all rather uncouth, i'm afraid.
I think cheerleaders are fine of they're treat well. Yes, they're going to be sexualized, but so will the players whose asses get gawped at by women and gay men alike. At the very least they shouldn't have to be living trading cards passed around friends and investors or whatever.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Of course it's antiquated, and as a result, beloved by people with antiquated social sensibilities.
An NFL player kneeled for the national anthem and it resulted in snowflakes destroying their Nike gear. You think they will just roll over and let you take their eye candy?
People snooty about observing the anthem during a game and whining about kneeling, like Trump, are probably unfamiliar with the history of it. In a sense, their view isn't antiquated. It's ignorant. The anthem is barely over a century adopted. Baseball and football only started playing it in the 40s (and kept on with it out of some sense of rememberance). And players outside of the Super Bowl wouldn't even be on the field for the anthem until after 9/11.
IMO, I don't think the anthem needs to be played at a game outside of an event that specifically calls for fellowship and unity. Every single time otherwise just cheapens it. But the "patriots" bought into it so that's that, I guess.
Pentagon Paid Up To $6.8 Million Of Taxpayer Money To Pro Sports Teams For Military Tributes 2015/11
Honors shouldn’t be “taxpayer-funded marketing gimmicks,” senators say in new report. … 1d306eda5e
Don't like paid patriotism? Bunch of RINOs!WASHINGTON — The Department of Defense doled out as much as $6.8 million in taxpayer money to professional sports teams to honor the military at games and events over the past four years, an amount it has “downplayed” amid scrutiny, a report unveiled by two Senate Republicans on Wednesday found.
Arizona Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake began looking into the Defense Department’s spending of taxpayer dollars on military tributes in June after they discovered the New Jersey Army National Guard paid the New York Jets $115,000 to recognize soldiers at home games.
The 145-page report released Wednesday dives deeper, revealing that 72 of the 122 professional sports contracts analyzed contained items deemed “paid patriotism” — the payment of taxpayer or Defense funds to teams in exchange for tributes like NFL’s “Salute to Service.” Honors paid for by the DOD were found not only in the NFL, but also the NBA, NHL, MLB and MLS. They included on-field color guard ceremonies, performances of the national anthem, and ceremonial first pitches and puck drops.
“Given the immense sacrifices made by our service members, it seems more appropriate that any organization with a genuine interest in honoring them, and deriving public credit as a result, should do so at its own expense and not at that of the American taxpayer,” the report states.
Do you play any online chess? Let's play sometime!
If you guys play chess, do it somehow where we can download and view the replay.
I remember dude wipes being mentioned here once. They were started as a very small business out of a garage, which is respectable enough if you're into small biz. Cringe marketing for a lot of these products though. Very juvenile.
A huge part of the anger at kneeling is just disguised dismissal of what the protest stand for. The Trump years have plainly shown us that there is no hypocrisy right wingers are beyond committing.

We did play Chess here 11 years ago.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Do you play any online chess? Let's play sometime!If you guys play chess, do it somehow where we can download and view the replay.
I remember dude wipes being mentioned here once. They were started as a very small business out of a garage, which is respectable enough if you're into small biz. Cringe marketing for a lot of these products though. Very juvenile.

The triggering was very much at laying out the suggestion that they're disrespecting America to distract from the inconvenient matter of them kneeling for fair treatment and police accountability.SuperJail Warden wrote:
A huge part of the anger at kneeling is just disguised dismissal of what the protest stand for. The Trump years have plainly shown us that there is no hypocrisy right wingers are beyond committing.
There's a steel wall between a Trumper and any explanation that diverges from TrumpTwitter/Fox/Newsmax/etc. even when things in that circle conflict with each other. I've got a relative who believes that this election was super corrupt. I guess if you're looking out of a dirty window, everything looks filthy.
Best ball I've been to was a minor league game played by the Tacoma Rainiers against some other team I can't remember from when I was a kid. Uncrowded stadium, and there were a bunch of drunk grandmas off a few seats over with their hands cupped around their mouths heckling about fouls and balls. It's almost a core memory.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Of all sports I can tolerate baseball. I fondly remember watching Yankees games with my grandfather. The game is fairly simple. I have been to baseball games and the atmosphere is pretty relaxed. Almost all of the people getting beat up at a stadium happens at football games. And baseball is a sport my normal sized frame wouldn't be damaged playing.
Relaxed atmosphere in all.
I know all this? Besides in pro rugby people wear padded shirts and helmets as well - some in the front row do at least.uziq wrote:
yep, granted it happens to rugby players too. but the whole 'american footballers wear PaDdiNG!' argument doesn't really hold up. they just hit each other harder and faster. a severe concussion is probably worse for you long-term than a broken nose.
let me tell you 'from first hand experience', having spent years around people who are deeply fucked up from brain injuries, including lots of old boys who used to be hero boxers and now have to take their sunday roasts through a straw, that any sport where you get hit in the head repeatedly is not worth the youthful japes.
I don't think there's a competition between either sport about who gets hurt the most. I just wanted to claim the title of gayest for rugby.
If rugby is played clean (which is never) it is less dangerous than american football. Pro rugby players are generally pretty safe in how they do things. I would say that in the lower leagues it is the other way around. There's a lot of cunts in amateur rugby who purposefully tackle illegally, and there's a lot of unintentional fouls as well. After I broke my collarbone I was still playing for part of the match and some dude kept swinging at me intentionally trying to hit it. Amateur rugby is the worst.
Last edited by Larssen (2020-12-23 06:23:59)
People with sports balls for brains are the worst. I bet they vote Republican at high rates because they consider democrats the party of weak men in pajamas or something.

In other news, it seems Trump flopped over to Democrats demanding $2k checks instead of $600. Puts the heat on McConnell. I can't imagine what his motive is after all this time apart from screwing over the party he thinks didn't do enough to fight for him.
e: did you ever play against trotsky?
e2: I guess I played against haibai.
e: did you ever play against trotsky?
e2: I guess I played against haibai.
Never played against him. I didn't have the urge to keep going on.
A $2000 check would be nice but just sending people random money is dumb. But if we can loot the treasury for tax cuts and wars then we might as well just give money away to everyone. The debt is never getting paid back anyway.
A $2000 check would be nice but just sending people random money is dumb. But if we can loot the treasury for tax cuts and wars then we might as well just give money away to everyone. The debt is never getting paid back anyway.

US sovereign debt-to-gdp is about twice the percentage where creditors start to wring their hands. I think congress is banking on some future boom to outpace it like we did (after) WW2.
I think congress is just banking on being dead by the time a debt crisis hits. I think even when a debt crisis hits life will mostly go on just as it had before for the vast sum of people since the debt is just fake numbers on paper and most Americans are already in an endless daily struggle. The Chinese aren't going to repossess and ship away the local McDonald's.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
US sovereign debt-to-gdp is about twice the percentage where creditors start to wring their hands. I think congress is banking on some future boom to outpace it like we did (after) WW2.
And the only way we are going to have a boom cycle is if we get lucky and China, Russia, India, and Pakistan all boom each other at once.

Mac's holding out hope for a late 90s-esque boom-boom-boom-boom [I want you in my room].
I asked for and got a label maker for Christmas.

I decided to label the box I keep my LGBT locked up in.

Just kidding. It's the name I created for a MTG deck I made. The commander of the deck is a card for a LGBT character I opened in a random pack and made a deck around since it one of the strongest such cards to do so in all of Magic.
Another joke: The deck's individual cards cost almost $500. The deck, boxes, and sleeves for the deck easily is another $100.

So the joke you can make is that I have $500 of gay hidden from my family on my shelf.

I decided to label the box I keep my LGBT locked up in.

Just kidding. It's the name I created for a MTG deck I made. The commander of the deck is a card for a LGBT character I opened in a random pack and made a deck around since it one of the strongest such cards to do so in all of Magic.
Another joke: The deck's individual cards cost almost $500. The deck, boxes, and sleeves for the deck easily is another $100.

So the joke you can make is that I have $500 of gay hidden from my family on my shelf.

I got a Dymo machine one christmas, I labelled everything, then apparently they discontinued the labels, at least thats what my father told me.
Fuck Israel
I've made a whopping $6.20 in interest on my savings account in the past 3 months.
why don't u invest more of it or buy property or something? especially while you're young it's better to take risks. no point in having 40k+ in a savings account at your age. really only need 20k savings and maybe 20k in checking too for emergencies etc. technically you're actually losing money due to inflation, not a lot but still. you could be making money insteadDesertFox- wrote:
I've made a whopping $6.20 in interest on my savings account in the past 3 months.
Last edited by lil_droo (2021-01-02 12:26:04)
gang shit
I don't actually need more money; it was more a remark on the small amount of interest over time as it's a money market account and formerly would yield double that in a single month. I'm not keen to buy property for investment reasons; seems like a ballache. Without sharing specifics, from talking to my colleagues I have reason to believe I'm quite secure with my retirement, savings accounts, and investments (Fidelity's modeler says I'm on track, too). I was looking into investing some more into CDs earlier this year, but the rates tanked with covid to the point that I can't be arsed to deal with it.
One of my biggest fears would be reaching retirement age or having expenses and realizing "you need more money somehow, but don't have the means to get it", so I've been shovelling loads in while I'm young instead of wasting it on a fancy car or something like that.
One of my biggest fears would be reaching retirement age or having expenses and realizing "you need more money somehow, but don't have the means to get it", so I've been shovelling loads in while I'm young instead of wasting it on a fancy car or something like that.
don't u have a government job in health care or something? i would just max out deffered comp and your annuity.DesertFox- wrote:
I don't actually need more money; it was more a remark on the small amount of interest over time as it's a money market account and formerly would yield double that in a single month. I'm not keen to buy property for investment reasons; seems like a ballache. Without sharing specifics, from talking to my colleagues I have reason to believe I'm quite secure with my retirement, savings accounts, and investments (Fidelity's modeler says I'm on track, too). I was looking into investing some more into CDs earlier this year, but the rates tanked with covid to the point that I can't be arsed to deal with it.
One of my biggest fears would be reaching retirement age or having expenses and realizing "you need more money somehow, but don't have the means to get it", so I've been shovelling loads in while I'm young instead of wasting it on a fancy car or something like that.
idk much about CDs but i think those are pretty low return? i just buy mutual funds and ETFs randomly on schwab other than what i contribute to my jobs retirement funds. i dont even buy actual stocks seems too risky and i dont know enough about that shit nor do i want to learn. also wall street seems very fake in general. i know people that have made crazy money from stocks but its still a gamble and timing things right etc.
gang shit
Just a normal pharmaceutical company. I've maxed my 401k contributions from them and am putting 20% into it on my own. CD rates have been dropping for years and now you'll struggle to find much higher than 1.4% if that, but it is at least a guaranteed return. I'm not enthused to be gambling on stocks really, beyond an employee share plan with my company that lets us buy stock at a discount. Barring some major health crisis, I ought to be fine.
My parents got me the spiked bat for Christmas.

It came in a box with layers of USPS plastic wrapped around the spikes. The spikes are bent inward so you will need to use a tool to bend the spikes into attack position. It is a real bat wrapped in barbed wire. Lethal weapon. Feeling it in hand it becomes obvious that this isn't practical as a weapon though. The bat would break eventually. You would need an aluminum bat instead. So I am going to put this on semi display.
Also I should have told you all this before but I also own a 2 foot long war axe. Would you like a review of that too?

Okay and before you guys get concerned, these are movie props and medieval replicas. I could own a dozen of these and still be less dangerous than a Trump person who buys a gun to protect them selves from Satanic pedophiles. And as a history person I am in fact that only person who should be allowed medieval replicas.
My dad also has a collection Samurai and European swords including movie replicas. Let me know if you want to see those too.
He actually has the Kurgan sword from Highlander

It came in a box with layers of USPS plastic wrapped around the spikes. The spikes are bent inward so you will need to use a tool to bend the spikes into attack position. It is a real bat wrapped in barbed wire. Lethal weapon. Feeling it in hand it becomes obvious that this isn't practical as a weapon though. The bat would break eventually. You would need an aluminum bat instead. So I am going to put this on semi display.
Also I should have told you all this before but I also own a 2 foot long war axe. Would you like a review of that too?

Okay and before you guys get concerned, these are movie props and medieval replicas. I could own a dozen of these and still be less dangerous than a Trump person who buys a gun to protect them selves from Satanic pedophiles. And as a history person I am in fact that only person who should be allowed medieval replicas.
My dad also has a collection Samurai and European swords including movie replicas. Let me know if you want to see those too.
He actually has the Kurgan sword from Highlander

sorry for the schadenfreude, but, i'm sorry, there is something so fucking funny about your parents' marriage hitting the rocks this xmas, with your dad pursuing an affair, and in the middle of this domestic scene they have to ... buy a large, tacky, plastic bat covered in barbed wire for their adult son, because he saw it on some zombie tv show or something.
that's just so fucking funny. it's so unlikely that it's basically a scene from a novel, or something. definitely a philip roth or a richard ford set-up.
it's a rainy thursday p.m., and your dad is making his way down the jersey turnpike, his head swimming with thoughts, argument, his heart tugged in half a dozen ways, pressure building up behind his eyes during this uniquely stressful festive period. his mistress's perfume still peppers his collar. seeing a sign for a toy store, he slowly peels off the off-ramp and pulls into one of the many open spaces at the half-deserted store. he's remembered that his 31-year-old son wants a barbed-wire bat from The Walking Dead.
that's just so fucking funny. it's so unlikely that it's basically a scene from a novel, or something. definitely a philip roth or a richard ford set-up.
it's a rainy thursday p.m., and your dad is making his way down the jersey turnpike, his head swimming with thoughts, argument, his heart tugged in half a dozen ways, pressure building up behind his eyes during this uniquely stressful festive period. his mistress's perfume still peppers his collar. seeing a sign for a toy store, he slowly peels off the off-ramp and pulls into one of the many open spaces at the half-deserted store. he's remembered that his 31-year-old son wants a barbed-wire bat from The Walking Dead.
Last edited by uziq (2021-01-10 12:23:32)
And in further retrospect all of that cucking stuff from before was in poor taste since it turns out my mom had been cucked.

i'm only laughing because it's all gonna be okay, macb.