well i think not any time soon but sometime in my life there gonna make smell into games like kinda like a Mic but its on Ur nose and u can smell blood, hot bullets burning Ur skin and the other people like the ocean and stuff do u think that would be cool???
Yes, Ahem... <_< >_> *runs*
-1 for being stupid
lol, yes bieng sick all over my Keyboard with the smell of blood DOES sound fun! Thanks!
lol, joking, that would be funny though
lol, joking, that would be funny though
Don't think that is a good idea Imagine the smell of a rotten corpse on the BF even blood is bad enough
Maybe like a surround monitor (I saw it on G4; they do exist.) and some nice surrond sound would change the gameplay a little bit. It'd put you into the action so much more.
Nothing like the smell of Napalm in the morning.
No. I would have to smell my fellow players.
How about a few volts through your body every time you get shot? Sounds tempting.. mmm...
Im dreaming of a game where you'll feel the pain when you get shot. That would own. I would definetely stop playing BF2
Ouch, That would put an end to the statpadding!Sh1fty2k5 wrote:
Im dreaming of a game where you'll feel the pain when you get shot. That would own. I would definetely stop playing BF2
There was a product that gave off smells depending on a website, but it got trashed and rated one of the 25 worst tech products of all time I think......
Ambient smell things would be nice in games, like being able to smell gunpowder, smoke, certain buildings even, the sea, sterile medical EQ, or flowers, No blood or corpses, that would be too hardcore for most, [Not your morbid friend Sarrk though! ]
All this would be quite possible, give one or two years, and this will happen, gamers are demanding more items that put them 'in the game' surround sound just to name one
It would be easy to code, just throw some varibles and triggers in, and get the smell thingo to react when a player enters the area
Hard part is getting the smells themself..................
Last edited by Sarrk (2006-05-30 02:49:43)
Maybe someday we will have games where cars are falling out of the skies - err wait we have that already
I just hope there are no smell input devices. Loads of people would shove em were the sun dont shine
Try the military! ......Sh1fty2k5 wrote:
Im dreaming of a game where you'll feel the pain when you get shot. That would own. I would definetely stop playing BF2
Seriously, I'm glad some games DON'T have smell.... Some nasty smells available on a battlefield...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
yay! i can't wait to smell those usable toilets on the battlefield in BF2142!
Its funny that you mention being able to smell stuff cause there was a post recently (http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=26204) about the worst 25 tech products of all time. This product that adds smells to your computer experience made the list at 24:
24. DigiScents iSmell (2001)
Few products literally stink, but this one did--or at least it would have, had it progressed beyond the prototype stage.
In 2001, DigiScents unveiled the iSmell, a shark-fin-shaped gizmo that plugged into your PC's USB port and wafted appropriate scents as you surfed smell-enabled Web sites--say, perfume as you were browsing Chanel.com, or cheese doodles at Frito-Lay.com. But skeptical users turned up their noses at the idea, making the iSmell the ultimate in vaporware.
24. DigiScents iSmell (2001)
Few products literally stink, but this one did--or at least it would have, had it progressed beyond the prototype stage.
In 2001, DigiScents unveiled the iSmell, a shark-fin-shaped gizmo that plugged into your PC's USB port and wafted appropriate scents as you surfed smell-enabled Web sites--say, perfume as you were browsing Chanel.com, or cheese doodles at Frito-Lay.com. But skeptical users turned up their noses at the idea, making the iSmell the ultimate in vaporware.
Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-05-30 06:08:28)
hey, you stole my sig. lol.Point&Shoot wrote:
Nothing like the smell of Napalm in the morning.
i want interactive porn! GIVE ME NOW!
Have you seen the electric shock toys the gadget shope etc sell. For eg, Battletanks. The remote for each tank carries a pad which sends out a zap into ur hand whenever you tank gets hit by the other.Sh1fty2k5 wrote:
Im dreaming of a game where you'll feel the pain when you get shot. That would own. I would definetely stop playing BF2
What would happen if you snuck up on a sniper and let him see you before you knifed or gunned him down? The sniper in question shouts....."Shiiiiiiiiiiiit". And your sat there thinking damn I wish I never suggested this all that time ago on bf2s.com. Perhaps brining smells into the game isn't good afterall.
the smell off rotten meat because someone rots away in 15 seconds
"Smell that? I love the smell of Napalm in the morning, smells like....vicotry."
Ill karma someone a few positives if they can tell me what movie thats from....IM me your guesses.
Ill karma someone a few positives if they can tell me what movie thats from....IM me your guesses.
funny for who ?simon wrote:
lol, yes bieng sick all over my Keyboard with the smell of blood DOES sound fun! Thanks!
lol, joking, that would be funny though
Yeah, it'd be real fun riding in a humvee with a bunch of farting marines.....