Yes, in your little fairy tale, it will be ok
Doesn't. Matter. To a Trumpist.SuperJail Warden wrote:
In the interest of making everything worse, Trump just tweeted this.
Other news, Mike Pence had to ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff to send in the National Guard after Trump wouldn't. Insane constitutional conundrum. I wouldn't be surpirsed if there are talks about removing Trump among various Federal officers.
A few tweets down on Georgia votes, he's all like "hold the line!" Language used in situations like fending off the Zulus. Pence is somewhat culpable in all this despite his efforts to distance from Trump.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Mike Pence changed his twitter profile picture to Biden/Harris. He also unfollowed Trump. The president is now in a feud with his VP. lol
i haven’t cheered any statues being toppled. it was a hugely controversial and touchy subject in bristol, causing arguments and acrimony even amongst friends. triumphant i was not. i was not at the rally and haven’t taken part in any of it.
what i did say was that the specific history of colston in bristol and the lack of official recognition of ‘bristol’s favoured son’ in the slave trade is a stain against the city’s officials and reputation. the descendants of those slaves resident in the city today have a legitimate grievance. they live in a city where everywhere are public buildings, institutions, statues and streets valorising a slave trader (one furthermore who wanted to be buried without pomp and ceremony).
see? a nuanced take. take note, dilbert! nowhere was i triumphant about it or gloating about BLM. i pointed out why the BLM movement had found support and struck a chord outside of the US. again, not exactly my personal ringing endorsement.
i think they have a point. like all movements, hystericals and troublemakers soon join up. it has happened to every social movement in history. i think left-wing discourse makes many salient points, also, but i don’t support antifa.
i appreciate this might make your head hurt. go and have a tuc biscuit.
what i did say was that the specific history of colston in bristol and the lack of official recognition of ‘bristol’s favoured son’ in the slave trade is a stain against the city’s officials and reputation. the descendants of those slaves resident in the city today have a legitimate grievance. they live in a city where everywhere are public buildings, institutions, statues and streets valorising a slave trader (one furthermore who wanted to be buried without pomp and ceremony).
see? a nuanced take. take note, dilbert! nowhere was i triumphant about it or gloating about BLM. i pointed out why the BLM movement had found support and struck a chord outside of the US. again, not exactly my personal ringing endorsement.
i think they have a point. like all movements, hystericals and troublemakers soon join up. it has happened to every social movement in history. i think left-wing discourse makes many salient points, also, but i don’t support antifa.
i appreciate this might make your head hurt. go and have a tuc biscuit.
Pence is probably salivating at the idea of some turn of events making him president for 10 days or something. And we know there would be masses of people who hated Pence this morning who would be happy to go along with 'Mike Pence Restorer of Democracy' if it meant nailing Trump and his Fuhrer bunker holdouts.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Doesn't. Matter. To a Trumpist.SuperJail Warden wrote:
In the interest of making everything worse, Trump just tweeted this.
Other news, Mike Pence had to ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff to send in the National Guard after Trump wouldn't. Insane constitutional conundrum. I wouldn't be surpirsed if there are talks about removing Trump among various Federal officers.A few tweets down on Georgia votes, he's all like "hold the line!" Language used in situations like fending off the Zulus. Pence is somewhat culpable in all this despite his efforts to distance from Trump.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Mike Pence changed his twitter profile picture to Biden/Harris. He also unfollowed Trump. The president is now in a feud with his VP. lol

Less than 24 hours ago he lauded Trump's coronavirus actions. Maybe they're distancing but his mouth is still glued to the man's pecker.
He was just trying to "maintain his position in the Trump White House in order to prevent worse whatever." I am sure he will word it better in his book.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Less than 24 hours ago he lauded Trump's coronavirus actions. Maybe they're distancing but his mouth is still glued to the man's pecker.
In more news, Facebook and Twitter took down Trump's video he released today in response to this. Facebook's official comment on it:

AFAIK, there is no legal path for a president to get a VP removed on a whim. The same procedure needs to be done to remove the VP as required to remove the president.
Remember when politicians would resign over stuff like graft and corruption?
Remember when politicians would resign over stuff like graft and corruption? … 8455842816KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Tweet unavailable
They're posting a pic of a QAnon guy who was at a BLM rally and saying he was an antifa plant. Q Shaman. While cropping out his sign that says Q sent me
Last edited by RTHKI (2021-01-06 16:17:23)
Twitter just suspended Trump's ability to post for 12 hours. They deleted a few post and announced that further violations would result in perm banning.
So at least on Twitter there is punishment. This whole thing is big and also moving so fast it feels. A lot of conservative publications are calling for Trump's removal. Feels like it could happen this time for real.
So at least on Twitter there is punishment. This whole thing is big and also moving so fast it feels. A lot of conservative publications are calling for Trump's removal. Feels like it could happen this time for real.

Guy is an infamous Proud Boy/White Sup. I recognized him as soon as I saw him.RTHKI wrote: … 8455842816KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Tweet unavailable
They're posting a pic of a QAnon guy who was at a BLM rally and saying he was an antifa plant. Q Shaman. While cropping out his sign that says Q sent me

Lady who got shot died. Can you imagine dying for Donald Trump?

She died for our freedom

Can you imagine if a pardon is issued for these chuds, though? It crossed my mind as a very real possibility.
The liberal conspiracy is real.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Twitter just suspended Trump's ability to post for 12 hours. They deleted a few post and announced that further violations would result in perm banning.
Fuck Israel
D.C. police going hard on the leftovers that stayed behind. … ntle_with/
Police shouldn't use violence to blah blah blah. But it is funny that the Trump die hards are getting the same after dark experience the BLM people got. … ntle_with/
Police shouldn't use violence to blah blah blah. But it is funny that the Trump die hards are getting the same after dark experience the BLM people got.

holy fuck. it was the georgians.
that's the antifa flag, bro. You can tell he's a patsy because of how the Trump flag is printed backwards.
why are there two american elected officials in georgia anyway. to annoy putin?
Why does America have any elected officials?
Hitler was elected, if you want death panels and gas-chambers then carry on with this democracy experiment.
Hitler was elected, if you want death panels and gas-chambers then carry on with this democracy experiment.
Fuck Israel
fox and nbc covered up their signs today. lol.
Hitler actually wasn't elected. He was appointed by Hindenburg.

i'm amazed that ww2 history is all you read and still, even then, this is your best take.Dilbert_X wrote:
Why does America have any elected officials?
Hitler was elected, if you want death panels and gas-chambers then carry on with this democracy experiment.
there is at this point a dilbert top 100 of Bad Analogies.
do you know how hitler came to power? actually just forget about it. go and peruse some of your nazi lit shelves.
It's a joke. Georgia (the state) just had elections. The flag in the picture is the flag of Georgia (the former soviet satellite).