I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Let's get sidetracked for awhile since we can't post disaster videos anymore.

I really liked this Nintendo game. First one I remember playing.

Good, good. Now beat Fester's Quest.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Very obscure reference. Can we talk about Zelda like normal people?

Zelda games are reasonable games. A soft, reassuring gold cartridge of memories. But true NES gamers recommend some of the most punishing, sometimes cryptic, worst of the worst. Everyone knows Battletoads already, so I won't bother with that. Plus it's not too awful.

Although arcade transplants like Ikari Warriors at least had an excuse for being buttheaded (quarters), Fester's Quest was just awful for the sake of it. When you're done with Fester's Quest, play Ikari Warriors.

It's too bad the Taliban didn't give up on conquest and get into retro speedrunning instead.
I am all that is MOD!

Festers Quest was a tough one. Wrath of the Black Manta was another. Simon's Quest was also difficult. I remember the Narc game being somewhat difficult to beat as well, but I think it might have just been annoying bc you had to load up on the syringes you shot at the boss. Whew, what a time to be alive.

TMNT was another tough one. Ghosts and Goblins too, because you were limited to I think 2 or 3 continues.

I barely remember playing Ikari Warriors.
take it to the virgin boomers thread. this thread is about america’s multigenerational failure to extend its foreign influence.

I think it was mostly that FQ was ruthlessly tedious.

Ikari had a 4-button pity code to continue if you died, but later in the game it became like 40 button presses or something. A few tweaks to aiming and hit boxes and the game could be so much better imo. TMNT was mostly that water level with the electric dick seaweed (my parents bought me TMNT2, thank goodness, either I suffered TMNT 1 as a rental or at a friend's house). Mario Maker level creators have recreated that vibe well, with underwater spike mazes (you know you're in for a good time).

Wasn't Simon's Quest the one with that stupid cryptic crouch in a corner until a whirlwind takes you away thing?

uziq wrote:

take it to the virgin boomers thread. this thread is about america’s multigenerational failure to extend its foreign influence.
I did try and make it about Afghanistan. If their fighters put their war effort into breaking nerdy world records, a number would have been shattered over the past twenty years. Slice two frames off the top speed for the glory of god.

Also, boomer parents were the ones calling Ataris and Segas "The Nintendo." Get your generations right.
i liked the part where dilbert accused the afghan army of not trying hard enough for their freedom. despite several thousand having been killed in 2021 alone, since the trump admin brought the taliban to the negotiating table.

guy can’t even earn his freedom from his parents’ house and he’s sniffy about the efforts of soldiers who are dying (and are now being hunted and killed). lol. … fghanistan

Last edited by uziq (2021-08-20 21:39:31)

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
How many Taliban died at the same time?

Fact is the Taliban have balls and the average Afghan doesn't, so they're dominated by a tiny minority.
Fuck Israel

Another fine sweeping pronouncement, as if these events all occurred within a void.

Dilbert_X wrote:

How many Taliban died at the same time?

Fact is the Taliban have balls and the average Afghan doesn't, so they're dominated by a tiny minority.
you are a cuck. you have no balls.
all grown up now (its boring)

uziq wrote:

the idea we went to afghanistan for lithium or water, on behalf of nestle, is fucking hilarious. what shit do you read online?!

we hadn’t even surveyed or prospected afghanistan in any meaningful way prior to the invasion. it’s not like a bunch of companies were rubbing their hands at the thought of lithium and … er, water.

most lithium comes from south america or china. why haven’t we had a 20-year occupation of chile or bolivia?
Yeah nothing at all to see here.

why haven’t we had a 20-year occupation of chile or bolivia
Because the US is already on friendly trading terms with them.

Imagine thinking the US invades countries for the goodness of it's people, topkek indeed.
all grown up now (its boring)

SuperJail Warden wrote:

twoblacklines wrote:

Hard to win a war when you have ROE that protects civillians, and your enemy dresses like, acts like, lives with, and blends in with civillians. Then the moment the US' back is turned, they pick up their rifles and RPG's again.

My family is military and I've heard all the stories, if it wasn't for the ROE (can't even shoot first, so have to wait to be ambushed before shooting back) the war would have been won very quickly.

Maybe I'm jaded but I don't think the war was ever meant to be won, I think both Iraq and Afghanistan were just meant to be exploited for oil / lithium (where your electric car batteries come from), water (nestle) and poppies for big pharma. They've probably extracted all / most of that and now don't need to be there anymore.
The Soviets tried leveling the place into compliance. It didn't work. There was no military solution to the war.

Military members are some of the dumbest people around. I would sooner trust an undergrad student who read a few books on the war than I would trust someone who rode around Afghanistan in a truck for a year while developing PTSD because a goat farmer looked at them wrong and now they are scared of plastic bags on the road.
The Soviets tried this 3 decades ago. With the CIA providing the locals with anti-air missiles. Any surviving pilots got skinned alive by Taliban wives. Very demotivating.

Now the US has pilotless drones piloted from Nevada, Rod-from-God, who knows what DEW are in existance, thermal imagery, autocannons, advanced fighter jets and helicopters...the massive bomb dropped in the cave complex. All this..and limited by ROE.

Your PTSD related views are just idiotic. I'm glad you haven't had to meet any relatives at hospital with missing limbs or watch them struggle at rehabilitation afterwards. I can't tell if you are lacking empathy or just stupid.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am glad I didn't have any relatives in military hospitals either. Thank you.

Both of my grandfathers fought in Korea. They didn't come back afraid of fireworks, and embittered. Perhaps your family and the generation of soldiers who fought are just soft. And before you talk about boot camp being tough...boot camp isn't any tougher than fat camp. College student hazing is often as tough as boot camp and very few of those kids get PTSD at the end of college. This leads me to believe that the college kids have better coping skills and intelligence than the average soldier.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Oh and I don't think fighter jets made a difference in Afghanistan because the Taliban didn't have an air force. The Russians had helicopters too. ThEy SkInNeD tHe PiLoTs AliVe

twoblacklines wrote:

uziq wrote:

the idea we went to afghanistan for lithium or water, on behalf of nestle, is fucking hilarious. what shit do you read online?!

we hadn’t even surveyed or prospected afghanistan in any meaningful way prior to the invasion. it’s not like a bunch of companies were rubbing their hands at the thought of lithium and … er, water.

most lithium comes from south america or china. why haven’t we had a 20-year occupation of chile or bolivia?
Yeah nothing at all to see here.

why haven’t we had a 20-year occupation of chile or bolivia
Because the US is already on friendly trading terms with them.

Imagine thinking the US invades countries for the goodness of it's people, topkek indeed.
that source is 2010. we didn't invade afghanistan in 2010. as i said, the lithium deposits hadn't been prospected or researched in 2001. do you remember how much lithium-ion tech we had in 2001? even in 2010 the size of their lithium deposits was, as per your image, essentially unknown. aka exactly as i fucking said. so america staged an invasion of a country known to be unconquerable for an unspecified amount of lithium? k.

does the US need to occupy a vast country for a cool trillion dollars to get ... iron and copper? those rare earth materials which absolutely no US ally, as per bolivia, could supply via trade rather than conquest? hmmm make u think. wouldn't it be more cost-effective to mine fucking asteroids rather than spend a trillion dollars building ring-roads and bases in afghanistan? lmao. the war cost at least a trillion dollars. why spend a trillion dollars for $700 bill worth of common, tradeable metals? even with the tacit understanding that wars only enrich the elites, anyway, this is a dumb calculus.

where did i say the US invaded 'for the goodness of its people'? i think the understanding that the govt went there to wreck AQ, rout the taliban and extend american strategic power abroad into the middle-east (as per the neocon think-tanks and hawks calling for 2-3 middle-eastern invasions), is sufficient enough. but wait ... america badly needed to secure ... water ... for a swiss corporation! how many times have you watched the zeitgeist documentary on youtube my guy?

claiming that the US spent A TRILLION dollars in afghanistan so that *checks notes* evil corporation nestlé could launch a small subsidiary of its pakistan-branch to get at afghan water is plain fucking funny.

i get the cynical reading of american imperialism, critiques of neocons and neocolonialism, pointing out the immense overlap between the defense industry, private contractors and senior DoD officials, etc. -- i get all that. we've all heard eisenhower's speech about the 'military-industrial complex'. i get that, on the back of every modern western conflict, in the name of 'spreading freedom', we are also by default saying 'spread wide for the freedom to get raped by our multinational corporations'. we GET it. those are the byproducts and 'spoils' of 21st century war. but to say we invaded afghanistan FOR lithium and ... water ... is fucking hilarious.

Last edited by uziq (2021-08-21 06:03:59)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"America Has Been in Denial about the Taliban from the Start" … the-start/

tl;dr. The Taliban are Islamic extremist and we should confront Islamic extremist or something. I don't know what the article is actually suggesting anyone does. Are we supposed to fight the Taliban again? What is "being clear eyed about Islamic extremism even mean?" I assume a lot of people will just use articles like this to justify bigotry against Muslims in our part of the world. I also think these articles talking up the Islamism of the Taliban is unnecessary "othering" that will lead to us blundering dumbly into another losing war. "The Taliban are brainless Islamic barbarians" Brainless people don't win 20 year wars. Our enemies are often more mean than us but they are no less capable of fighting a war or sustaining a political project than the 19 year olds we sent.

I like this article better
"What I Learned While Eavesdropping on the Taliban" … an/619807/

On every mission, they knew I was overhead, monitoring their every word. They knew I could hear them bragging about how many Americans they’d managed to kill, or how many RPGs they’d procured, or when and where they were going to place an IED. But amid all that hearing, I hadn’t been listening. It finally dawned on me that the bullshitting wasn’t just for fun; it was how they distracted themselves from the same boredom I was feeling as they went through another battle, in the same place, against yet another invading force. But unlike me, when they went home, it would be to the next village over, not 6,000 miles away.
Profound insight. Not a pig soldier.

I don't think the Taliban or Islamists are "just like us". But we never ever acknowledge that our enemies can be as clever and confident as we are. We never acknowledge that our enemies are as powered by hopes and dreams as we are. Acknowledging their humanity of course makes it more difficult to drop bombs on them.

A reminder of course that the Taliban didn't fight off empires for eons or whatever. As a political entity, relatively new. Spent longer fighting us than it spent in power.

Getting into specifics, Taliban != Afghanistan.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You know that is a good point. The country was communist at one point. If the Taliban were by some twist of fate communist people would be talking about the collectivist mindset of tribal blah blah.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Evacuations are still ongoing at the airport. 7 civilians killed in a stampede outside of it. The Taliban is preventing people from swarming it.

Still thousands are being evacuated a day. It's going very well all things considered. There is no siege of the airport. People aren't getting violently executed outside the gates. 7/10
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Not really super-interested in hearing Bliar's take on the Afghan withdrawal.

"tragic, dangerous and unnecessary" - Don't you mean the invasion of Iraq?

wrong and based on an "imbecilic" slogan - You do mean the invasion of Iraq.

Nice calling the US President an imbecile.
Fuck Israel
blair has been backseat driving in the media for the last 10 years. completely contemptible.

on the other hand, cameron and co. are continuing the fine tradition of lobbying, corruption and post-premiereship sleaze.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Who has excelled at post-premiereship sleaze though?

“It [the intelligence service] concludes that Iraq has chemical and biological weapons, that Saddam has continued to produce them, that he has existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes.”

Now thats an imbecilic slogan.
Fuck Israel

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