Security services just confirmed that there were 3 additional deaths at the Capitol yesterday. So a total of four people were killed because of Trump yesterday.

how exactly do you use a water cannon inside a building? the situation had already escalated far out of control and, for all the guards knew, there were multiple people in the building with weapons, trying to find extremely high-value targets. they already used tear gas throughout the building and on the terrace outside.Larssen wrote:
I suppose they're already martyred on places like OAN. Like I said let's see what january 20th will bring.
It's a certainty that security will be heightened between now and the inauguration, but protesters might also consider bringing guns this time around, seeing as four of them were shot. You can also rightfully ask questions on how/why they were shot; the woman who bled to death from a neckwound didn't quite strike me as exorbitantly violent.
i.e. why were they unprepared, and why, again, was their force escalation so extreme? It's like there's nothing between stern talking to and opening fire. Also train your riot police ffs. Look at any European country; wall of shields, batons, few horses, if absolutely necessary a water cannon and tear gas. In the US all I see is people in riot police uniforms with shotguns.
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 07:39:36)
Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-07 07:57:01)
your incessant liberal bienpensantism is very tiresome. 'europe has things figured out', 'europe is the wisest form of governance', blah blah blah.At the end of the following year, as the gilets jaunes began protesting, often violently, and the police reciprocated, there was a significant rise in the number of demonstrators with eye injuries, including blinding, caused by anti-riot projectiles aimed at the head, against every rule in the book. The symbolic use of day-glo jackets by the gilets jaunes had sent a clear message: don’t overlook us in the twilight areas of the economy, or pretend you haven’t seen us. The response from riot police was to acknowledge the visibility of the demonstrators and turn it against them: yes, we see you, but by the time this is over, some of you won’t be able to see us. At least forty people were wounded in the eyes during gilet-jaune protests; around thirty required surgery and nine of those had to have an eye removed. The UN raised the issue of violent policing in France; the Macron administration was dismissive.
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 08:03:53)
The president controls the national mall. He deliberately understaffed security and then refused to send in the national guard. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff had to get permission from the vice president and congress to send in the national guard which they technically don't have the authority to give at all.Larssen wrote:
Well at least they're not getting murdered right? Because local crisis management is swift and prepared, and it would take a damn army to get inside the assemblée nationale.
You're such a dim individual at times. Ignoring the fact that you'll brand as enemy anyone who doesn't exactly agree with your take, look at this practically: here you have an excellent opportunity for cross party support over the issue of police incompetence. Well now don't let that go to waste.uziq wrote:
lol the president incited a fascist angry mob to storm the senate and larssen's take is that the police are brutal and those poor white people were treated really badly.
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 08:37:02)
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 09:14:56)