I am all that is MOD!

Interesting. In California, our most restrictive lockdown was implemented at >10 new daily cases / 100k.

Right now it's at a little under 3/100k for a rolling 7 day average in OC. The county supervisors just announced further openings. Now bars that serve food can open to 50% capacity.

Easter weekend will lead to another spike though, so any progress will definitely be reversed for the near term.

uziq wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Thank you for your expert contribution. We should all go back into lockdown. I'll inform the ministers on your point of view
german ministers are urging new curbs immediately to avoid a third wave. are you even reading the news, dipshit?

Germany must bring down coronavirus infections in the next few weeks or risk new virus mutations that are resistant to vaccines, and should impose night-time curfews in regions with high caseloads, said a top aide to Chancellor Angela Merkel according to Reuters.

“We are in the most dangerous phase of the pandemic,” Merkel’s chief of staff Helge Braun told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. “The next few weeks will determine whether we can foreseeably get the pandemic under control.”

If the number of infections rises rapidly again there is a growing danger that the next virus mutation will become resistant to the vaccine, Braun said.

“Then we would need new vaccines, then we would have to start vaccinating all over again,” he added.

After a popular backlash and legal hurdles, Merkel was forced to ditch plans for an extended Easter holiday intended to try to break a third wave, but Braun said it remained imperative to reduce the number of infections.

In regions where the number of cases per 100,000 people in the last seven days is more than 100, he spoke out in favour of additional curbs. “That’s where regional curfews in the evening and at night can help, because we have the highest infection rates at meetings in people’s homes,” he said.

Coronavirus infections have risen sharply in Germany in recent weeks, driven by a more transmissible variant of the virus and moves to ease some restrictions.

amazing how suddenly you can't read a graph or table when it involves criticizing your beloved EU.
It's curious to me how any post I write passes through some sort of mental filter with you invariably interpreting it as saying 'lol u suk nerd' in any number of different ways. Always so touchy, doubling down on imagined arguments where you have to insist that in fact everyone else is just dumb as shit. Is this shtick of yours the result of a secondary school trauma you never lived down? The Nerd Strikes Back? A neverending quest for vengeance rooted in all the put downs you were subjected to as a young uziq?

I never disagreed that the situation is concerning, my dude. Can't you find some koreans to patronise?
secondary school trauma didn’t you use the term ‘reaching’ all of two posts ago?

you’ve been very ‘there there’ in your responses in this thread, minimising what’s happening in the EU and being dishonest about the situation. you can’t admit when you’re wrong. don’t talk to me about emotional involvement or deep-seated issues you’re attached to the EU like a little bleating lamb.

Larssen wrote:

Thank you for your expert contribution. We should all go back into lockdown. I'll inform the ministers on your point of view
‘can’t you find someone else to patronise’?

news later that evening: … o-over-60s

Regional leaders of two German states badly hit by a third wave of coronavirus have urged the rest of the country to reimpose a tough lockdown to flatten infection rates, as a leading virologist said Germany was in a “serious and complicated” stage of the pandemic.

In a joint letter reported on by Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, Bavaria’s conservative premier, Markus Söder, and the Green head of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, said the situation was “more serious than many believe”. … -in-europe

French President Emmanuel Macron announced a nationwide four-week lockdown, closing schools and business, in the latest and alarming sign that Europe is yet again losing control of the pandemic.

“We did everything we could to make these decisions as late as possible, when they became strictly necessary. That is now,” Macron said in a televised address on Wednesday. New variants make the virus “more contagious and deadlier,” he said.
not too bright are you?

Last edited by uziq (2021-03-31 18:58:50)

The X stands for
+1,818|6413|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

It's curious to me how any post I write passes through some sort of mental filter with you invariably interpreting it as saying 'lol u suk nerd' in any number of different ways.
You missed over a decade of uziq dismissing anyone who wasn't him as stupid, ignorant, uncouth and irrelevant to society. Engineers are inferior to plumbers, its poetry nerds who built the modern world etc

His ultimate hero - Dominic Cummings - failing so horribly has finally tipped him over the edge.

Always so touchy, doubling down on imagined arguments where you have to insist that in fact everyone else is just dumb as shit.
Like clockwork

uziq wrote:

not too bright are you?
Is this shtick of yours the result of a secondary school trauma you never lived down? The Nerd Strikes Back? A neverending quest for vengeance rooted in all the put downs you were subjected to as a young uziq?
As someone as well qualified in psychoanalysis as uziq my diagnosis is as follows:

Basically uziq is a weedy nerd who got picked on at school and has been overcompensating ever since.

A frantic inferiority/delusional superiority complex has made uziq argumentative and unbearable to be around.

As a final throw of the dice uziq has moved to korea in the hope of finding a woman skinnier than him who can bear listening to his nonsense only because she can't understand a word of it.

That will be six million Altairian dollars.

Dr Dilbert_X MD PHD Oksferd LMAO STFU

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-04-01 00:25:40)

Fuck Israel

uziq wrote:

secondary school trauma didn’t you use the term ‘reaching’ all of two posts ago?

you’ve been very ‘there there’ in your responses in this thread, minimising what’s happening in the EU and being dishonest about the situation. you can’t admit when you’re wrong. don’t talk to me about emotional involvement or deep-seated issues you’re attached to the EU like a little bleating lamb.
No uziq, I merely pointed out what I think the reasons were for the current situation. I also pointed out that I'm not happy with the vaccination program. I already told you the numbers are concerning. Funny thing is I even said to people in my social circle that I don't think vaccination speed will outpace the spread like 2 weeks ago.

Not enough for some reason. You insist I must be more gloomy and aware of our impending doom or something. Overbearingly telling me what the news from my country is or how really bad we suck at vaccinating (whilst exxagerating the situation, like wrt astrazeneca uptake). Apparently not being happy about this all isn't good enough or something.

That's you projecting your emotional state really. I imagine this pandemic has been particularly rough on you. Mentally you're running around like a decapitated chicken, hysterical tendencies in overdrive. You're in korea and safe now uziq. It's ok, we'll get through this. Thanks for your concern for my country I suppose.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-04-01 00:42:59)

makes sarcastic comment 'telling ministers we should go into lockdown based on uziq's recommendation'.
next day half of europe starts going into major lockdowns again.
*chef's kiss*.

i don't know why you always reach for the 'uziq i'm sorry you're sad/angry/traumatized' thing. it looks very silly to everyone when your posts tail off in this way. you look like a cuck. i'm having a great time in korea; all of my family have been vaccinated; my friends' lives will return to normal this summer (clubs are re-opening, festivals are returning). britain is now busily vaccinating its under 50s. happy days and surely not a worry furrowing my brow.

meanwhile europe has vaccinated 10% and is inundated with a major third wave. but it's me who is miserable, right? enjoy your summer in lockdown, libcuck. i'm having dates and drinks and admiring the cherry blossom.

Last edited by uziq (2021-04-01 00:52:21)

Well and the planning is still that by the end of july 100% of the population will be vaccinated. We'll have a normal summer too. I might even go on vacation.

I'll take your advice to heart and will stop being nice: the fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension? You edit books and articles for a living. If our arguments are in any way reflective of your ability I wouldn't let you touch anything I may write with a 10 meter pole.
you won't have a normal summer or return to normal if you lose control now. how do you not understand this picture? your cases are skyrocketing again currently: you think you're all off for summer holidays to malaga or turkey in 3 months' time? lol good luck.

worry a little less about my career m8. i'm doing fine, thank you. i work 3 hours a day, which pays for my entire lifestyle here, and file copy with one of the most prestigious north american scientific societies. you simp.

Last edited by uziq (2021-04-01 01:13:02)


Dilbert_X wrote:

Dr Dilbert_X MD PHD Oksferd LMAO STFU
ahahahaha you sad, sad little man.

i don't recognise a single thing in your post?

when did i say engineers were inferior to anyone? i argued against your constant 'engineering master race' reddit-level attitudes. i respect engineers as much as i respect any profession, which is to say i don't put them on a pedestal as the masters-of-the-universe and don't think them especially capable of solving all societies' problems (as you do).

where did i ever express approval for dominic cummings? his politics, outlook and social world are all completely inimical to my own. all we have in common is, er, a humanities degree. wow! i must have a sympathy with him (and 40% of all university leavers in the world, i guess).

now i was 'bullied at school', after you've just spent 5 years making out i was some shallow party-going hipster. so which is it? enraged incel with a grudge against the world or wastrel partying hipster? throw the dart at the board again! third time lucky!

i had to go abroad as a 'last throw of the dice' to find a woman ... hahahaha. i recently left a relationship, of my own volition, in the UK. should a man who has to solicit prostitutes really be so loose with phrases like 'last throw of the dice'? you're the flotsam here as far as women are concerned. what's wrong, aren't they all super-impressed with your engineering job and target pistols?

it's honestly pathetic to see a man of your years and maturity spout such rubbish all the time. it's like playground-level argument. methinks it's the only stimulation and excitement in your otherwise drab day. i can't see any other reason for doing it and being so incessantly, knowingly inane.

i just don't understand why your life is the way it is, if you've got it all so figured out, dilbert? from the outside it is not exactly a picture of success. and yet you pontificate about politics, declaim against half the people on the planet, insult entire academic disciplines, imprecate other people's romantic lives ... what exactly do you have going on? you're single, you live at home, you don't seem especially to enjoy your job ... for all that you act upset i used to flame people, your posts here are seriously, thoroughgoingly negative, as in borderline misanthropic. your outlook of the world is far more fearful, suspicious and hateful than my own. you seem like a sad and lonely specimen.

Last edited by uziq (2021-04-01 01:49:01)


uziq wrote:

you won't have a normal summer or return to normal if you lose control now. how do you not understand this picture? your cases are skyrocketing again currently: you think you're all off for summer holidays to malaga or turkey in 3 months' time? lol good luck.

worry a little less about my career m8. i'm doing fine, thank you. i work 3 hours a day, which pays for my entire lifestyle here, and file copy with one of the most prestigious north american scientific societies. you simp.
Look at Israel's case trajectory. Once vaccination passes a certain point, cases decrease dramatically. It's highly unlikely the situation will continue into the summer if the vaccination schedule is correct. When you pass the 40 and 60% protected marks, it takes mere weeks for a very steep drop in # of infected to take hold.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-04-01 02:22:39)

yes ... but you’re nowhere near the 70% vaccination threshold that is commonly touted, and your summer supply exists on paper only. good luck.
Well here's hoping there's no more hiccups and 50% is fully vaccinated by the end of may. If all goes according to plan, cases should start dropping sharply about the end of this month.
of course, i hope that too, but the tone of your responses yesterday suggested i was being hysterical and europe has it under control. it does not. german ministers are calling for lockdowns; france just entered a lockdown; the WHO has today censured the EU for its mishandling of the vaccine roll-out. the picture is seriously bad. even the USA will have climbed out of covid restrictions before europe. at this point there's still every chance of a third-wave, with new mutant variations, engulfing europe and taking it to the worst levels yet.
The X stands for
+1,818|6413|eXtreme to the maX
Finally finished my technical report on steel pipe sizes. 32 Joy-joy pages.
You can get a flavour here … 202010.pdf
If the GM complains about the length I'm going to ask him how its taken a team of three engineers and seven managers four years to almost produce a light switch.

I managed to work in a reference to an inch being defined as three ears of barley laid lengthwise, and various bits of latin which the asians will have to look up.
Now my sister has challenged me to find a way to use "embiggen" and "cromulent" in the final document.

Still sad that I shall never surpass my achievement of working in "I hope we can achieve the final solution to this problem" in an email to my German customer.
Fuck Israel

Yikes at that last.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Got my second vaccination shot. Fully hooked up to the George Soros 5G network. Really looking forward to getting dental work done.

The Soros nanomachine network was hijacked by Bill Gates long ago. You'll just feel an urge to pay for subscription model Microsoft services and dress like a banker.

Don't you read Newsmax?
I think I would kill myself if I ever had to write 32 pages on the dimensions of pipes.
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5276|Dundee, Scotland.
BabyRobb number 2 arrived this morning! Wee girl at 09:40, weighing 8lbs 9oz!

Oh, and we also had an offer accepted on our dream home last week
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
congrats camm
Go Cougs!
+695|6598|Washington St.
Everything's coming up Cammhouse
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6992|United States of America

Camm wrote:

BabyRobb number 2 arrived this morning! Wee girl lass at 09:40, weighing 8lbs 9oz!

Oh, and we also had an offer accepted on our dream home last week
Fixed it.
The X stands for
+1,818|6413|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

I think I would kill myself if I ever had to write 32 pages on the dimensions of pipes.
You don't understand, it wasn't just the dimensions, it was also the tolerances on those dimensions.
Fuck Israel
Why is dimensional tolerance important here

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