BF2s' little helper
I think its time for me to retire from this battlefield. But before I go I feel like speaking my mind..

Why did I chose to quit?

Where do I start?! Well there are three things that really grinds my gears:

The gameplay has been ruined.
Day in, and day out I see people teamkilling others to get a vehicle.
I see people do really stupid things - to gain advantages for themselves? I honestly dont know why they do it.
I see cursing and stupidity.

If I had the money I would have gotten my own server and I would enforce the Rules Of Engagement, I would have made it a safe place to play, I would "force" people to work together.
I would have made a server based on realism, a word that dosnt seem to exist in todays BF2 world.
I play a lot, so I would be there to take care of the idiots myself, perm ban for first violation! end of discussion.
In my days on the battlefield I've seen way too many people get away with their crimes, and I cant stand it. I can honestly say that I've never violated a single paragraph in the ROE's,
exept one time, and I better come clean: ~two weeks ago I teamkilled 2 people on purpose, my first teamkills I ever meant to do, ever. Thats all the crimes I've ever done in Battlefield 2, ever.
I never base rape. I don't attack untakable zones.

Today all I see is 50% of the team waiting for vehicles, 25% of the team are snipers, lock'ed squads with 1 player in. The rest just run around like headless chickens.

The community is another reason I quit.
Sure there are some good people out there, but all I see these days is whining. I'm sick and tired of all this whining.

You dont have to be a psychologist to figure out that the things I've ranted about so far isnt good for your mental health. I want to clear my head of all this junk I've picked up over this past year of BF2.

Ok, now I'll whine a bit myself.

First of all I want to say that I've never disliked EA/DICE before, and I've always taken their side...

Patch 1.3 was what really made me say "no! this is it!"

I really love that they've removed the squad jumping thing. Now the game is more realistic - you actually have to keep your men alive woah! nice, and the squads seem to stay when you have a 6 man squad.
Also, ego people cant take advantage of your hard work anymore. They cant spawn in to steal some flag points from you, they cant spawn in to take advantage of your position behind enemy lines you've worked so hard to be in.

However, I cant play patch 1.3, its makes my BF2 crash all the time. I've reinstalled BF2, re-patched 1.3, found new drivers for everything.. still crash..

Another thing I'm sick and tired of is the award requirements.

I'm a high ranked player (Lieutenant Colonel), and one of the things that keept me going was that I was able to get awards. I have stuff to do while I'm ranking up.
now every 2nd Lieutenant is expert in pretty much everything. Where is the challanges?!

e.g. a few nights ago (in patch 1.22) I decided to try to get the expert knife badge (and got it btw). I suck at using the knife, so it was a real challange for me to get, and when the drumroll came it came along with a sence of satisfaction.
Where is the challange at now with 100 global kills? seriously..
The same goes for every other award.. e.g. air and ground defence.. you can get EXPERT in them the very first time you play the game. NO TIME REQUIREMENTS.. come on, at least a few hours..

I think its enough that the army medals and ribbons have been lowered so much a while back.

If this development continues every lance corporal will be all expert, have the WCR and be like 50 points away from 4-star general in patch 1.4.

before I go...

I would like to press "page up" one last time for mr. Chuyskywalker for creating this awesome site. "Good deal, thanks"
If it wernt for www.bf2s.com I think I would have left a long time ago.
I've made some good friends here, some I hope to continue talking too after my BF2 days.
I'll like to thank the people that helped me make my movie http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=20515

/A fallen soldier  Battlefield 2 community [Teamkills - M95] Z-trooper

Last edited by Z-trooper (2006-05-30 13:19:21)

Destroy Noob Cannons
Hope to see you come back for Battlefield 2142. It looks promising for Teamplay.
If you have Xfire, add me:
Maybe we can screw around in my clan's unranked, removing all the seriousness of gameplay for BF2 and actually having fun sometime. If you're interested, I'm on all the time. Holla at me.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Page Up = Vote Yes to kick chuyskywalker.


You'll be missed Z *sheds a tear*
+1,153|6938|Washington, DC

Bye Z trooper you are a cool guy

Don't buy 2142 and give these pigs at EA more cash.
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6982|Moscow, Russia
It's sad to see people abandon the game, but you obviously have your reasons. 1.3 must die. May luck be with you. Here's a +1 for ya, as I don't want your karma to freeze at 13.

If you ever change your mind, come to the server of my clan, [DBD]. We make sure that people are having fun and not spoiling fun of other people. The IP is: Hope to see you on sometime.

Last edited by Wasder (2006-05-30 13:31:27)

No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant
Mate,dont kick it in just yet! i see this shit too and it does annoy me but just play your own game and rise above it! who would have thought a game like this would be around 5 years ago? it really is a great game! its ruined by a few sometimes but just laugh it off,you know most those people are kids anyway! i say dont let the knobs ruin what is a great game for you! just my opinion!
as the big bad bear said..you will be missed! *sheds more tears*
Heia den som vinner!
+115|6865|Oslo, Norway
Don't know who you are, but it seems like you've ONLY played public!?:S In clans they are usually not headless chickens or hardware whores...
BF2s' little helper
Thanks for the kind words guys maybe I'll drop bye the forums and IRC some times when I get bored..
+3,135|7046|The Hague, Netherlands

Z-trooper wrote:

Thanks for the kind words guys maybe I'll drop bye the forums and IRC some times when I get bored..
you can delete that "maybe" you will be here trust me

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