yeah its one , when i saw ZDF (german tv) when there was a Dutch game, they always said "Oranje Boven" lol*=]AD[=*Pro_NL wrote:
Stomme naam eigenlijk ( stupid name )^*AlphA*^ wrote:
22 Players going after a black and white patched ball for sure,
its called VOETBAL here (Voet=Foot)
also a little song in Holland
Football is ...
22 Players going after a black and white patched ball. | 61% | 61% - 101 | ||||
22 armoured players running after a brown leatherpiece. | 35% | 35% - 59 | ||||
somethin' i don't know! | 3% | 3% - 5 | ||||
Total: 165 |
we have also a song called : Schade Deutschland alles est vorbei im not that good in German ( it was when they got kicked out of the half final )^*AlphA*^ wrote:
yeah its one , when i saw ZDF (german tv) when there was a Dutch game, they always said "Oranje Boven" lol*=]AD[=*Pro_NL wrote:
Stomme naam eigenlijk ( stupid name )^*AlphA*^ wrote:
22 Players going after a black and white patched ball for sure,
its called VOETBAL here (Voet=Foot)
also a little song in Holland
Football is the game with the little round black and white ball... I like Football as it takes some skill if you have people playing the game, not screwing around milking penalties (Aussie team can be shocking for it.... ).
Rugby is good to play, need a reasonable grasp of strategy if you are in the back row. If you are a forward your job is to hit people (which is what I did). ... Super 14 rocks, Rugby World Cup is good for laughs.... Union is better than League.....
American Football is for pussies.... Remove the pads please, then I'll think about playing....
AFL= Bloody strange game... Which doesn't make any sense whatsoever.... Wiki's AFL article
Rugby is good to play, need a reasonable grasp of strategy if you are in the back row. If you are a forward your job is to hit people (which is what I did). ... Super 14 rocks, Rugby World Cup is good for laughs.... Union is better than League.....
American Football is for pussies.... Remove the pads please, then I'll think about playing....
AFL= Bloody strange game... Which doesn't make any sense whatsoever.... Wiki's AFL article
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
ummm broaden your options, As i see it there are many codes of 'football'.
Soccer - ('football' in the rest of the world)
AFL - Australian Football League (my personal favorite)
Rugby League
Rugby Union
Gaelic Football
May have missed a few, if so please enlighten me.
As for what i voted, Soccer is football (the one with the black and white round ball).
Soccer - ('football' in the rest of the world)
AFL - Australian Football League (my personal favorite)
Rugby League
Rugby Union
Gaelic Football
May have missed a few, if so please enlighten me.
As for what i voted, Soccer is football (the one with the black and white round ball).
Go play your fucking cricket
now we know americans are outnumbered in this forum
The most aggresive sport i have ever played. From the following list Hockey (field), Rugby, Soccer, Judo and thats about it.Sh1fty2k5 wrote:
Go play your fucking cricket
Aggresive because, If someone smacks me for 4 or 6, next ball I bowl is dug in short and aimed for his adams apple. Same with batting, if I have a fielder in close Im aiming for his ankle. Gentlemans game my arse.
That is 22 guys running after black and white ball, but I have always hated that sport and us at our ice-hockey team call it... errrr how should i say it in English... well... ball game for ladies...
The EnlightmentDrunkFace wrote:
ummm broaden your options, As i see it there are many codes of 'football'.
Soccer - ('football' in the rest of the world)
AFL - Australian Football League (my personal favorite)
Rugby League
Rugby Union
Gaelic Football
May have missed a few, if so please enlighten me.
As for what i voted, Soccer is football (the one with the black and white round ball).
The Poll is only about the term "football".
Not the different kinds of american football since Rugby is Rugby.
The poll shall determine what you understand under the term "football"!
Last edited by bmb|danCer (2006-05-30 07:31:50)
Where I come from football is rugby league.
Best sport there is
Best sport there is
Last edited by riz (2006-05-30 08:01:57)
so am i wrong if i say rugby is not called football?
Well it all comes down to where you come from doesn't it?, and like I said in my previous post, where I come from football = rugby league.
I call it Egg Chasing.
hmmm, yes it does. Always thought people call rugby, rugby.riz wrote:
Well it all comes down to where you come from doesn't it?, and like I said in my previous post, where I come from football = rugby league.
You Europeans take football a little too serious don't you think? I'd hate to be stuck in the middle of a football riot.
Yes and when i think of the term 'football' i think of the first 4 in my list (because there the ones played in Australia). If you want to speak about a specific one then specify it, eg. soccer, league, union, AFL etc.bmb|danCer wrote:
The EnlightmentDrunkFace wrote:
ummm broaden your options, As i see it there are many codes of 'football'.
Soccer - ('football' in the rest of the world)
AFL - Australian Football League (my personal favorite)
Rugby League
Rugby Union
Gaelic Football
May have missed a few, if so please enlighten me.
As for what i voted, Soccer is football (the one with the black and white round ball).
The Poll is only about the term "football".
Not the different kinds of american football since Rugby is Rugby.
The poll shall determine what you understand under the term "football"!
Therefore the options given are not broad enough, as not everything has to be black and white.
I can accept that in most places around the world people call soccer, 'football'. But this is because they don't play any other kind of 'football' so there is no need to differentiate between them. There are and will always be exceptions.
Sorry, can't edit the poll any more.
It's the biggest adrenaline rush you will ever experience at football. Im not a hoolie but have been caught up loads of times. You'd be suprised about the people who join in these activities, people from all ages I have seen, youngest being 14 ish oldest being in there 60's, I kid you not.shadow18alpha wrote:
You Europeans take football a little too serious don't you think? I'd hate to be stuck in the middle of a football riot.
I do not condone violence, certanly not at football, but it happens.
U.S is gonna get their asses kicked so bad in the world cup they won't be able to sit for another 4 years. Looking forward to see america loose. ahahahahahahah
The german government shitted their pants totally because of their fear because of hools coming to the championships.1927 wrote:
It's the biggest adrenaline rush you will ever experience at football. I'm not a hoolie but have been caught up loads of times. You'd be suprised about the people who join in these activities, people from all ages I have seen, youngest being 14 sh oldest being in there 60's, I kid you not.shadow18alpha wrote:
You Europeans take football a little too serious don't you think? I'd hate to be stuck in the middle of a football riot.
I do not condone violence, certanly not at football, but it happens.
It's ridiculous. They should worry about having enough beer at the stadiums.
I live in cardiff mate about 5 minutes walk from the city centre, and the sounds of police sirens and ambulances is a comfort to me on the weekends whenever theres a match in the stadium.1927 wrote:
It's the biggest adrenaline rush you will ever experience at football. Im not a hoolie but have been caught up loads of times. You'd be suprised about the people who join in these activities, people from all ages I have seen, youngest being 14 ish oldest being in there 60's, I kid you not.shadow18alpha wrote:
You Europeans take football a little too serious don't you think? I'd hate to be stuck in the middle of a football riot.
I do not condone violence, certanly not at football, but it happens.
Last weekend was particulary noisy with the rugby on saturday and I think it was Chelsea playing on the sunday.
I been banging this drum for a while now so forgive me if you have already read it.bmb|danCer wrote:
The german government shitted their pants totally because of their fear because of hools coming to the championships.1927 wrote:
It's the biggest adrenaline rush you will ever experience at football. I'm not a hoolie but have been caught up loads of times. You'd be suprised about the people who join in these activities, people from all ages I have seen, youngest being 14 sh oldest being in there 60's, I kid you not.shadow18alpha wrote:
You Europeans take football a little too serious don't you think? I'd hate to be stuck in the middle of a football riot.
I do not condone violence, certanly not at football, but it happens.
It's ridiculous. They should worry about having enough beer at the stadiums.
I was in Berlin last year and locals scared the life out of me. Young lads wearing stomper boots, skin heads, and all had dogs. If England or anyone else think they can go and "own" a city they will have the shock of there life.
Thats Berlin for you I can't speak about other areas
Where you from Strangetown?Stomper_40k wrote:
I live in cardiff mate about 5 minutes walk from the city centre, and the sounds of police sirens and ambulances is a comfort to me on the weekends whenever theres a match in the stadium.1927 wrote:
It's the biggest adrenaline rush you will ever experience at football. Im not a hoolie but have been caught up loads of times. You'd be suprised about the people who join in these activities, people from all ages I have seen, youngest being 14 ish oldest being in there 60's, I kid you not.shadow18alpha wrote:
You Europeans take football a little too serious don't you think? I'd hate to be stuck in the middle of a football riot.
I do not condone violence, certanly not at football, but it happens.
Last weekend was particulary noisy with the rugby on saturday and I think it was Chelsea playing on the sunday.
Or NOT watching it (I'm talking about the final this year - damn that fog was heavy. Can't see a friggin thing.)vedds wrote:
Yes! a real sport has 15 players a side!Tyferra wrote:
Football dosn't exist.
AMERICAN football is that crappy game played with shoulder pads, (I don't care how unpopular that comment makes me, I think its a stupid game.)
Soccer is the black and white patched ball game with the goals and the terrible acting. Do you reckon their should be an Academy Award for Best Soccer Hollywood?
Rugby FTW, Union or League, I'm not picky. All Blacks rule, so Union is better I guess. We'll win the World Cup this time I swear.
If any of you septics ever get to watch a super 14 rugby match you'll blow your wad after being brought up thinking of that abomination "football" as a sport!
Just to make you all salivate i have linked a video of the all blacks in action
BTW one of the greatest tries ever scored appears at about 4:15
Soccer ftw - it's much more suspenseful:
'Is he going to score? He's coming up to the goal! He's about to score! OH MY F***ING GOD, HE MISSED BY 2 FEET!' Meanwhile, your heart decides that it's going to try and become a vibrator.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman