It's hard to find the patience for Trump supporters these days. I know not all of them are these guys, but a lot of them I've spoken with fully back the conspiracy theories, and then complain they're being silenced when people tell them to fuck off because they can't back any of their claims and accusations and sometimes can't even tell them where they read it, let alone from where it was sourced. Under scrutiny it completely folds.
i said BLM are entitled to protest. i spoke at length about the constitutional right to assemble and about civil disobedience. have you read thoreau or emerson on this topic? somehow i doubt it. they weren’t tank commanders in 1942.Dilbert_X wrote:
Except Americans are taught from age 0 that violent insurrection and revolution are what makes them and america great, overthrowing a tyrannical govt is enshrined in their constitution.uziq wrote:
like i can’t even imagine a situation in which i would be more likely to invite getting shot than if i rampaged through the houses of parliament or buckingham palace shouting about a revolution. these people are not innocent bystanders or poor little lost lambs. they incited violence and criminal action.
Should the capitol hill police really have opened fire on them when the rioters are fulfilling their 'patriotic duty' as they see it? Hard to say.
Funny that you went on and on about the rights of BLM rioters to loot burn and defile, comparing it to Roman politics and thought it was all great.
i’ve never celebrated anyone burning down stores or looting property. what’s to celebrate? it’s regrettable, but it ISN’T the full extent or the ‘point’ of the BLM protests. i made about a dozen posts throughout the summer, pointing out the sheer scale and number of BLM protests, not only in america but worldwide, that were precisely that above: PEACEFUL ASSEMBLIES of PROTEST.
you trying to make out that BLM’s only objectives are destruction, looting, or even insurrection is just funny. millions of people spent 2020 ‘taking a knee’ and making a principled stand against very real police violence and inequality. it’s unarguable. it happened. i linked a report 3-4 months ago that collected the data: only about 3-4% of ALL BLM-related events in 2020 involved reports of crime or disorder.
yet you still keep trying to compare militias storming capitols and white people in auschwitz t-shirt’s to BLM. … eqy5188vry
angry trump supporters round on press and repeatedly threaten to kill them. does this happen at BLM rallies?
get a grip, you’re a grown adult.
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-08 02:57:11)
black supremacists and black panthers aren’t storming government buildings with endorsement from the president and tacit approval/support from the police. when black paramilitary groups or black racists are causing that level of disorder, then ill be right here, talking about how it’s a problem.Dilbert_X wrote:
Same argument for the black racist communists.uziq wrote:
i seriously think the trumpers and militias, proud boys, white supremacists etc. have been treated like overgrown children for the last few years. the tone of discourse around them is basically tolerant, as if they are amiable babies. all this when all the evidence to the contrary suggests that they are increasingly organized, increasingly violent, increasingly ambitious and all too aware of their political goals and tactics. there have been so many stories this year about proud boys or the boogaloo movement, discussing them as if they're a bit of a joke. meanwhile the FBI are intercepting kidnapping and terrorist plots.
i don’t think you’ve ever been to a BLM protest if you think it’s about black supremacy. huge numbers of the crowd were non-black, for one. BLM’s organisers and spokespeople have distanced themselves from the old-school black militants on any number of occasions. the BLM’s website lists its principles that explicitly talk about ‘building coalitions’ and ‘giving voice to the voiceless’, including ALL marginalised groups.
remember when you tried to make out that BLM was a self-interested group, who would cause offence to native americans and latinos, and then i immediately linked you several statements showing that they were ALL in support of BLM? amazing, isn’t it?
i understand historically why black panthers are a ‘thing’ in the same way i understand historically why the KKK are a ‘thing’. neither have my sympathy or support ... and neither group really have anything to do with BLM.
keep smearing, you chud.
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-08 01:03:18)
precisely like i said to larssen. these people are not victims when they end up shot to death by police. they travelled from all over the country to the capitol with ‘revolution’ explicitly on their lips.SuperJail Warden wrote:
The lady who got killed seemed lovely … d_a_trump/
She traveled from California to get shot in Washington. Reminds me of a Crusader traveling to Jerusalem to get horse trampled.
whether they’re deluded or not, they have very real intent and a very real agenda. when a person like that is within yards of high-value VIP targets and is trying to break down barriers and charge towards you, it’s hardly ‘police brutality’ ffs.
turns out they also killed a cop. so they really were a dangerous mob and the situation really was that grave.
you’ve spoken above about a benghazi-type situation and i think you’re basically right. a core of this crowd were far-right, organized on apps like Parler, and have been planning a ‘showdown’ ever since the election. people turned up with CABLE TIE-style handcuffs and a CACHE OF MOLOTOVS were found on the premises ffs. this was not spontaneous anger or the madness of crowds, whipped up by trump alone. it was planned insurrection.
that NATO allies are speculating it was allowed at top levels is doubly damning. but, as i’ve said repeatedly in the last few pages, people don’t just get to storm the seat of power (non-white ones especially) without someone taking a soft touch or something going seriously wrong. so wtf happened here that you had a ‘Q-Anon Shaman’ walking around in a fucking viking helmet?
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-08 02:56:45)
in other news, perhaps this travesty will mark the high watermark of 4chan 'lulz' politics. it's not really funny anymore, is it?
maybe the tides are changing?

maybe the tides are changing?
Anonymous seems like a smart guy.
So with 5 dead including a cop, this whole thing is officially more deadly than any BLM protest. BLM never killed a cop either.
So with 5 dead including a cop, this whole thing is officially more deadly than any BLM protest. BLM never killed a cop either.

this american carnage stops right here guys!

the president of law and order!

the president of law and order!

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-08 06:34:04)
remember when that old guy got pushed to the ground for no reason and bled out of both his ears? just for peacefully walking away from a police line?
look how old trumpers get treated after ransacking one of the sacred spaces of your democracy.
remember when a peaceful assembly of BLM protestors got forcibly moved out of a washington park by tear gas and riot police, so that trump could take a walk with a bible to a church he never visits?
look how old trumpers get treated after ransacking one of the sacred spaces of your democracy.
remember when a peaceful assembly of BLM protestors got forcibly moved out of a washington park by tear gas and riot police, so that trump could take a walk with a bible to a church he never visits?
4 cops died at the Charlottesville rally too. A police helicopter monitoring the violence crashed.

white-power types discharged several pistol rounds, as well, shooting to miss but very much to threaten.
more recently and notably, in kenosha a militia-kid sprayed an assault rifle in a giant crowd and calmly walked back towards the police line.
but remember, 'black radical communists' are the greatest threat to america today.
more recently and notably, in kenosha a militia-kid sprayed an assault rifle in a giant crowd and calmly walked back towards the police line.
but remember, 'black radical communists' are the greatest threat to america today.
I can understand white people broadly resenting modern black political activism. Especially since we are past the event horizon of putting blacks back in their place like it was when we were born. I also don't buy into the idea that minorities are going to dramatically improve as a community with increased political control and less state directed violence. Whites as a community are backsliding themselves after all.
I think my positions are fairly moderate. Despite that I find it extremely insulting that the mostly white American community elected Trump and then cheered him on as he did everything to insult and harm minority communities. Further, I think Trump and his strongest football brained supporters did more to discredit the exceptionality of white people than anything. And I really resent hearing any Trump supporter criticize minorities for the same dysfunction Trump and his flag wavers exhibit every day. The bible warns hypocrisy is one of the worst sins after all.
I think my positions are fairly moderate. Despite that I find it extremely insulting that the mostly white American community elected Trump and then cheered him on as he did everything to insult and harm minority communities. Further, I think Trump and his strongest football brained supporters did more to discredit the exceptionality of white people than anything. And I really resent hearing any Trump supporter criticize minorities for the same dysfunction Trump and his flag wavers exhibit every day. The bible warns hypocrisy is one of the worst sins after all. … La5RlRnY1Q
Any of the Americans here looking to make a quick buck?Police Need Help Identifying Famous QAnon Guy Named Jake Angeli From Arizona
D.C. police will give you $1,000 for information about this very famous person who has been identified dozens of times.
Last edited by Pochsy (2021-01-08 07:20:46)
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
In more news, Trump announced on Twitter that he will not be attending Biden's inauguration. Pence will instead be there.

complete and utter loser.
Why was this guy carrying zip ties around the congress floor?

Thank God he wasn't a victim of police brutality though.

Thank God he wasn't a victim of police brutality though.

yep, i've mentioned people marauding around the building with zip ties several times above. these people had fucked up intentions. i wish people would stop apologizing for them and talking about 'but BLM' or 'but police brutality'. they are literally domestic terrorists.
More news:
I did not like that Pence, congress, and governors had to call the military to send in people to stop the takeover. People like Jay would call Nancy P. and others stupid all the time but she is definitely smart enough to know how the military chain of command works and what military intervention would mean. Some congress people are genuinely concerned about what Trump might do next?Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said on Friday that the House would move to impeach President Trump over his role in inciting a violent mob attack on the Capitol if he did not resign “immediately,” appealing to Republicans to join the push to force him from office.
In a letter to members of the House, the speaker invoked the resignation of Richard M. Nixon amid the Watergate scandal, when Republicans prevailed upon the president to resign and avoid the ignominy of an impeachment, calling Mr. Trump’s actions a “horrific assault on our democracy.”
“Today, following the president’s dangerous and seditious acts, Republicans in Congress need to follow that example and call on Trump to depart his office — immediately,” she wrote. “If the president does not leave office imminently and willingly, the Congress will proceed with our action.”
Ms. Pelosi also said she had spoken with Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about “preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes.”
A spokesman for General Milley, Col. Dave Butler, confirmed that the two had spoken and said the general had “answered her questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority.”
Some Defense Department officials have expressed anger that political leaders seemed to be trying to get the Pentagon to do the work of Congress and cabinet secretaries, who have legal options to remove a president.
Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief, and unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal, they cannot proactively remove the president from the chain of command. That would be a military coup, these officials said.

I shared that picture on social media because, while there were a lot sillier pictures of people taken, I found that one the most striking. Shortly afterwards, a former coworker commented "I would love the person who is in this photo to speak about it. There’s always two sides the story. Who’s side was he on?"
The actual fuck.
The actual fuck.
it was an honest white person driven to it by radical black communists.
I have 2 pairs of those gloves he's wearing. They are nice
it's funny seeing how many of these 'revolutionaries' are now abjectly apologizing and backtracking as much as possible, i'm guessing after they've had a chance to speak an attorney. one of them was a lawmaker who claimed he was there only to 'document history'. … 1610131996 … 1610131996
How the cap police showed as much restraint as they did, I'll never know. I would have just got up and started mowing people down.
Probably why I shouldn't be a police officer.
Probably why I shouldn't be a police officer.
It the vain hope that some people were actually shaken to their senses about "maybe this Trump stuff is actually not good" (the "moderates"; I doubt any die-hards have been convinced), it did remind me of someone in 2016 saying how US politics seems like a traffic arrangement with no left turns - you have to go right to go left.
We'll see if that even comes close to happening under Biden.
We'll see if that even comes close to happening under Biden.