The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Britain used to be a first rank economic power - decades of Oxford hipsters have destroyed it.

Anyway, you're using GDP as a measure of success, well done.
Fuck Israel
not an exclusive measure of success, i'm merely stating that italy has been in economic decline for multiple generations, and their politics reflects that -- not something easily reducible to 'the european court of human rights forcing brown people on the fed-up italians'. what is a more reductive measure or explanation for things, i wonder? derp. did you miss the sovereign debt crisis, post-2008, or what? it was the failure of precisely liberal, mainstream politics and economics, as meted out by the EU, not bloody human rights 'socialism' (whatever that means).


you talk a lot of claptrap about places with only the most cursory context or analysis. if multiculturalism has been such a unique disaster for italy, as deployed by the 'socialist ECHR', you'd think more people would have turned out to vote with their feet on this issue. but it was the lowest turnout of any election in italy's modern history, at 64%. so what do you think is more likely: disillusion with politics after years, if not decades of decline ... or the fact that 'everyone' in italy – somehow effortlessly glossing 26% of the smallest vote ever to italy as a whole – is somehow as racist, xenophobic and fashy as you are? really make u think.

britain's trade deficit wasn't designed by oxford PPE tutors, by the way. and i think a downranking in status has been a long time coming considering, you know, we lost a global empire. the best move we ever made was transitioning away from imperial collapse and war rationing to a social democratic state. and who designed the modern social democratic state, to which we still owe so many of the best vestiges of britain's greatness? clement attlee: modern history at oxford. anthony crosland: PPE at oxford. wowsers! what a thesis you have!

you really do sound so fucking stupid when you keep going, on and on and on, about people's 3-year undergraduate courses. the mind boggles.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-25 04:06:14)

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Brexit was largely presented as a means to boot out foreigners, the Italian election was largely about shutting off the flow of north africans - maybe it really is that simple and the average person isn't in fact looking at graphs and comparing GDP and interest payments corrected for inflation and exchange rates.
Fuck Israel
ah yes, ‘taking back control’, which in hardcore brexiter land meant – best-case scenario – crashing out of europe onto WTO rules. as we all know, no foreigners ever cross borders in the world trade organisations’ trading rubrics.

i’ve said before that kicking out poles and romanians so that we have to employ indians and africans as carers, bus drivers and kale pickers is hilariously funny. and it will continue to be so, no matter how red in the face you get as material necessities assert themselves in the labour market. trade deals with india and deportation deals with rwanda: look at the glorious directions we are shifting in, in pursuit of your xenophobic wet dreams!

26% of 2/3rds of italians voted for the ‘fascist candidate’ who, as with the last 3-4 administrations, has to share power in a coalition. the story here is equally as much about the collapse of voting numbers in italian elections as ‘italy has turned full fascist in overwhelming and resounding support of my racist worldview’.


+ 63.9% for 2022. and look at what year the decline begins ... make you think.

but yes, graphs and statistics, such exhausting stuff in the world of political commentary and analysis. imagine the preposterous idea that people’s economic conditions affect their social and political views, or that macro-scale shocks to the economy might result in political polarisation and/or widespread frustration with the status quo.

you don’t need graphs to see this very simple logic at work. all of the most-affected economies by the EU crash+bailouts have had a decade of wildly polarised politics and a vacating of the political centre ground. greece had years of a renewed golden dawn and blackshirt fascists; spain had the rise of 15-M/podemos and radical ‘anti-austerity’ socialist solutions. both large grassroots – indeed, populist – reactions with the economic context firmly foregrounded in their projects. italy’s renewed period of populism and ‘alternative’ candidates, not all of whom have been fascist or far-right, by the way – beppe grillo and the five star movement/M5S has been part of both left and right wing coalitions – italy’s recent politics clearly fits within this pattern.

i’m not reading tea leaves here, dipshit.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-25 06:21:30)

Sunak becoming PM is such a farce. The whole tory leadership election just struck me as comically deluded. It's as though they're all addicted to the limelight in the way that this was such a media frenzy and all the internal backstabbing involved. The stupid fucking slogans, the statements made for appearances' sake, all within a party that has been in power for years now but which just cannot get its shit together.

Looking forward to the GE. I'm wondering if Boris and the brexiteer/ERG faction will end up pulling some shit somehow anyway. While reviled among his own MPs Boris still appears hugely popular among the broader conservative voting base and still retains massive media appeal if only for the stream of controversies. It was interesting to see how literally -every- article and social media post in the run-up was focused on what Boris would or wouldn't do, with nobody really giving a toss about Sunak.
the conservatives know they're spending some years in opposition sooner or later, the next 1–2 years before the next GE will see them continue to fleece the country and enrich their own base at everyone else's expense. expect more privatization of the NHS in short order and a bunch more sell-offs. handily abetted by morons like dilbert who recycle murdoch-media talking points about 'wasting money in the health service'.

i'm happy to see rees-mogg banished, hopefully forever – polls would suggest he's at risk of even losing his safe seat. genuinely confusing to me how such a shallow pantomime caricature ever made it to frontbench politics in the UK. shows you just how obeisant and stupid the media are around the 'shire squire' stereotype, i suppose, which mogg clearly played on for maximal effect. just a shame that we have to suffer a complete re-run of austerity v2.0 in order to see the back of the dumber 'boristas'. even david cameron had the acuity to see that austerity was what 'got us into this mess in the first place'.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-25 07:14:07)

They will be in opposition I'm sure. There's no way they could win an election considering the avalanche of scandals and stupidity. Corbyn should've won last time but his campaign was so atrocious he handed the tories a win.

What is baffling to me though is that cabinets can be completely reshuffled including the PM multiple times over with no GE in sight. It's ridiculous. In almost every other country the resignation of the PM & cabinet means new elections. Treating the electoral vote as a blank slate for the party is anti democratic to say the least. Nobody voted for Truss, or Sunak, nevermind all the other cabinet members.

Last edited by Larssen (2022-10-25 07:20:50)

corbyn's campaign wasn't actually that atrocious. the voting numbers were high despite the 'wash-out' versus the tories. the corbyn campaign was fatally undermined by centrists/unreconstructed blairites within his own labour party structure. the entire corbyn saga was a complete shitshow of internecine squabbling and actually plain unethical behaviour on the part of certain labour staffers in the party HQ.

al jazeera just did a 4-part video documentary on this topic with a tranche of highly revealing documents/evidence. basically all but ignored in the UK media because, of course, a corbyn government that wanted to, erm, nationalise energy and transport, among other things, would have been a unique disaster. wooops. that aged well, considering the russia-ukraine crisis had even traditional tories talking about nationalisation and windfall taxes.


& yes, our lack of a constitution and formal process on things like this is really showing up the creakier parts of our system, which has seemed to operate on a principle of 'honourable behaviour' and 'gentlemans' agreements' for years. the tory party is in a death spiral and won't do any such decent thing, though. the fact there's not even maximum 'term limits' for PMs is the other side of this sticking point, too: a leader who does have the support of his/her party can govern in effect for a decade or more.

the voting and political system in the UK is in bad need of overhaul. labour just voted at their last party conference, this autumn, in support of moving towards a proportional representation system as opposed to first-past-the-post. it would be a bloody good start.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-25 07:27:45)


His ambiguous stance on Brexit didn't help his campaign imo
yep totally agree. i never was onboard with the corbyn hype even long before momentum built its base and took him to leadership. his concerns and whole outlook are too easy to skewer in the press and the working class don’t care about palestine or kumbayah politics.

that said, there’s pretty incontrovertible evidence thesedays that elements within his own party HQ were conspiring to make him unelectable. and now starmer has cleared out the left-wing faction of the labour party and given us … a candidate that’s only marginally different in outlook to reshi sunak. a loss for everyone imo.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

yep totally agree. i never was onboard with the corbyn hype even long before momentum built its base and took him to leadership. his concerns and whole outlook are too easy to skewer in the press and the working class don’t care about palestine or kumbayah politics.

that said, there’s pretty incontrovertible evidence thesedays that elements within his own party HQ were conspiring to make him unelectable. and now starmer has cleared out the left-wing faction of the labour party and given us … a candidate that’s only marginally different in outlook to reshi sunak. a loss for everyone imo.
I was also uninspired by Sanders. Bernie's talk of "political revolution" seemed whimsical and farfetched. Only once I got older did I realize just how nutty that idea sounds to someone with a wife, kids, and mortgage.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

uziq wrote:

yep totally agree. i never was onboard with the corbyn hype even long before momentum built its base and took him to leadership. his concerns and whole outlook are too easy to skewer in the press and the working class don’t care about palestine or kumbayah politics.

that said, there’s pretty incontrovertible evidence thesedays that elements within his own party HQ were conspiring to make him unelectable. and now starmer has cleared out the left-wing faction of the labour party and given us … a candidate that’s only marginally different in outlook to reshi sunak. a loss for everyone imo.
I was also uninspired by Sanders. Bernie's talk of "political revolution" seemed whimsical and farfetched. Only once I got older did I realize just how nutty that idea sounds to someone with a wife, kids, and mortgage.
a large number of the economic talking points of the progressive left were co-opted by conservatives anyway. lots of the corbyn platform polled very highly with voters if you extracted them from the press pillories and stereotypes about ‘islington woke liberals’ and ‘corbyn has friends in hezbollah’ stuff. in an overton window kinda sense i think it’s clear that the bernie-AOC wing of the dems and the corbyn era shook up some orthodoxies of the political centre, in their way.

there’s a pretty clear appetite for things like tax-and-spend, redistribution, devolution or returning power and investment to neglected regions away from the financial hubs, ecological solutions/green policy, etc. i mean half of the conservative manifesto under boris was about big time public spending and ‘levelling up’ our version of Ohio and the rust belt. that sounds distinctly socialist to me.

of course, it was merely lip service. the tories said they’d build 40 new hospitals and 100,000s of new homes but didn’t actually countenance the economic realities of either. their actual dyed-in-the-wool base don’t want higher taxes. which is why you get the grotesque spectacle of sunak, on the campaign trail, bragging to a sunlit garden full of wealthy backers in some home counties location that he’d manage to redirect funds from traditionally labour, working-class areas in the north and into their pocketses. pretty well the opposite of levelling up, in reality. music to their ears.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Sunak's statements and insincere presentation really smack of someone who is doing his best to fuddle the public long enough to rob the country and leave it in a pit, just like, you know, Johnson.

And the cabinet looks like a complete shower of shit, well done.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-10-26 02:24:02)

Fuck Israel
sunak was one of the hedge funders who helped to precipitate the UK's own sequence of events in the financial crisis.

he was directly responsible for saddling RBS with £45.5bn of bad debts, needing a bail-out. sunak and his crew made out with £100 mill in short order.

guy is a total capitalist with zero loyalty or duty to anyone. like a lot of senior tories who make all the right noises but seldom leave club land/thinktank street.

it'll be interesting to see how his authoritarian-populist cabinet members, e.g. the despicable suella as home minister, play nice with his banker-austerity economic wing, e.g. jeremy hunt as chancellor. hunt knows we need migrants to help deliver growth and suella 'dreams of watching planes take off for rwanda'.

Last edited by uziq (2022-10-26 02:32:51)

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Braverman is OK, any Indian who is willing to say she doesn't want Indians in the country is OK
Fuck Israel
braverman cannot have an IQ above 80, by all reckoning and fair estimation. even her colleagues don't respect her.

proof enough that you're willing to forgive anything if it agrees with your own personal prejudices and bigotry.

braverman is absolutely the least competent minister in the entire cabinet.

she was fired <10 days ago for a quite serious security breach. turns out she's been forwarding half of her business to a senior backbencher MP to 'run it by him'. totally outside of all norms of security and protocol. that's how out of her depth she is.

like priti patel before her, her skin colour is a not-so-subtle camouflage to have the nastiest, most racist piece of work imaginable in the home secretary position. priti, like suella, funnily enough, was a major security liability. flying to israel on undeclared 'private' business to talk to people in the israeli security state? but i bet you'll even forgive that – tHe jeWz!111– because priti wanted to sink migrants on their dinghies.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Indians can't be racist, this is a well known fact.
Fuck Israel
another straw man you like to invoke that proves nothing to nobody.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

another straw man you like to invoke that proves nothing to nobody.
Stop being racist
Fuck Israel
please make sense?

it's a well observed sociological phenomenon that any incomer to a group may adopt the most vicious and vociferous of said group's attitudes. it's a way of proving that they fit in and that they're as good as the rest of them; and even a defense mechanism against their own feelings of inadequacy and subaltern status. an unfortunate dynamic that we've seen playing out, time and again, throughout history. the raj itself had many sepoys.

so because racism exists in some societies or political ideologies, it's a biological iron law with some mysterious 'essence' in genes, right? honestly, your intelligence and reasoning is woeful.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Having voted in a horsey white girl and had the MPs rip her out and drop in an indian I imagine the average shire tory is absolutely fuming.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Braverman is OK, any Indian who is willing to say she doesn't want Indians in the country is OK

really just terribly very dim.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Having voted in a horsey white girl and had the MPs rip her out and drop in an indian I imagine the average shire tory is absolutely fuming.
liz truss 'horsey'? she wouldn't stop talking about being sent to (an actually very well-to-do and high-performing) state school in grey 1980s sheffield.

they voted for a mong like truss because she kept telling the 80,000 what they wanted to hear: everything can be made amazing again without needing to increase taxes. in fact, we'll cut taxes! ... isn't that the same bollocks you're hinting at here, time and time again? calling me a 'selfish socialist' because i'm okay with taxes? lmao.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

really just terribly very dim.
So how did she get to where she is?

I read something somewhere about an identified phenomenon in silicon valley, which is indians not creating anything at all but managing to slide themselves into the seat of power in tech companies when the creator retires.
Fuck Israel

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