whoooosh. yes, obviously.

i find it funny that a redneck clearly just googled 'georgia flag' and went with it. he turned up at the 'revolution' with the national flag of a small landlocked republic in the caucasus.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Georgia has access to the Black Sea.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
thats hard to do all my first results were the state
and amazon has the state, the confederate, and the university
other great sites such as united-states-flag, usflagstore, flagstoreusa, ultimateflags, and confederate shop
I am all that is MOD!

Trump dummies use bing and probably Altavista

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Georgia has access to the Black Sea.
you are quite right. for some reason i was thinking about the sea access being via the baku coast. forgot the other side.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Georgia has access to the Black Sea.
you are quite right. for some reason i was thinking about the sea access being via the baku coast. forgot the other side.
Honestly I had to check a map because I thought it was connected to the Caspian Sea instead.

But the people of Georgia fought hard for their access to the Mediterranean and that must be acknowledged.
The X stands for
+1,818|6417|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Hitler actually wasn't elected. He was appointed by Hindenburg.
You're still in favour of elections, amazing, someone who knows so much about Hitler must be a nazi.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6417|eXtreme to the maX
Pretty funny watching Lindsey Graham disowning Trump - I'll always be able to say "I was there man"
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
6 Republicans Senators refused to certify the election still. 60% of House Republicans did the same too. Apparently this whole thing is going to go late into the night because Republicans are raising objections to multiple states and each one needs to be individually addressed.

Other fun facts: Yougov did a quick poll. 70ish percent of Americans polled condemn the attack. Republicans meanwhile were split 40ish to 40ish regarding if they supported it or not.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I actually misremembered

"A YouGov Direct poll of 1,397 registered voters who had heard about the event finds that most (62%) voters perceive these actions as a threat to democracy. Democrats (93%) overwhelmingly see it this way, while most (55%) Independents also agree. Among Republicans, however, only a quarter (27%) think this should be considered a threat to democracy, with two-thirds (68%) saying otherwise. "


"In fact, many Republicans (45%) actively support the actions of those at the Capitol, although as many expressed their opposition (43%)."
The X stands for
+1,818|6417|eXtreme to the maX
Vision emerged online of police opening barricades to let people walk towards Capitol Hill.
Unconfirmed vision that was live streamed on social media also showed police guards inside the Capitol taking photos with some protesters. … n/13038568
Fuck Israel

Fun twitter dump, via imgur: … 0966048768

This Heilung looking mofo.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Vision emerged online of police opening barricades to let people walk towards Capitol Hill.
Unconfirmed vision that was live streamed on social media also showed police guards inside the Capitol taking photos with some protesters. … n/13038568
That's nuts.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Vision emerged online of police opening barricades to let people walk towards Capitol Hill.
Unconfirmed vision that was live streamed on social media also showed police guards inside the Capitol taking photos with some protesters. … n/13038568
so the police really do support neo-nazis and white supremacists?

so white privilege and a two-tier system of citizenship really does exist in america?

how many BLM activists got ushered through police barricades and encouraged to loot those stores? do you think a crowd of black people would be allowed to run around the corridors of the Capitol and trash the house speakers office? how many more lethal rounds do you think would have been let off?

watching a bunch of barely literate rednecks cosplay a ‘revolution’ whilst the president refuses to call in the national guard is the most obvious example of the forms of political privilege wielded in america that you’ll get. trump was threatening martial law and the national guard over a small city block in Portland. but the people who trash the SEAT of america’s legislative and make its ELECTED officials cower and run for the panic rooms in gas masks are ‘very loved people, great patriots, we love you’.

lmao it’s like you’re a dementia patient trying to put together a 12-piece jigsaw whilst being unable to actually see the big picture.

so protesting about very real police murders and very statistically evident inequalities in the law and its application; protesting for the sake of democratic equality and equal treatment; this form of protest to you raises massive suspicions and is the true evil.

but people who protest over conspiracy theory and dispute legal elections are somehow ‘your’ guys. the ‘i told you so’ reaction to all this ‘much more widespread and more insidious’ leftism.

right. keep reading those children’s schoolbooks about nazis. you might see a few more parallels in history with regards to reactionaries scaremongering about ‘the left’. you can even resubmit your homework with that terrible ‘democratic voting caused nazism’ thesis.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 02:13:45)

An Israeli journalist reporting outside the US Capitol on Wednesday had to face a torrent of antisemitic abuse from a pro-Trump supporter live on air.

The reporter for Channel 13 television news was confronted by a man in a helmet and asked inaudible questions that appeared to be requests to explain his government’s actions, a video of the event showed.

“I’m not representing the Israeli government,” the reporter replied.

“You lying Israeli, you play the pilpul game,” the man said. “Pilpul” is a word used to refer to the process of analysing Jewish religious texts, and has been racistly misappropriated to mean lying.

The protester then went on to demand the reporter tell him what a “goy” was. A “goy” is a word for a non-Jew.

The Jerusalem Post, an Israeli newspaper, said the protester had also called the reporter a deeply offensive term for a Jewish person.
amazing how much and how often dilbert overlaps with these people.
I think anyone who wasn't a proud boy or trump cultist was on the receiving end of insults then.
sure, specifically anti-semitic remarks directed at an israeli journalist were just part of a general insult-flinging contest. not at all an expression of their ideology.

it's amazing to me that, even when there are literally people with 'camp auschwitz' tshirts inside the Capitol building, that commentators will still say 'these aren't real neo-nazis or real fascists, it's not the real thing, they don't quite mean it'. these people have literally been raised on a diet of far-right conspiracy thinking, anti-globalism, anti-semitism, white suprematism, etc, - you name it - just in the same way that jihadists are radicalized online by similarly extreme material. and yet when a person starts taunting a jew with anti-semitic remarks, you want to step in and mollify his actions. 'these ones aren't the real neo-nazis, don't worry, they were insulting everyone indiscriminately'.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 03:46:38)

I didn't say anything of what you're implying above.

To expand by homing in only on neonazi tendencies you're missing various other elements. Judging by the pictures you were seeing an amalgamation of society rejects from neckbeards to self identified 'shamans' and guys wearing anti semitic shit, confederate flags etc. What you consider neonazi also deviates from my point of reference in east germany - the leader of the proud boys is a black hispanic dude of all things, who would be scalped by the skinheads I'm familiar with. I'm sure neonazis were represented amidst the crowd, but it certainly wasn't the only group of ideological crazies present yesterday. So what binds them, and how does a black guy find acceptance to a leadership position among them if they're hardcore racists? Antisemitism seems only an adopted part of a broader counter movement of fascist nationalism and cultural narcissism.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-01-07 04:04:48)

i'm not saying they are exclusively neo-nazi. it is indeed a pell-mell, syncretic mix of all sorts of fringe, extremist politics. as i said above, that's the consequence of their strange online diet and information ecology; it's a pick-n-mix of conspiratorial, paranoid, authoritarian, populist politics. i doubt any of them have seriously resolved upon a clear, cohesive political ideology; populism isn't anything like so rational and cogent. many of them probably entertain entirely contradictory and paradoxical beliefs: this is also common.

but i don't see the value in downplaying the fact that anti-semitism is incredibly common and potent in this same crowd. people hurling insults at an israeli journalist are just being anti-semitic, let's say it for what it is, and that anti-semitism is an almost always present alloy in this crowd. why do you struggle to just decry these people for what they are? for what they self-identify as? you cast a much more critical eye over BLM activists. weird, that.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-07 04:11:22)

I barely even posted here, I don't think there's much to be stated against this specific group of insane people but more to the political and institutional realities in the United States that allowed some mussolini light into the presidency for 4 years and allows for its democracy to be so instable. Who didn't see this coming from miles away? Since I joined this place, from the very start I've been posting about the increasing radicalisation and how politics-as-warfare has become some sort of new normal. What's shocking is the seemingly intelligent individuals and pieces of shit who were hiding behind the benches in the capitol u-turning on their support for Trump and absolving themselves from blame. Any other time people would consider throwing them under a guillotine.

You want me to decry anti semitism and fascism? It shouldn't even need to be said, it's so outlandish and fringe it's ridiculous this shit has repackaged to gain a new foothold anywhere. I mean fucking really? With historical monuments like Auschwitz around we're still going on about blaming jewry? Anyone who seriously engages in that behaviour is not right in the head. It's the politics, the civil society and bureaucratic institutions, the (social) media landscape that are all functioning so badly this beyond ridiculous nonsense can somehow resurface.
i agree with all of that analysis but it's also okay to impute some sort of responsibility for the people involved. this event was largely self-organized on facebook groups and apps like parler. these people weren't brainwashed manchurian candidates or pushed and prodded lemmings. they are as responsible as any other citizen (like an african-american, natch) would be held in similar circumstances.

the amount of pissing and moaning that conservatives and critics have been doing about statues being graffiti'd and football players taking a knee is not proportional to the evasive, hand-washing, 'let's blame Society at Large and The Media' type rhetoric that always comes up to defend these fascist man-babies.
Wrt BLM I was also more critical to its systemic implications and influence in countries that are not the US. Difference here is that you're engaging with a somewhat reasoned protest movement. Contrastingly, what overarching purpose can be discerned here? What was all that about yesterday, exactly? It's just aimless mayhem and anger. As soon as they entered the capitol they didn't even know what to do anymore. Confused and dazed at their own 'succes'. It's pitiful.
i agree completely.
The X stands for
+1,818|6417|eXtreme to the maX
Aimless and vacuous people latch on to the nearest thing which seems captivating, lately its been Trump and his smoke, mirrors and snake oil.

For the jews its their inane religion.
Fuck Israel
yes, they are really very comparable phenomena.

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