The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Thing is its only white racists etc who are 'deplorable', black racists, islamic fascists and sexists etc are all fine.
If being anti-islamic makes people 'deplorable' then its not surprising people adopted the label.
Fuck Israel

Bigoted whites and the power base built around it probably impact more lives in the US than bigoted blacks. Aside from other ethnic minorities and the LGBT/etc. spectrum, the same system also adversely affects poor whites, as well as whites who think they're middle class but not even close. We're a big country with a lot of resources. Both issues could be worked on simultaneously, and addressing the first should do much to alleviate the second. There's no valid reason we should be underperforming in things like quality of life, crime prevention, and education rankings. Need I mention the virus?

I don't have super hopes for Biden alone drastically turning the tide here but for now I am happy to staunch the exsanguination somewhat.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Depends on what you mean by 'bigoted'.

Is it bigoted to not want Nazis swamping the country and taking power? Russians? Chinese? Blacks?
The line is a fairly blurry one really.

Things could be a bit more even sure, massive wealth disparity isn't really good for anyone, but taxing people to fund the immigration and breeding of alien and hostile cultures isn't the right response.
Fuck Israel

The autonomous zones did face criticism from the left. We can't have people just storming around and deciding to usurp city authority with their own microgovernments. These things have to go through the proper channels, and the proper channels have to be accessible. This could have been avoided if peaceful unobtrusive demonstrations hadn't been stamped down so fiercely. Also while we're here, the Trump riots could have likely been avoided without Republican politicians riling them up like ill-trained attack dogs and setting them loose to cause mayhem. The right's attempts to deflect from their own recent anarchy by pointing out sporadic violence from BLM and non-centralized antifa in 2020 is in exceedingly poor taste.

I cannot begin to humor a connection between black Americans and our Chinese and Russian rivalries. The mental gymnastics defy reality.

e: It would also be interesting to compare the ratio of attacked volunteer medics in the Trump protest to those in BLM protests.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

Depends on what you mean by 'bigoted'.

Is it bigoted to not want Nazis swamping the country and taking power? Russians? Chinese? Blacks?
The line is a fairly blurry one really.

Things could be a bit more even sure, massive wealth disparity isn't really good for anyone, but taxing people to fund the immigration and breeding of alien and hostile cultures isn't the right response.
Our ability to house, employ, and assimilate immigrants is certainly a problem. I think my feelings towards Muslims is well known enough there. But the people most aggrieved regarding immigration are all around hostile to anything outside their narrowband of taste. They are the kind of people who get angry at people speaking Spanish in public or assume every black person is a dumb criminal. Same group of people who get angry at gay pride parades. It is a lot to ask people to accommodate their grievances at the expense of innocent people.

Further, we all know our inequality issues are more the fault of multigenerational wealthy white Americans than fresh of the boat refugees from Burma. It's wasted and misdirected energy to complain about immigrants destroying America when white Republicans in congress are blocking COVID relief and literally helping people get killed.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I cannot begin to humor a connection between black Americans and our Chinese and Russian rivalries. The mental gymnastics defy reality.
Why? When blacks are dominant do you think they're going to give a single shit about 'white equality', 'hispanic equality' or 'asian equality'?
Historically they've dominated and brutalised their fellow blacks, let alone other races.
Fuck Israel
This is such a tired point by now ffs. How many times have people here written about the stupidity of this eugenics-like argument? We get it Dilbert, you're deeply racist.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Blacks aren't going to dominate America. Their share of the population is actually on the decline. From 15% to 13%. The Hispanic population out numbers them and the Asian population is growing faster than either of those two. Hispanics and Asians as a whole are probably more racist towards blacks than whites since neither group has a subset of liberals who feel guilty about slavery and Jim Crow.

For being an anti-history immigrant on the other side of the planet, Dilbert sure professes a lot of knowledge about the dynamics of American life and an almost supernatural kinship with put-upon American whites.

Asians and hispanics can indeed be quite bigoted towards blacks, and black-on-black violence is something that should be addressed alongside other important issues that devastate various demographics. This doesn't absolve white abuses of redress, however. And it doesn't mean that American whites have to feel perpetually guilty for circumstances beyond their control. Guilt alone isn't going to uplift thy neighbor.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

We get it Dilbert, you're deeply racist.
I'm still the least racist person I know, everyone is racist.
Asians and hispanics can indeed be quite bigoted towards blacks, and black-on-black violence is something that should be addressed alongside other important issues that devastate various demographics.
Everyone is racist, white people putting themselves second all the time will mean their culture gets trashed by trashier cultures.

Eventually blacks will regret replacing white racism with black or asian racism.
Rhodesia is there already, South Africa any moment now.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It's a shame South Africa turned to shit. An English speaking nuclear armed economically strong country on the tip of Africa would have been good for our countries.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Larssen wrote:

We get it Dilbert, you're deeply racist.
I'm still the least racist person I know, everyone is racist.
I don't know what that means or implies. Is the next step actively assaulting people of other races? You want a pat on the back for 'showing restraint'?

Dilbert, we all have biases. But to most of the people here they're aware of that fact, see that it's neither right nor healthy, and people work on that. With you the existence of bias is not seen as an issue but as some fact of your life, an unchanging law of nature. Worse, you seem to interpret it as a good thing.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

It's a shame South Africa turned to shit. An English speaking nuclear armed economically strong country on the tip of Africa would have been good for our countries.
Seems those good english speakers turned it to shit.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You don't know how Dilbert acts day to day in the real world. He might not even be a person.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

It's a shame South Africa turned to shit. An English speaking nuclear armed economically strong country on the tip of Africa would have been good for our countries.
Seems those good english speakers turned it to shit.
Don't a significant amount of black Africans speak indigenous languages? Why did my phone suggest a monkey emoji after I typed Africa? 🐵

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Larssen wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

It's a shame South Africa turned to shit. An English speaking nuclear armed economically strong country on the tip of Africa would have been good for our countries.
Seems those good english speakers turned it to shit.
Don't a significant amount of black Africans speak indigenous languages? Why did my phone suggest a monkey emoji after I typed Africa? 🐵
Africa is a pretty big place, so, uh, yes.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I meant South Africans. The apartheid government for obvious reasons never fully culture converted the place.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
By a 50 to 51 vote, democrats authorized the start of a $1.9 trillion relief package that will be negotiated entirely by democrats it seems. Making the money printer go brrrr

Larssen wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Larssen wrote:

We get it Dilbert, you're deeply racist.
I'm still the least racist person I know, everyone is racist.
I don't know what that means or implies. Is the next step actively assaulting people of other races? You want a pat on the back for 'showing restraint'?

Dilbert, we all have biases. But to most of the people here they're aware of that fact, see that it's neither right nor healthy, and people work on that. With you the existence of bias is not seen as an issue but as some fact of your life, an unchanging law of nature. Worse, you seem to interpret it as a good thing.
People seem to get stuck in the mode of taking it personally, causing all sorts of rebound problems like an increase in racist sentiment in individuals who may not have even previously espoused it, and pushing for nationalistic revision to school history. Compounded by the murk of personalized social media feeds, news spin, and political race baiting (we could definitely shift the topic to Australia on this one).

It's a problem that should be identified and worked on by society, whether India or the US, rather than ignored or swept under the psuedoscientific "it's evolution" rug. And one society should not wait for another to lead the way.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Someone on reddit made a good response to me that you would probably find helpful, Newbie.

CoolDude wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Once we get enough people vaccinated to the point that we can open up entertainment venues, demand for those services are going to explode. Full reopening will be a small economic boom. I think democrats might actually do well in the midterms if Biden can ride a the reopening wave.
If nothing else it will allow people to get out of their homes and out of their online social bubbles that just feed them propaganda day in and day out. Hopefully when people can actually go to events/parties, etc they will slowly regain some sanity. You see stories of that all the time when people get away from 24/7 fox news that they stop the non stop hate for everyone that disagrees with them.
I know Trump people have always and will always be there but I agree that we might be able to cool things off a bit once normal people can go to the corner bar and watch some football with strangers.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
They just talk about the conspiracies in person

It's hope, I guess, but I think they'll still get plenty of bubble feed whether on the internet or with their like-minded friends.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Good government doesn't need to be entertaining. But I watched 2 minutes of the impeachment and I think I am going to pass on this whole thing.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
‘Its Own Domestic Army’: How the G.O.P. Allied Itself With Militants

Actions taken by paramilitary groups in Michigan last year, emboldened by President Donald J. Trump, signaled a profound shift in Republican politics and a national crisis in the making."
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/08/us/m … higan.html

Should we be worried about this? I'm not really worried since I have nothing to live for and we all die eventually anyway. It is actually very funny since this proves a lot of liberals right when they warned that 2nd amendment extremism, Middle Eastern wars, and obnoxious patriotism wouldn't end well. I guess this proved liberals right on a lot of other things too considering this is where the Republican party is at now. Imagine losing so much you regress into armed militancy.

Talk about the wrong stuff. Also, her flag patch bothers me.


She can't even get that right but she's going to join a raggedy-ass militia because of her complicated views on politics, yeah ok.

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