The widow was in control of the estate. The case is still more of a hassle for her to make a judgment call than she needed in her life. I spent zero hours today conferring with my lawyers on ongoing defamation suits. She probably made the money back by selling merchandise but at the same time Chris Kyle wasn't a Vanderbilt. A million dollars or more is still a lot of money.
Paul's post was even worse than I remembered.

Only references I found to post were from "liberal media" groups saying how deplorable his comment was. So 2013. If Chris Kyle got dropped in 2020 it would be a roaring twitter meme. People nowadays, thankfully, buy much less into that "God Bless America" shit.
Kyle took the guy to the range in his F-350, an even bigger fancier more obnoxious truck than the F-150. After he killed Kyle, the shooter took his keys and drove around his truck. Called his sister and told her he "sold his soul for a truck". Kyle got killed while showing off his truck at a vanity project. Greed and vanity right there. Maybe should have driven the guy in a Ford Fusion instead? Some admins at my job are nearing $200,000 salary. Nobody drives a Porsche into work though. It's not a good look. Kyle was a pig man though. Didn't develop higher level thinking. Didn't live in a state with 4 seasons.
Seeing through the insanity of the War on Drugs and War on Terror back before it was super mainstream is to be lauded. Just lauded out of office, thank you.