koreans take drugs. it’s still illegal. thanks for pointing out the obvious.

young people all over europe take drugs in places where it’s technically highly illegal. social norms and youth culture don’t always accord perfectly with the state. are you dumb?

my point was it’s common sense to observe the laws when you’re a visitor. what the natives do behind closed doors might not apply to you. a korean police officer would use more discretion with a korean national; i would receive the full force of the law. this is fucking common sense.

are you so bored in your life that you construe these endless non arguments lmao
The X stands for
+1,818|6413|eXtreme to the maX
I just thought you'd choose to travel to somewhere which isn't the complete antithesis of your supposed values.

Or maybe racist monoracial anti-hedonism does make for a nice country to live in?
Fuck Israel
the antithesis of my supposed views? what are you on about. i’m not a citizen of korea. a traveller’s experience of a culture is an ENCOUNTER with ANOTHER. my own views are being contrasted with the views and values here: it’s beneficial.

even if i was secretly in love with whatever your misbegotten and parodic idea of ‘korean values’, i would never be able to truly be inside that system anyway. i’m a visitor on a holiday visa you muppet. if i was trying with all of my might to marry a korean, get a korean job, and fashion myself according to confucian values, you might have a point.

i can’t believe you have to have this explained to you. people travel through countries or visit places without it being an overwhelming endorsement of said place’s values. people don’t disown their own country or their own worldview when they go live somewhere else. it’s a way of being curious about the world, learning, approving of some things and disapproving of others. you are literally fucking autistic.
anti-hedonism as the culture of korea hahahahah i’m dead. wow you really don’t know much do you?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't know why you both keep mentioning fascism in the negative when it comes to Korea. East Asian fascism sounds interesting. If K and J Pop is anything to go by, the Japanese and Koreans seem like the only group of fascist who would understand the importance of nice dress uniforms.
yeah, no, bad take. japan is totally unrepentant about things like the rape of nanking and ethnic cleansing on the korean peninsula. talk about historical abuse: open a japanese history textbook. their relationship to fascism is awful and not ‘interesting’. 100,000s of people murdered and fanatics dying for a ‘god emperor’. and that political bloc never went away: there are still campaigners driving around cars with tannoy systems trying to bring all of that back.

i know you’re being facetious but there really are weebs on the internet who think japan is ‘neat’. nazis are not fancy-dress jokes.

and you would have a very bad time in korea and japan with your skin colour and ethnic appearance. just saying. you make lame jokes at your own expense.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-12 17:22:04)

also last night i was kept up until 4.30 by a huge group of koreans binge drinking and constantly going outside to the local convenience store for cigarettes and booze.

a few streets away is a triangle of ‘love motels’ where they all go to when they’ve paired up, often times extra-maritally. mistresses and affairs here are super common because their attitude to marriage is basically the same as 19th century bourgeois europe: property and advantageous family mergers first, happiness second.

the ‘exclusive’ clubs of gangnam, whilst being the usual diorama of luxury champagne and overpriced ‘glamour’ bullshit, all have back rooms and VIP areas where the rich and beautiful can take drugs in privacy. nobody touches them. crystal meth or speed is endemic in clubs here, coming from south-east asia where it’s made by the metric tonne.

there are entire areas of the city dedicated to nightlife like this. pre-covid there were 24-hour bars and clubs everywhere. you can still go nightclubbing in itaewon now at 5am. koreans frequently drink through the curfew hours and rock up to the clubs in the early morning when the night curfew ends.

but it’s really ‘anti-hedonistic’. no one has any fun here and any sort of drug taking or sensuous pleasure is strictly frowned upon. FFS dilbert is like a boomer who thinks east asia is this quaint, respectful, conformist utopia where everyone bows, respects their elders and does tea ceremonies.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-12 17:26:54)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

yeah, no, bad take. japan is totally unrepentant about things like the rape of nanking and ethnic cleansing on the korean peninsula. talk about historical abuse: open a japanese history textbook. their relationship to fascism is awful and not ‘interesting’. 100,000s of people murdered and fanatics dying for a ‘god emperor’. and that political bloc never went away: there are still campaigners driving around cars with tannoy systems trying to bring all of that back.

i know you’re being facetious but there really are weebs on the internet who think japan is ‘neat’. nazis are not fancy-dress jokes.

and you would have a very bad time in korea and japan with your skin colour and ethnic appearance. just saying. you make lame jokes at your own expense.
I wouldn't want to visit or live in Japan and Korea. Asia for the Asians.
leaving new jersey would be a start.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I plan to do what Kant did and never live more than a few miles away from Manhattan.
didn’t he also go to a specific tree every day with a private nook and masturbate? you’re practically there except for the IQ.

Off topic, I've been seeing barbed wire baseball bats showing up a lot as background props in nerd videos. Whoever's idea it was to monetize those did good, although they should probably feel somewhat ashamed.
The X stands for
+1,818|6413|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

and you would have a very bad time in korea and japan with your skin colour and ethnic appearance. just saying. you make lame jokes at your own expense.
Wait I thought koreans weren't racist.
Fuck Israel
all of east asia has attitudes about skin colour.  i never denied that they value pale skin over dark skin. that's as much to do with their deeply ingrained class attitudes than anything explicitly about 'race'. these attitudes pre-date concepts of 'race'. it's about paleness being associated with wealth and luxury.

the koreans who evince these attitudes aren't so much racist as purely ignorant. i've met south africans here who, when telling koreans where they're from, will be asked 'so did you grow up in a mud hut?' it's a small country that only recently joined the world community. spending 400 years in the midst of ructions with two huge neighbours will do that to you. they've basically been incurious about a lot of the world. the same thing obviously goes for china, 'the middle kingdom', where historically it was thought that the farther away you get from the country, by default the less prestigious and interesting you are.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-13 19:56:51)

The X stands for
+1,818|6413|eXtreme to the maX
OK so they are racist

Saved $1k on car repairs and service, Subaru quoted six hours for the repairs, independent Subaru guy two hours, so I got him to do a major service and the repairs.
Really hoping he hasn't fucked it up, if he has the parts can be pulled and it can be done again. Seems all good so far.

While I was in Subaru pricing parts I overhead some asian kid getting charged $1100 for a basic service, greedy fuckers.
Fuck Israel
Everything you describe about korea kinda sucks. I also read that their work culture and that of Japan more or less encompass your entire waking life. Looking up the amount of PTO they get is also just depressing. A measly 15 days for koreans and hard capped at 25.

I know, I know, regular americans have it even worse but you're like a third world country in that regard. I'm over here with around 45 days pto. Not that I actually use them all in a year (just too much really) but it's nice to know I can take time off whenever I want even for longer stretches. I'd like to work in a place like singapore or the US in the future as an expat for a while but possibly losing that freedom and having severely reduced paid leave time is a pretty significant drawback to me.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-05-17 09:22:07)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
Sure lots of companies suck and give maybe 10 days of PTO but you can still find some that might get close to half lol. 

Everyone at my work gets
8 personal days
10 vacation, 15 after 5 years, 20 after 10....
8 holidays
Wish it was more but whatever.

Previous job was 10 vacations days, an amount of sick days they never revealed, I didn't even know we had any, not sure if it was paid either or just excused unpaid. No holidays.
In the entire EU 20 is lawful minimum ex public holidays which also count as paid leave. My 'base' is 20 but due to some nice contractual arrangements by unions (I work more than a standard fulltime contract, so overtime=leave) I get over double that in a year. For the record I actually work 40 hrs, upwards of 50 in a busy week. 60+ on rare occasions.

My previous employer gave me 26. I feel that if working fulltime around 30 is ideal/maybe even necessary.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-05-17 11:16:30)

korea went from a flattened peninsula to a world top10 GDP in about 30 years. no shit their work culture is insane. add that to the fact that politically it was part of the same cold war american network as pro-capitalist dictators in south america, and, duh, worker’s rights haven’t exactly been high on the agenda either.

it’s been well known since like the 1980s that working in japan or korea is insane by western standards. very few non-koreans actually do that, though. the job market is very competitive here and you’d need native proficiency in korean to compete with the locals. add that to the fact their average income is below western levels ... you’d need some idiosyncratic reasons indeed to opt to relocate your life to korea in order to work harder, earn much less, and speak a difficult extra language.

but what exactly is the point of your observation? a democracy that’s younger than your parents’ age isn’t as comfortable as working in the very best examples of european democracies? erm ok? i’m not even working for a korean corporation. there’s a lot more to do and discover about a country than its work culture, you know. ‘everything about korea sucks’, lol wow. the high-speed collision of capitalism with ancient asian cultures is kind of the whole attraction of the region, isn’t it? which is why it’s so fucking funny that dilbert keeps making them out to be untouched, pure hermit kingdoms with no westernisation.

there are sweet deals to be had here if you can parachute in to work in the media, or a university, or, say, semiconductor research for samsung, and so on. if you’re an MIT graduate or an east asian studies professor or something then you’ll receive all the good bits of their status and hierarchy-oriented values and will skip the bad bits. but that goes for any highly qualified worker who wants to move around internationally: you get the chef’s selection. western people who relocate to dubai or singapore generally don’t expect to be treated like the underclass of construction workers. the major chaebols are barely relevant to westerners as they are so uniquely a product of korean values, including the fact they are still ran like family businesses. it’s not surprising to anyone to say those jobs aren’t very appealing to a non-korean.

as for describing all the hedonism and excesses of their nightlife: i mean you could describe the social rituals and routines of life in berlin and form some pretty rash generalisations too. the fact koreans binge drink and party hard is nothing compared to the lifestyles lived in berlin, or amsterdam/barcelona/london/new york, etc. of course you can read the worst into ‘people go on drug binges for 30 hours and often join one another for semi-anonymous sex in dark rooms’, aka an average weekend in kreuzberg. i’m sure a chinese version of larssen sat in qingdao would read that and conclude ‘everything about the west sucks’. i was deliberately trying to paint a seedy picture to contradict dilbert’s ridiculous, paper-thin grasp of the place as some ‘pure ethnostate’ where nobody has fun and everybody has the exact same values.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-17 14:41:05)


I've got to say that whether someone's as closed off as dilbert, or admitting that there's stuff they can learn about the country, talking about Korea stuff (which I've had an peripheral interest in for a long time due to family, local community, and some past hobbies) with you is sometimes a needlessly confrontational affair. I don't even know what I could say about the pictures you sometimes post without it turning into an unfun fight.

"Haha, you absolute ignorant shitstain" wouldn't be too far off from a remark I'd expect irt my hypothetical "hey nice view from your building," followed by some offkey remark about log cabins in Washington or whatever. It's just what I'd expect, you've always been like that.

@larssen I could not recommend working in the US unless you can line up a pretty sweet job with great insurances and decent time off.
overwork is endemic in all high-status professions. it just so happens that the main corporate jobs or career outposts for westerners in tokyo/seoul/hk/singapore/etc are in those very professions. working for a bank or law firm in new york city isn't going to be substantially different, in terms of office culture and overwork, than working in tokyo.

the complaint there is profession-specific. there are lots of ways to live and work in a foreign country, and lots of careers to be had, that aren't in the corporate rat-race. i work 30-35 hours a week and no more and i live perfectly well.

if you wanted to be smart you wouldn't opt for a singapore but for somewhere in vietnam or thailand. lots of places there with the infrastructure for remote working or with international institutions/businesses of their own. the wage differential makes it much, much better.

Last edited by uziq (2021-05-17 23:47:57)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Speaking of work: here at the pet cemetery 🪦 I manage, we have a schedule of being in person Monday and Tuesday. Work from home Wednesday. Then in person Thursday and Friday. The midweek WFH is such a nice way to break up the week.
The X stands for
+1,818|6413|eXtreme to the maX
18 Year old Pioneer plasma TV got fixed by the local tech guru.

Super happy about that, still a great picture and like an Aga it heats the whole house.
Fuck Israel

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Speaking of work: here at the pet cemetery 🪦 I manage, we have a schedule of being in person Monday and Tuesday. Work from home Wednesday. Then in person Thursday and Friday. The midweek WFH is such a nice way to break up the week.
Macbeth's getting closer to letting slip where he buried all the neighborhood dogs. Once this happens, the rest of us can execute the forbidden rituals necessary to give those poor families back their lost pets (might need to write Stephen King for proper instructions).

@mac: As I understand it, any trophies like skins or skulls that you keep up in your parents' attic will also reanimate. I suggest relocating those somewhere less spooky.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Speaking of work: here at the pet cemetery 🪦 I manage, we have a schedule of being in person Monday and Tuesday. Work from home Wednesday. Then in person Thursday and Friday. The midweek WFH is such a nice way to break up the week.
Macbeth's getting closer to letting slip where he buried all the neighborhood dogs. Once this happens, the rest of us can execute the forbidden rituals necessary to give those poor families back their lost pets (might need to write Stephen King for proper instructions).

@mac: As I understand it, any trophies like skins or skulls that you keep up in your parents' attic will also reanimate. I suggest relocating those somewhere less spooky.
I am a friend to all animals. That is why I never joined SWAT back when I was on the LAPD.

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