I am all that is MOD!

Shut the fuck up idiot
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Is this really his first post in 10 years?
I am all that is MOD!

The original alt-righter. Tried to say his username Ausch88 was related to his love of Australian chainsaws and the year he was born.

Guy is a cum stain. Imagine still holding on to that stupid worldview for over 10 years.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am all that is MOD!

Bf2s was strictly the most serious of business

RTHKI wrote:

Is this really his first post in 10 years?
someone spilt water on the dilbert late at night and now this anti-semitic gremlin has popped out of the kitchen cupboard.

I never noticed, or forgot, that the 's' was missing.


The original alt-righter. Tried to say his username Ausch88 was related to his love of Australian chainsaws and the year he was born.

Guy is a cum stain. Imagine still holding on to that stupid worldview for over 10 years.
Actually the 88 was a tribute to Eric Lindros but anyway.. With all the Afghan pull out talks i remembered the good old days of trying to convince you that war was bad.. what a stupid worldview right?  20 years later, you get out of Afghanistan and the Taliban takes over as soon as you leave.

Most of you were Bush lovers,  hoping for a war with Iran..  wanted Assad gone,  i tried to warn you that the middle east was a waste of time, that China was growing and would be the real threat. But nooo lets bomb brown people to avenge 911 right?

Seeing that you use the word "alt-right", I can say that you are probably a Trump Hater and still drink the MSM cool-aid every day.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

i tried to warn you that the middle east was a waste of time, that China was growing and would be the real threat. But nooo lets bomb brown people to avenge 911 right?
The Zionist Occupation Government probably never got your memo because you misspelled the mailing address.
amazing that he's still trying to retcon the '88' thing. first his date of birth, now a hockey player's jersey number ... i mean why even bother.

actually the '88' thing or '14'/'88' thing was at least still pretty niche back in those pre-crisis, pre-trump days. now everyone knows that '88' is a pretty much open affiliation with white supremacism/neo-nazism. it's not even subtle anymore. twitter and all those private social networks are literally full of people sieg heiling with those numbers. stormfront has been copy+pasted onto every major news paper.

'MSM kool-aid'.

15 years on the internet and the guy is still gullible enough to slam-dunk every single derpy idea on the fringes of the internet. from jew-hating in his youth to no doubt rallying against 'libcucks'. these people really exist!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Anyway, guy that just came back. All jokes aside, welcome back. What made you come back?

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Anyway, guy that just came back. All jokes aside, welcome back. What made you come back?

With the Afghan pull out coming, i wanted to see how the forum is reacting to the news. Ive always enjoyed the debates around here..

Also curious about people opinion of Trump.. most of the ppl back in the days were pro Bush, Pro war etc..
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Anyway, guy that just came back. All jokes aside, welcome back. What made you come back?

With the Afghan pull out coming, i wanted to see how the forum is reacting to the news. Ive always enjoyed the debates around here..

Also curious about people opinion of Trump.. most of the ppl back in the days were pro Bush, Pro war etc..
I understand from another post of yours that you aren't American. Can you clarify where you are from? The United States was very different before 2008. Even people who are very liberal now oftentimes were pro-war during the flower of their age.

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Also curious about people opinion of Trump.. most of the ppl back in the days were pro Bush, Pro war etc..
Rating generally not good on BF2S. The man is all bellicose and bluster. Negative reviews of the Jan 6 failed coup, rumored coups, COVID handling and misinformation campaign. Trade war with little consideration for hits taken back home. Morally questionable, but paraded by moralists as a messiah. More divisive politics. Take comfort in that he could have been worse, I guess.

I think most of the pro-war guys back in the day weren't pro forever-war. I thought it was reasonable to hunt down Al Qaeda actors. Less so occupying Iraq/Afghanistan for like two decades. We could have also stood to use less DU in civilian communities.

IIRC, my opinions began to sour during Bush's second term, and liberalize during Obama's first.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It's unusual for someone to become more liberal as they age. And I know you have done a lot of aging.

I started becoming more liberal when I was younger than you are now. We're not that far apart either.

e: Also it's probably not too unusual. I imagine a lot of greatest gen went from sending their boomer kids out to deliver Nixon flyers, to voting for Clinton in their retirement.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2021-07-14 10:25:42)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Anyway, guy that just came back. All jokes aside, welcome back. What made you come back?

With the Afghan pull out coming, i wanted to see how the forum is reacting to the news. Ive always enjoyed the debates around here..

Also curious about people opinion of Trump.. most of the ppl back in the days were pro Bush, Pro war etc..
I understand from another post of yours that you aren't American. Can you clarify where you are from? The United States was very different before 2008. Even people who are very liberal now oftentimes were pro-war during the flower of their age.
I'm Canadian and not Autralian.. that is a long story

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Also curious about people opinion of Trump.. most of the ppl back in the days were pro Bush, Pro war etc..
Rating generally not good on BF2S. The man is all bellicose and bluster. Negative reviews of the Jan 6 failed coup, rumored coups, COVID handling and misinformation campaign. Trade war with little consideration for hits taken back home. Morally questionable, but paraded by moralists as a messiah. More divisive politics. Take comfort in that he could have been worse, I guess.

I think most of the pro-war guys back in the day weren't pro forever-war. I thought it was reasonable to hunt down Al Qaeda actors. Less so occupying Iraq/Afghanistan for like two decades. We could have also stood to use less DU in civilian communities.

IIRC, my opinions began to sour during Bush's second term, and liberalize during Obama's first.
I'm a big Trump guy..  Didnt care much for him before he ran in 2016 but after listening to him during the campaign and seeing that he kept all his promises, i was sold. (yea i know.. Mexico didnt pay for the wall)
which promises did he keep? inflicting massive trade war damages on american farmers? tax cuts for the rich? inviting two chinese firms to open factories in podunk, illinois, which were promptly shuttered after a year or two of operation?

can you honestly explain to me what promises trump delivered on?

Online Canadian buddy of mine I used to game with was a big time neocon, I guess. Gun guy, worked fracking. As sure as hand sanitizer kills germs he'd be a Trumper, but never confirmed (I didn't want to buy/play post-bf2 battlefields at the time, so we grew apart). Russian pal was big into Trump early on because of the prospect of US and Russia normalizing relations (he wants to play Battlefield 4; I don't really want to, but might go along for a couple games since I got it for the campaign from a rock-bottom sale). Political stuff is all eggshells, and I sidestepped it where I could. If you don't, good way to lose friends who can't argue without taking it personally.

trump supporters in canada, jun 2020 … canadians/

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2021-07-14 12:36:51)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't know how you can be a Canadian Trump fan when the man initiated a costly trade war on Canada.

People in the US vote against their best interests all the time.

uziq wrote:

which promises did he keep? inflicting massive trade war damages on american farmers? tax cuts for the rich? inviting two chinese firms to open factories in podunk, illinois, which were promptly shuttered after a year or two of operation?

can you honestly explain to me what promises trump delivered on?
The Wall
Tax cut for corporations and working americans
Have NATO members pay their fair share
Becoming energy independant
new trade deals more fair for the american people
Tarifs on China (like it or not, you guys need to slow them down)
No new war
Getting along with NK and Russia
The Ban on countries with "islamist issues" .. (that one must have pleased some former member of bf2s)
Restoring the military power.
The Space Force (LOL)
Getting rid of "catch and release".. Biden reinstated it
and probably much more.. he did that with a hostile congress and senate.. fighting lawsuit left and right.. even fighting republicans

The one thing that strike me the most is the way he dealt with prices of drugs.  Getting rid of the middle man brought down the price of Insulin like crazy.. something Biden cancelled as soon as he was in office. Now insulin prices are going back up.

Having that rule in place that pharmaceutical have to sell their drugs to hospital to the lowest price possible.  Those are all great accomplishment that previous president never even tried to touch.

American farmers voted for Trump in 2020.. i think they still like him

Before Covid, the US was doing great you cannot deny that.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I don't know how you can be a Canadian Trump fan when the man initiated a costly trade war on Canada.
Take dairy for example.. we were ripping you off on milk by preventing US dairy company to sell their products to us canadians but we could sell our milk and cheese across the border. Why? Because adding competition would have driven the prices of dairy down all across the board and canadian dairy companies don't want that. it is a big lobby up here.. 

Putting your own country first is not a bad thing.. the difference is that as a canadian i understand it.. and its not like we are on the brink of bankruptcy anyway.. we benefit from being your neighbor, we don't have to spend too much on defense, we have access to 350 millions people market for our products and natural ressources and you are our wall against illegal immigration.

A strong America is what is needed for a strong western civilization.. If America fails, we all fail
that is an incredibly myopic view.

the wall? it has done nothing. separating children from their parents and keeping humans in cages – tremendous stuff.

trade deals that were 'more fair' for the american people. they made for great headlines but little economic sense. american farmers had to be bailed out to the tune of around $300 million dollars, didn't they? you go get 'em! 'the art of the deal'!

the ban on countries with islamist issues was a piece of fluff tossed out by bannon before he got the boot. it was ruled illegal and overturned in the courts. what was it supposed to achieve, exactly? do you think it was meaningful counter-terrorism?

no new war ... right. except for where there were continued wars and troop supplies. and that glorious episode in which you cut off your kurdish allies, overnight, and let them get bombed to death by the turks and islamists. classy stuff. except for when you came to within a hair's width of conflict with iran by assassinating their senior general.

getting along with NK and russia – why is this by default a good thing? both putin and kim used trump like a useful idiot and furthered their own agendas at the US's expense. NK still no closer to denuclearisation. russia still doing exactly what they want domestically and internationally.

space force ... LOL.

i love how you think he should be applauded for 'bringing down the price of insulin', as if that's a huge gain for the average working joe; meanwhile they were trying their best to reverse obamacare and to rip up affordable healthcare. not to mention that little public health emergency called HALF A MILLION DEAD AMERICANS, the WORST performance of any nation in the world.

yeah, you can't deny that before covid america was doing great ... respected by no one in the world, certainly not her traditional allies in europe, and mocked at by her enemies. trump was the best thing to ever happen to a newly ennobled china, as well as iran/NK/russia. for 4 years the chinese press could talk about the american leadership being 'clinically insane' and could credibly suggest that 'more democracy' was surely a bad thing, judging by the result on display in the white house.

truly bizarre psychology at work here. deluded and/or myopic.

Last edited by uziq (2021-07-14 13:14:36)

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