Afghanistan is soaking up a lot of the air in the room but you must have seen the guy get stabbed in the throat.

Breitbart comments are various decibels of howling no.More than 80,000 Afghans want visas to come to the United States, according to an August 16 report in the Washington Post.
reminder:unnamednewbie13 wrote:
It does feel like a bit of a moral obligation, doesn't it.
I would rather have an Afghani refugee as a neighbor than some Y'all Qaeda nutjob who screams at people on a train for wearing a mask. Even that Taliban guy in the picture from last year was wearing a mask. 80k people are what, like 0.02% of our population? If our government were doing what it should be doing to take care of people, it wouldn't even be worth a cocked eyebrow.
We should have a modern social safety net. The best in the world, even. Imagine 300 million Americans living like completely self-sustained mountain men, lol.
I think we all know the real reason the Breitbart people hate immigrants.
this mess is just further estranging (and radicalizing) our allies. the 'good muslims'.Ordinary Turks believe they have gained little in return for hosting the world’s largest refugee population – nearly four million people – and paid plenty. The CHP is only too aware of this sentiment. Consensus is limited, but all parties seem to agree only that there won’t be a repeat of what happened at the height of the Syrian war. Turkey will not play EU border guard again.
Last edited by uziq (2021-08-17 02:37:43)
Last edited by uziq (2021-08-17 03:13:18)
Last edited by uziq (2021-08-17 03:56:46)
Last edited by uziq (2021-08-17 04:28:53)
I don't think any of us should be fooling ourselves that the Taliban are out to rule "peaceably." A heavy-handed parent might be all smiles and joy when outside eyes are upon them.Why am I bringing this up? It is becoming increasingly clear that our perception of our enemy was off and our government was lying to us. They are monstrous but as I said before, savages don't bloodlessly conquer 40 million people in a week. They are saying and doing all the right things in front of cameras. Yeah a lot of it is propaganda that disguises an ugly worldview but do you know how difficult it is for seemingly normal people to keep their shit together under pressure or after victory? America would be spiking the ball so hard right now if we won this victory.
Last edited by uziq (2021-08-17 06:38:17)
The Soviets tried leveling the place into compliance. It didn't work. There was no military solution to the war.twoblacklines wrote:
Hard to win a war when you have ROE that protects civillians, and your enemy dresses like, acts like, lives with, and blends in with civillians. Then the moment the US' back is turned, they pick up their rifles and RPG's again.
My family is military and I've heard all the stories, if it wasn't for the ROE (can't even shoot first, so have to wait to be ambushed before shooting back) the war would have been won very quickly.
Maybe I'm jaded but I don't think the war was ever meant to be won, I think both Iraq and Afghanistan were just meant to be exploited for oil / lithium (where your electric car batteries come from), water (nestle) and poppies for big pharma. They've probably extracted all / most of that and now don't need to be there anymore.