the morning-after pill is NOT technically abortion. in the vast majority of cases no conception has taken place. you don't get someone pregnant every single time you accidentally ejaculate in them, my dude. it's a numbers game.
yeah that's true. but there's a chance the eggs were fertilized in that case technically the growth of a baby has started so it would still be abortion. not saying i have anything against that. i have nothing against abortion in general (depending on the circumstances) but it's irritating when people try to delude themselves into thinking you're not killing a baby.uziq wrote:
the morning-after pill is NOT technically abortion. in the vast majority of cases no conception has taken place. you don't get someone pregnant every single time you accidentally ejaculate in them, my dude. it's a numbers game.
gang shit
Morning after. Baby. What, now? What timeframe are we talking about exactly drooz? And depending on what circumstances?
Cell: divides.
Republicans: "PREGNANCY CURFEW!"
Cell: divides.
Republicans: "PREGNANCY CURFEW!"
Look up when you can claim an infant as a dependent in your taxes.there's a reason why if u kill a pregnant mother u can get charged with double homicide
you’re not ‘killing’ anything resembling a ‘baby’ by taking a morning-after pill, drooz. please take a basic biology lesson, this is embarrassing.
you have benign skin cancers that are more biologically complex and ‘alive’ than a day 1 fertilised egg.
you have benign skin cancers that are more biologically complex and ‘alive’ than a day 1 fertilised egg.
I hear this a lot sometimes, to paraphrase, "on one hand I'm for women's freedom of choice, but on the other ya gotta basically admit that it's murder, right?"
Shielding that last part with "I'm actually really liberal about the whole thing."
Shielding that last part with "I'm actually really liberal about the whole thing."
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-06-28 02:15:24)
Quite frankly, I don't know why people cede ground with arbitrary milestones set by pro-birthers - it just supplied ammo to move the goalposts and gives them the argument of "Oh, you're fine with it as long as it doesn't look like a baby!". The actual procedure becomes more complex as time goes on, but as that viral-ish story goes, basically no one is 8.5 months in and deciding "nah, jk". If someone's having an abortion at that point, they've got a name picked out and a nursery set up and it's probably a goddamn tragedy for them.
Fucking oughta have the option. We don't need to rehash what needs to be done if we wanted PSAs encouraging people to Bone Responsibly, but it's a blatant way for judgmental pricks to saddle women with kids for having the gall to have sex, and then we can judge those single mothers and their (probably) shitty children they aren't ready for. These fucks are investing in tutting for years down the road.
Fucking oughta have the option. We don't need to rehash what needs to be done if we wanted PSAs encouraging people to Bone Responsibly, but it's a blatant way for judgmental pricks to saddle women with kids for having the gall to have sex, and then we can judge those single mothers and their (probably) shitty children they aren't ready for. These fucks are investing in tutting for years down the road.
The religious nutjobs who want to ban all abortions also want to gut sex ed, and ed in general I suppose.
Woah hold on just a Kentucky minute tharunnamednewbie13 wrote:
"on one hand I'm for women's freedom of choice"
Fuck Israel
You don't have to fertilize a girl in order to need a morning after pill. Just having unprotected sex is enough to justify buying one just in case.
Life doesn't begin at conception. It would be a travesty if the morning after pill is taken off the market. Again, it would seem like an attack on young people who are trying to enjoy life instead of being miserable conservatives.
I assume a lot of the women who are against abortion are miserable housewives who don't like the idea of birth control because it would make it too easy for their construction worker husbands to raw dog the ladies at work.
Life doesn't begin at conception. It would be a travesty if the morning after pill is taken off the market. Again, it would seem like an attack on young people who are trying to enjoy life instead of being miserable conservatives.
I assume a lot of the women who are against abortion are miserable housewives who don't like the idea of birth control because it would make it too easy for their construction worker husbands to raw dog the ladies at work.

this guy, these people
Million MAGA March speaker: 'We will not stop until The Handmaid's Tale is a reality -- and even worse than that'
Million MAGA March speaker: 'We will not stop until The Handmaid's Tale is a reality -- and even worse than that'
What extremists?James, whose YouTube account was shuttered due to inappropriate content, is now moving on from election fraud claims to attacking women and boasting he is part of a "Christian Taliban" movement.
In the video (which can be seen below) he claims, "This is the era of Christian nationalism," before turning to the recent events at the Supreme Court.
Honestly, why? What about that is better than current life? Sure sure I get being completely ruled by the big fake dude in the sky and not doing anything with his approval, but why as far as the Handmaidens tale? How is walking around in that life better than walking around in this life?
See fewer people on the street because there are no women? Never see another woman at the beach or at a bar or at a club again? Yeah dude, can't wait.
See fewer people on the street because there are no women? Never see another woman at the beach or at a bar or at a club again? Yeah dude, can't wait.
The dude is a balding YouTuber. Seriously google him. He has a hat on in every picture. Obliviously hiding baldness. His life is not where he wants it to be. He wants to be on television with a full head of transplanted hair. He wants to fuck without having to make himself interesting to 6's on Facebook. Of course Handmaid's take is better than the life he has now.pirana6 wrote:
Honestly, why? What about that is better than current life? Sure sure I get being completely ruled by the big fake dude in the sky and not doing anything with his approval, but why as far as the Handmaidens tale? How is walking around in that life better than walking around in this life?
See fewer people on the street because there are no women? Never see another woman at the beach or at a bar or at a club again? Yeah dude, can't wait.

"Hatfishing"SuperJail Warden wrote:
The dude is a balding YouTuber. Seriously google him. He has a hat on in every picture. Obliviously hiding baldness. His life is not where he wants it to be. He wants to be on television with a full head of transplanted hair. He wants to fuck without having to make himself interesting to 6's on Facebook. Of course Handmaid's take is better than the life he has now.pirana6 wrote:
Honestly, why? What about that is better than current life? Sure sure I get being completely ruled by the big fake dude in the sky and not doing anything with his approval, but why as far as the Handmaidens tale? How is walking around in that life better than walking around in this life?
See fewer people on the street because there are no women? Never see another woman at the beach or at a bar or at a club again? Yeah dude, can't wait.
SC just ruled against the EPA. another ruling that will be just as consequential to the future of american life, if not the globe's. what a staggeringly bad few weeks in american law.
just what we need in the midst of unprecedented climate change: let's focus on getting rid of the pesky 'regulatory' state! why shouldn't children go to school next to refineries, after all? freedom!
I also read somewhere they recently overturned another important federal precedent in criminal law on the admissability of new evidence in closed cases. Basically; no longer allowed.
Seems to be this court's mission to severely narrow the interpretation of the US's constitution and drive everything back to 'state rights!'. What a shitshow.
Seems to be this court's mission to severely narrow the interpretation of the US's constitution and drive everything back to 'state rights!'. What a shitshow.
As a resident of the left coast, my vote is a drop in an ocean of blue. I knew this ghastly state of affairs was coming for years, but felt rather helpless to do anything about it. "Be more proactive," people on social media tell you. What was I going to do, write to my liberal congressman? Move to Kentucky and run as an out-of-state Democrat or something? What a hopeless campaign that would be.
Go to a liberal demonstration and get beaten up by cops while Republicans in government do their very best to ignore objections to their regressive agenda?
Meanwhile, in Texas:
Texas educator group proposes referring to slavery as “involuntary relocation” in second grade curriculum … elocation/
Go to a liberal demonstration and get beaten up by cops while Republicans in government do their very best to ignore objections to their regressive agenda?
Meanwhile, in Texas:
Texas educator group proposes referring to slavery as “involuntary relocation” in second grade curriculum … elocation/
Now that I am getting laid on the regular my position on abortion has evolved. Abortion should be safe, legal, and encouraged. Plan Bs should be sold OTC and covered by insurance too. And where is the male birth control pill?
Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-07-03 16:06:33)

That's not very Catholic of you.
The priest are all virgins and homos. What do they know about love?

Abortions should be allowed. People and the government shouldn't butt into women's business about it.
Obviously preferable for safe sex to preclude the need for an abortion. To that end, sex ed should be entrenched. Unassailable by the religious right, who shouldn't even touch it in the first place if they hate abortions so much.
Obviously preferable for safe sex to preclude the need for an abortion. To that end, sex ed should be entrenched. Unassailable by the religious right, who shouldn't even touch it in the first place if they hate abortions so much.
They're probably right on that, the EPA can't just do what it wants in the absence of a law passed by congress.uziq wrote:
SC just ruled against the EPA. another ruling that will be just as consequential to the future of american life, if not the globe's. what a staggeringly bad few weeks in american law.
That the congress won't pass environmental, or gun control, or abortion laws is the bigger issue really.
Fuck Israel
but the law says the EPA can do all things necessary...Dilbert_X wrote:
They're probably right on that, the EPA can't just do what it wants in the absence of a law passed by congress.uziq wrote:
SC just ruled against the EPA. another ruling that will be just as consequential to the future of american life, if not the globe's. what a staggeringly bad few weeks in american law.
literally not what scotus said. they jsut said "naw uh you gotta be specific on what they can do."
New yorks 100 year old gun control law got overturned. so whats that about passing laws again?
My reaction when I am reading comments on National Review about how the end of Roe will lead to an unwinding of the Sexual Revolution.

Apparently Roe was the "shield of the sexual revolution." And you should "only have sex with a person you would be willing to have a kid with." Huh? What makes right wingers against modern dating practices think they have a right to dictate how others should lead their sex lives? Whatever happened to freedom?

Apparently Roe was the "shield of the sexual revolution." And you should "only have sex with a person you would be willing to have a kid with." Huh? What makes right wingers against modern dating practices think they have a right to dictate how others should lead their sex lives? Whatever happened to freedom?