that lets you disable lights until further notice. Maybe set a "quiet mode" timeframe. This should be a standard, and I would back legislation mandating it for new devices.

Walk out bleary-eyed thinking it's 6 am and you didn't sleep well, no it's 2 am and the laptop in the living room decided to turn its screen on to let sleeping you know that Windows Is Updating Automatically. The Star Trek atmosphere I can live without.

My microwave has a mute button for the beeper. Best microwave feature since the discovery of microwaves.

e: I'm more than willing to battle it out on this hill. Even health mags mention it seemingly on the regular. I just haven't come across anyone playing devil's advocate for the lights, I don't think.
Thankfully I have separated rooms in my appartment so not much of a problem here but I can see where you're coming from. When I was still living in student dorms it was kind of annoying that every appliance had glowy lights, from my toothbrush when it's in the charger to the laptop even when it's off.

I think that as the 'gaming population' ages, the aesthetics of the big expensive brands will change to be more muted. Though there might always be a market for everything that looks like a glowing rainbow, esp. kids.

There's a living room and a hallway between the kitchen and my bedroom. Two doors of separation between each extreme. Without tape, the living room would always be lit. If the door are left open, light from the kitchen reaches my bedroom easily.

In a pinch, I can sleep with my monitor on or in the middle of the day on a flipped schedule. It's not that I can't get sleep that way, I'm just told it isn't the best. It does seem to be a more restful thing if I can get all the little lights extinguished beforehand, though I'm unsure how much of that is placebo.

From health.harvard.edu in 2019:

Blue light from electronic devices is not going to increase the risk of macular degeneration or harm any other part of the eye. However, the use of these devices may disrupt sleep or disturb other aspects of your health or circadian rhythm. If you are one of the large number of people who fall into this category, talk to your doctor and take steps to limit your use of devices at night, when blue light is most likely to impact your biological clock.
A point repeated in many articles in years past. I just wish the steps didn't involve tons of unsightly electrical tape or even a piece of cardboard taped over a panel as a flap. Also from hh-edu on melatonin suppression. Cited by an article from lifehack (I know) mentioning it along with other psychological, physiological, and work performance factors.

Frustration at popular mechanics back in 2012:

The LED indicator proliferation is due partly to the litigious nature of consumer culture. (Hedge cites manufacturers' fears of "failure to warn" lawsuits.) But most LEDs are added because product designers see no reason not to. "Often in the world of design, if you can afford to do something, you do it," Hedge says. But even if a functional case could be made for each of these lights individually, in aggregate they just create sensory pollution and dilute the message each light ought to deliver: "Hey, something's going on with this device."

I'm a lover of electronics—but also a canary in this particular coal mine. If the glowing lights in my house indicate a trend, then I'd like to start the backlash now. Enough with the LEDs already. If there's no critical reason for a device to emit light, then it shouldn't emit light. We consumers are not afraid of the dark.

Blame the consumer I suppose, LED-happy manufacturers. Still, what does that have to do with insisting on blue LEDs. My old giant alarm clock display with red light wasn't as room-saturating as a single pinprick of a blue LED, and even then I preferred the display turned off at night. I think blue's definitely a marketing gimmick that's a holdover from the largely forgotten times when blue LEDs were premium priced and so put on premium electronics.

Anyway it's probably bad news as far as reduction goes. If it's to avoid lawsuits, the gamer population aging probably won't remove the nightlight feature from your electronic toothbrush.

"Banishing electronics from your bedroom," as suggested in various links is also easier said than done depending on your job (or how many places you have to put things). There are people who are always on call for stretches of time.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

Thankfully I have separated rooms in my appartment so not much of a problem here but I can see where you're coming from. When I was still living in student dorms it was kind of annoying that every appliance had glowy lights, from my toothbrush when it's in the charger to the laptop even when it's off.
But presumably the 'Dilbert has posted' alert wakes you up.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Regarding the young fashion designer that just died...I looked at his brand's website and lord the prices on that stuff. Like $500 shirts that look like shit. $150 reusable face mask. $750 pair of jeans.

I saw the dead guy's arrow logo and I remembered where I saw it once before. One of the special Ed kids who has an Emotional Behavioral Disorder was going crazy because she left her $700 sweater in the gym and I guess lost it. Low income, low IQ, going nuts over an overpriced sweater. I was going to ask "who buys this stuff?" but I answered my own question.

Newbie wrote:

Everyone can waste their money on whatever they want.
Yeah, I know but the whole "street wear" fashion ecosystem seems more exploitative than many others. I waste money on tech but I have the money to waste and the tech has many uses. Meanwhile fashion brands market clothes to low income and young people by making them feel insecure.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I really shouldn't be so judgemental. I am sorry.

It would be a lie to say that kids aren't the frequent targets of malicious marketing.
off-white were really one of those brands that made the conspicuousness of 'street wear' fashion centre-stage. at one point they were selling like key-chains or something for $100s of dollars. a fool and their money are easily parted ...

there's always going to be brands or individuals like that, savvy enough to work people with lots of disposable income.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I looked at the off white site earlier today and then came back to it a few hours earlier. The parent company that owns it killed Off-White's main website hours ago.


The only way to shop Off White is now through the Far-fetched website which owns Off-White. That's pretty cold absorbing the whole subsidiary before the guy got put into the ground.
it was incredibly difficult to get off-white gear anyway. it's part of 'drop' culture. you have to queue on a giant list or go to one of their flagship stores to queue for 3 hours with 100s of other insufferable hype-beasts. outside of accessories and common items like socks, hats, etc, it was never really that easy to just buy a bunch of off-white. lots of street wear brands operate on this model.

the whole thing is obviously built on hype, which drives insane RRPs. supreme is another notable business in this model.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have seen videos of people getting killed and maimed while waiting on line for sneakers. It's not my thing but it would be pig man logic to look down on the whole thing. Anyone over 30 still into that sort of stuff...I don't know. Trying hard to be open minded about all of it.
not interested in the fashion at all, but virgil abloh was a pretty big figure in the music industry too, and everyone always only had good things to say about him.

a black guy from chicago became the global creative director of louis vuitton. and everyone really liked what he did with it. i don't care less about LV or any of that scene, but it sounded like he did exactly what he wanted to do in life and helped to boost a lot of people in the process.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have heard a lot of good things about him too. Opened up a lot of opportunities for blah blah blah. Music and fashion though.

I understand music, fashion, and sports are some of the highest profile professions and more blaaaaaack people at the top of them is good for uplifting that community. But I rather talk up blacks who reach the top of military, politics, academia, business though. That's where the real power is. Colin Powell.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have started to get into male jewelry.

I have a gold crucifix on a chain like the thin one in this picture. I wear it daily.
My girlfriend once put it in her mouth while we were having sex.
That was something. My girlfriend bought me a silver ring for Christmas like this.
I wore it during the rave with a nice wristwatch on one hand. My other arm looked a bit bland. So I was wondering if I could balance it out with a men's bracelet.

My girlfriend says she thinks men's bracelets are feminine. But I have seen some guys pull it off.
I think with my skin tone it will look good.
I am all that is MOD!

I have some gold chains as well. I like to layer them like in your pic, minus the cross. That shit is gaudy

Bracelets are tougher to pull off. I just stick to watches. Easier and more fun to accessorize
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I was thinking about layering the gold chains too. Seems a bit much but I think I have the body type and look to pull it off.

I like the cross because I can pretend the whole chain is a religious thing and not a fashion thing. Also gives girls something to look at if my button down isn't buttoned all the way up.

I have a lot of learning to do about watches. The only fancy watch brand I know is Rolex. Spending big money on another brand seems foolish since I can't tell a fancy watch from a cheap one.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I like to stay pure
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Don't you work out and exercise? A chain plus abs and chest will probably look good on you.
I am all that is MOD!

Yeah RTHKI, are you like a normal human with abs and a chest?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
No, I'm not like other guys.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I meant you work out and probably have a good chest/midsection that the necklace would help bring attention to and look good on you shirtless.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
takes me back to catholic high school

we all had some cross necklace
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
embrace tradition

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