In fairness, I believe it was getting phased out by the mid-70s and on it's way out by the mid 80s. It may have still been around in the early 90s but only barely.
most of the shit isn't even a big deal unless you're constantly being exposed to it. lead accumulates in the blood and dissipates over time u need a lot of exposure for it to start having effects on you. and asbestos is similar. genetics play a big part too. some people are more susceptible to getting mesothelioma. there's people that worked with that shit all day and never got sick from it.pirana6 wrote:
In fairness, I believe it was getting phased out by the mid-70s and on it's way out by the mid 80s. It may have still been around in the early 90s but only barely.
say what u will about the boomers and older people but a lot of them were pretty damn tough and resilient
gang shit
[multiple citations needed]
Lead exposure over time is precisely the concern here. In dust, in water, in the decaying paints of old houses. Especially insidious for younger children. Writing it off as "not a big deal" leans over into anti-environmentalist, even anti-PPE sentiment (I recall lots of stuff from "give me back my freon, leaded gas, good old fashioned tough guy stuff back when everything was a thing and they just worked; let the pansies worry about seatbelts and helmets," to "ha ha, did you see Reagan took down Carter's effete solar panels").
As long as asbestos is undisturbed it should be fine, but really who wants to live in a place built with it, or build one for some dumbass DIYer without the right equipment to later go ham on a wall with a saw. Who the heck wants to gamble with genetic susceptibilities on the off hand chance that stuff is free in a building?
Probably some survivorship bias on that "tough and resilient" comment. The sheer amount of crap caused by toxic exposures will never be fully measured.
Rush Limbaugh died of lung cancer after making smoking (and second-hand smoke) minimization a part of his routine. So much I guess for the occasional 90yo chain smoker proving that it's harmless or whatever.
Lead exposure over time is precisely the concern here. In dust, in water, in the decaying paints of old houses. Especially insidious for younger children. Writing it off as "not a big deal" leans over into anti-environmentalist, even anti-PPE sentiment (I recall lots of stuff from "give me back my freon, leaded gas, good old fashioned tough guy stuff back when everything was a thing and they just worked; let the pansies worry about seatbelts and helmets," to "ha ha, did you see Reagan took down Carter's effete solar panels").
As long as asbestos is undisturbed it should be fine, but really who wants to live in a place built with it, or build one for some dumbass DIYer without the right equipment to later go ham on a wall with a saw. Who the heck wants to gamble with genetic susceptibilities on the off hand chance that stuff is free in a building?
Probably some survivorship bias on that "tough and resilient" comment. The sheer amount of crap caused by toxic exposures will never be fully measured.
Rush Limbaugh died of lung cancer after making smoking (and second-hand smoke) minimization a part of his routine. So much I guess for the occasional 90yo chain smoker proving that it's harmless or whatever.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-06-28 01:37:30)
Hocus Pocus: 1993
Hocus Pocus 2: 2022
Hocus Pocus 2: 2022
Well not the ones who died well before their time, but if you factor those out then yes.lil_droo wrote:
say what u will about the boomers and older people but a lot of them were pretty damn tough and resilient
Fuck Israel
Some of them are tough and resilient, just with developmental disorders, mental illness, and old concussions from boys being boys.
They couldn't remake Hocus Pocus 1 these days.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Hocus Pocus: 1993
Hocus Pocus 2: 2022

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-16 00:01:03)
What's sad is that apart from satire there are so many people who are legitimately very concerned with Buzz Lightyear's 'legacy,' whatever that was. Who hate Disney and Pixar very much yet are subscribed and closely follow all their stuff.
Has anybody seen Pig? Heard it was actually good
Aniara - 8/10
It was basically Passengers with a massive dose of Nordic depression and lower production values.
It was basically Passengers with a massive dose of Nordic depression and lower production values.
Fuck Israel
I'm not sure how a giant, luxury colony ship with room and requirement for so much critical redundancy spontaneously 'lost steering due to a (singular?!) malfunction' on what should be a more or less predictable trip to Mars at that point. But maybe I'll give it a look anyway, or borrow the book. I think I glanced at it in high school but don't remember paging through it.
Ironically it might be easier/nicer to survive in a sufficiently advanced deep space station than terraform mars or spend your life in an empty lava tube.
Ironically it might be easier/nicer to survive in a sufficiently advanced deep space station than terraform mars or spend your life in an empty lava tube.
I was watching a YouTube channel which takes older video game trailers and cutscenes and upscales them to 4K.
Japanese 90s/2000s video games is where movies will go after superhero movies stop making big money.
This could be a dope movie.
Japanese 90s/2000s video games is where movies will go after superhero movies stop making big money.
This could be a dope movie.

I think an HD game made in up-framed, up-polied, moderately up-textured old PS art style has the potential of being pretty decent, but I am not otherwise a fan of upscaling for detail and frames. Strong preference for the "before" panel.
Could use more games where you take control of a non-human character. It feels like stuff like "dragons, but there's humans on them with sniper rifles" and "check out our glorious environment, now go defile the untouched wilderness with industrialization and your cattle prod," while they have their place, are just done to a crisp.
Jurassic Park for Sega was rad. Take control of a raptor and just mow your way through everything. A bit Jaws-y of a grudge for a wild animal, though. I barely touched Grant's campaign. The Isle (I think it was) looks extremely cool, but I haven't played it for reports of exhausting overmoderation and some of the ways devs have told off the community. Divinity: DE struck a neat balance and remains a favorite, although what you could interact with as a dragon was a bit limited. I feel like more could have been put into that aspect of the game. Savage remains on or near the top of underutilized FPS/RTS. Asymmetrical, very satisfying to club a human out of the map with a tree trunk. Even moreso if your team coordinated an assault on their stronghold with a bunch of siege beasts spawning out of a hidden outpost near their base, just lols with everything going flying. Good community, hands-on devs.
Could use more games where you take control of a non-human character. It feels like stuff like "dragons, but there's humans on them with sniper rifles" and "check out our glorious environment, now go defile the untouched wilderness with industrialization and your cattle prod," while they have their place, are just done to a crisp.
Jurassic Park for Sega was rad. Take control of a raptor and just mow your way through everything. A bit Jaws-y of a grudge for a wild animal, though. I barely touched Grant's campaign. The Isle (I think it was) looks extremely cool, but I haven't played it for reports of exhausting overmoderation and some of the ways devs have told off the community. Divinity: DE struck a neat balance and remains a favorite, although what you could interact with as a dragon was a bit limited. I feel like more could have been put into that aspect of the game. Savage remains on or near the top of underutilized FPS/RTS. Asymmetrical, very satisfying to club a human out of the map with a tree trunk. Even moreso if your team coordinated an assault on their stronghold with a bunch of siege beasts spawning out of a hidden outpost near their base, just lols with everything going flying. Good community, hands-on devs.
This came across my desk. I might actually watch it.

My favorite movie scene ever. Please take 5 minutes to watch Nick Cage.

Moonfall - 0/10 Do not watch.
Fuck Israel
I had my doubts that it would be worth it, and trusted the reviews on that one.
Imagine that though, you telling people to not watch a movie, like we should pay attention to a review.
Imagine that though, you telling people to not watch a movie, like we should pay attention to a review.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-16 04:30:54)
Halloween Ends 7/10
I am surprised it got so many bad reviews. The movie very much reminds me of the Joker in a few ways . People went in with expectations that were successfully subverted. I didn't see any trailers for this movie before I went. I didn't even know it existed before I saw it on the menu at the movie theater my date and I went to on a whim.
There is one big criticism I have of the movie that is kind of sort of not really shares with the Joker.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
People went into the Joker movie with expectations that were much different than what they got. 3/4 of the Joker movie was an exploration of mental illness and poverty. I remember watching it and wondering when the "Jokering will begin." Same thing happened with this movie but they did it pretty poorly compared to the Joker.
So the main character of the this Halloween is a 21 year old nerdy white guy who wants to study engineering. He accidentally kills a kid in the opening scene but is acquitted of manslaughter by a jury off screen. We then have a time jump and his life sucks because everyone in town knows he is the guy who accidentally killed a kid. He gets bullied and eventually he gets his confidence to get a girlfriend and take control of his life after he comes in contact with a hiding in a sewer Mike Myers and kills a homeless man that attacked him. He then has Mike Myers's evil transfered to him and takes revenge on all of the people who wronged him sometimes with Mike Myers as backup. I really hate this whole thing. I will go over it in more detail in the DST.
I am surprised it got so many bad reviews. The movie very much reminds me of the Joker in a few ways . People went in with expectations that were successfully subverted. I didn't see any trailers for this movie before I went. I didn't even know it existed before I saw it on the menu at the movie theater my date and I went to on a whim.
There is one big criticism I have of the movie that is kind of sort of not really shares with the Joker.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
People went into the Joker movie with expectations that were much different than what they got. 3/4 of the Joker movie was an exploration of mental illness and poverty. I remember watching it and wondering when the "Jokering will begin." Same thing happened with this movie but they did it pretty poorly compared to the Joker.
So the main character of the this Halloween is a 21 year old nerdy white guy who wants to study engineering. He accidentally kills a kid in the opening scene but is acquitted of manslaughter by a jury off screen. We then have a time jump and his life sucks because everyone in town knows he is the guy who accidentally killed a kid. He gets bullied and eventually he gets his confidence to get a girlfriend and take control of his life after he comes in contact with a hiding in a sewer Mike Myers and kills a homeless man that attacked him. He then has Mike Myers's evil transfered to him and takes revenge on all of the people who wronged him sometimes with Mike Myers as backup. I really hate this whole thing. I will go over it in more detail in the DST.

Why is Michael Myers not the main baddie in a Halloween slasher? Thanks for the review. Not that I was keeping up with this franchise anyway, but hard pass.
Oh that is actually something I really enjoyed in this Halloween trilogy. In the last 3 movies there was a big focus on how the town reacted to the killings. It wasn't just a place where killings took place. It was a community that had been terrorized over and over again. The movie does a good job of exploring trauma affects communities and individuals.
Very much like the Joker in that regard. Expectations successfully subverted twice.
Very much like the Joker in that regard. Expectations successfully subverted twice.

I saw Top Gun: Maverick recently. Not good at all. Maybe 4/10. I had numerous people tell me it was an amazing and emotional movie. Umm, what? Why did they try to make it serious, knowing that the original was good because it kind of embraced the camp?
Waste of time.
Waste of time.
Never saw the original.

People say that? This is evocative of Dilbert telling us that it was emotional watching Supergirl floating in space. I just wasn't interested in the Maverick trailer. Over Top Gun, I preferred Hot Shots and stuff with Leslie Nielsen. Maverick at face value seems like a revival for boomers and 80s/90s kids who were actually fans.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I saw Top Gun: Maverick recently. Not good at all. Maybe 4/10. I had numerous people tell me it was an amazing and emotional movie. Umm, what? Why did they try to make it serious, knowing that the original was good because it kind of embraced the camp?
Waste of time.
Mac, watch the first one if you want. Probably a better choice than Halloween Returns Again for the Last Time.
I didn't know they planned to launch a 4080 so soon. Usually x80s are the flagship. Stupid.
Even if they managed to get the size and PSU requirement down to my 3080 while still keeping the gains of the x90 it still wouldn't be worth it. Maybe if you like flight simulator.
the grapes are sour by the way
Even if they managed to get the size and PSU requirement down to my 3080 while still keeping the gains of the x90 it still wouldn't be worth it. Maybe if you like flight simulator.
the grapes are sour by the way