when you mentioned fewer gears, i assumed you meant a good MTB, as the current-gen tech is all focussed on fewer gears and less teeth to bite and slip on.

i would definitely build some basic core strength and cardio fitness before going mountain-biking, but i don’t know how serious the trails are where you ride or what sort of intensity you’d be riding at. a lot of weekend MTB’ers are very good at driving their bikes to the top of a hill and riding down it.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Yes I know, I'm assuming that few people tackle an actual hill these days so there's no need for close ratios.
Doing the maths the lowest ratio is around what I'm used to, the highest ratio a fair bit lower - and I did use the top ratio - and wider steps in between.

It would be at a pretty low intensity TBH but my basic cardio is OK.
Fuck Israel
yeah they’ve pared down the gears on lots of bikes to do away with the cumbersome shifting between rings and derailleur business. they’re still very versatile climbers. the other big change in tech/fashion is wheel size. lots of bikes have large 29 inch wheels now, which offsets their much more aggressive frame geometry.

if you’re actually in half-decent shape and not the slug you self-report as (i remain skeptical), biking is great.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
BMI - Bang in the middle of the perfect range
Resting Pulse - 60
Atrial fibrillation - Occasional

For whatever reason they've cut right back on the top gear, sad!

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-08-28 02:19:58)

Fuck Israel
Artifice of Eternity

Pochsy wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

Man, so I've been waiting for a very well respected gym equipment company in Canada to restock so I can dump $2K into a home gym with all the bits I want, but I just got news they're restocking in 2 batches. Problem is 1/2 the shit I need is in the first batch, and the other half the second, and that puts me just below the spend limit for flat-rate shipping. Major issue because this shit is 1.) heavy 2.) large 3.) going the distance. I asked if they'd just hold the first order and combine it with the second order when it comes in, but they said nah because they can't be 100% sure when batch 2 will arrive.

I just wanted to get buff and collect some winks on the street. Why is this so hard. Why am I so powerless. Why do I persist.
Good news, 5 remaining active members, I pre-ordered my gym the day I got the pre-order email. It took 3 hours to place the order on their website because it kept crashing. There were many moments of weakness in which I thought I'd give in to being weak forever. Not so. Now I wait until Aug 31 for it to get shipped out, and with any luck I'll be stealing your girl by Sept. Yeeaahhhhh buddyyy
I came back just to keep ya'll posted. I couldn't let this yarn not form itself into the hug of a warm sweater. My equipment is somewhere in the prairies doing 110 in the slow lane as we speak. All 863 pounds of it. I called 3 meathead buddies to get it off my driveway and the payment beer is in the fridge.

Anyways, that'll be it for this item. Let me know if you have any questions. I eagerly look forward to expanding on this blog.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why am I getting white beard hairs?
it’s your jewish roots. you’re becoming a rabbi.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
I think I should use some of my tax refund to buy a SCATT MX-02

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-10-18 01:31:40)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

I think I should use some of my tax refund to buy a SCATT MX-02
She is wearing too much makeup. It is obvious when they made the bad decision to shrink the video's field of view to just her head.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I woke up with a runny nose this morning. Wasted most of the day drossy or sleeping because of Benadryl. Couldn't even get high today. This has been happening a lot. Why do I wake up with allergies? I don't even go outside or anything.

Am I dying? Please help.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
take it to the pandemic thread
I am all that is MOD!

I cant find a good dumbbell set anywhere locally. Anyone have any suggestions? Ideally I'd like a set of dumbbells already put together, but im not opposed to a set where you have to swap out plates.
I have the bowflex selecttech 1090i. Bought them last lockdown. One of the best decisions Ive made this pandemic, expensive though.

Adjustable dumbbells in general are great value and fantastic for home gyms but you got to make sure they're sturdy. Powerblocks are a cheaper, A+ buy.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-19 12:51:41)

I am all that is MOD!

Shit, those are expensive. $1k for a set is double my budget, but having looked around a bit, I think my pricing expectations were off
1k must be top price due to covid. I bought my pair for 699 euros back in february, without a stand. There's a cheaper variant but it has lower weight.

I see powerblocks have gone up in price too as these were 400 euros for a 41kg / 92 total pair I believe.

Either way if you can find a cheaper set of adjustables with positive reviews, highly recommend. Simply the best choice for a home setup.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-19 13:59:40)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
powerblock elite when theyre in stock are 557 before tax and shipping
cheapest ones, some people like to drop weights and buy the better versions
price directly from them has not moved but they sell out quick since covid.
ive had the base for 2.5 years, used ~4 times a week.

only complaints i know of
some peoples hands are too big for them / hate the grip
80/90 is awkward for me to put on
changing weight isnt terribly fast, duno how others are
they arent very quiet / move around a tiny bit
I am all that is MOD!

You doing 90lb curls, my man?
Artifice of Eternity
All you need is loadable dumbells that use olympic plates. The weight can generally be bought for around $1/pound, and makes microloading way simpler. These are the absolute Cadillac, but any similar loadable dumbell will do the job: … 30QAvD_BwE

Whatever you do, do not get 1 inch loadables (you want 2 inch). If you expand the gym and use the 1inch loadables you're into serious plate compatibility headaches.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
I am all that is MOD!

The cheapest plates I've found are $1.60/lb!

I already have a bench set and plates for the barbells. I just want dumbbells for back workouts to be honest.
Artifice of Eternity
Yikes--I knew the price gouging on this stuff was getting bad, but not that bad!

Hopefully you have a few smaller plates, too. Although it's not super common to have four (or more) 10lbs plates, four 5lbs plates, and fours 2.5lbs just hanging around.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
I bench and do single leg split squats with the 90lbs. If you already have a bench setup you can buy just a few sets or a small bar with weights. For me I just have the DBs, an adjustable bench and some bands so having a good selection/range of weights is important and the adjustables fill my needs nicely.

Also, really, if you have DBs and a bench setup you can train literally everything. It's great.
I am all that is MOD!

@larssen: yeah, i mentioned above, I really just need them for back workouts. I suppose I could just do pull-ups but I want to be able to do isolated workouts. I put together a pretty solid regimen a few years ago and saw great results, so I'd like to follow that again if possible. I add strength pretty quickly up to a point, so I'm looking for increments of 5lbs from 15 to 45.

I guess I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and spend a little
Well you could just buy 2 or 3 pair of solid dumbbells. If it's only for back and curls, like 12kg, 24kg and ~32kg or so may be all you need.
mmmf mmmf mmmf


You doing 90lb curls, my man?
I wish but no, 70+ is for legs/back/chest atm
I started from nothing so having small increments to increase from 10-90 lbs was great
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome? Has anyone ever heard of this? … s_syndrome

So if you smoke pot everyday you could get super sick and die? Why didn't anyone warn me of this? This tech youtuber mentioned he was vaping and daping non-stop and now he is sick and feels like he is going to die.

Am I going to get this? Some people think it may be a undiagnosed stomach disorder aggravated by a lot of pot use. I think it also might be a fat person problem? Dabbing marijuana causes it the most. Pesticides in the marijuana?

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