mmmf mmmf mmmf
Lots of white girls I know do
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

SuperJail Warden wrote:

So the pitbull bit the owner on the arm. The owner tried to give up the dog to animal control. Animal control said they need to take the dog back to the animal shelter in Brooklyn they got it from. This raises the question: who buys a pitbull from a shelter? That is like adopting a black boy from juvenile detention.
So I haven't seen the dog in forever. They must have returned it and if that is the case the shelter put it to sleep. There are no third chances in this racket.

So I wanted to ask an important question related to dogs: do dogs go to heaven? Do all dogs go to heaven? Could my neighbor's dog theoretically be in hell?
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Was the dog a catholic?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Spring ants are here. I bought the yearly ant traps for them.

NYT posted an article praising ants for the hard work they do cleaning up the world of crumbs and food waste. I have to say I feel a little bad being the Obergruppenführer of the ants in my place now.

Let Us Now Praise Tiny Ants https://nyti.ms/3wB2YzJ

Don't, ants are great and all, but you don't want an infestation. I leave them alone in the wild. Used to encounter a lot of anthills along the archery trail.

My boot spiders take care of a lot of stragglers that make it into the house.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Are outside cats happier?

Are outdoor cats happier?
https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/new … ts-happier

Article brings up stressors and dangers for cats allowed to roam free (especially for declawed cats), mentions reduced life expectancy for outdoor (or indoor/outdoor) cats, and suggests leash training and what it calls "indoor enrichment."

I would go a step further and recommend against declawing as a matter of fact, and outdoor enclosures/"catios" to be built. Also doubly emphasize the risk of disease, mauling, intentional injury/killing by people, and catnapping for cats allowed to wander on their own.

People who let their cats outside may have the best intentions, but that doesn’t change the outcome of a recent study, which found the average life span of a cat is dramatically shorter for those that roam freely outdoors — by as much as 10-12 years! If you love letting your cat lounge outside, you may feel tempted to stop reading, but AHS experts want you to know that your outdoor kitty isn’t any happier than it could be indoors.
This plague:

Feline leukemia is easily spread from cat to cat. It can spread between blood, saliva, mucous or any other host of bodily fluids as well. Your pet will need to make contact with another infected cat's bodily fluids in order to receive the virus, as the virus itself cannot survive outside of the body for very long. There are some situations in which baby kittens can receive the virus from their mother, such as those situations in which they're suckling as newborns.

Save the birds, save your neighbors' gardens, and save your cats.

e: of course the ideal isn't realistic in all situations. sometimes there's no room for a catio, or it's a working barn cat, or just won't take to the leash. the point is to reduce injuries, disease, property destruction, damage to the ecosystem, and unwanted breeding (spay/neuter your pets, pls).

Sometimes when I'm making my case about this issue, people just can't believe it when I describe the extent of things outdoor pets have to endure and survive. It's pretty galling and can ruin your day if you're an animal lover.

You can dig up a lot of news on really specific ways cats have been attacked and killed. Let's try bow & arrow, (part of page 1 of search results):

Conneaut cat recovering after being shot with arrow; bowman says it was rabid
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/co … r-BB17f3ML

The cat’s name is Callum and had to have a $5,000 surgery to remove the arrow.

According to police, a man called them last week to say he shot a rabid cat in his yard, but the cat took off after it had been hit.

The cat showed up on a neighbor’s door step three days later.
Fighting to Bring Kristen Lindsey to Justice
https://aldf.org/case/fighting-to-bring … o-justice/

Veterinarian Kristen Lindsey shot and killed her neighbor's cat Tiger with a bow and arrow. Afterward, Lindsey posted a photo to Facebook of herself with Tiger's corpse, the arrow protruding from his head. She bragged in the post about killing the cat.

Cats killed with bow and arrow

Jacksonville, FL -- A pet cat was killed by an arrow in Florida this week, and it's not the first time that it's happened to this family.

"That was my baby," said Sarah Trump to WFOX.

The Nassau County woman wants to find the person who killed her cat.

"Just the fact that nothing is going to get done. It's just infuriating. Because it's not just an animal," Trump said.

Trump said it was the third family cat that was killed.

Officials with Animal Control and the Nassau County Sheriff's Office said there isn't anything they can do.
Reward offered after cat shot with arrow
https://abc13.com/pets/reward-offered-a … w/1558524/

Pittsburgh, PA (KTRK) -- A lucky feral cat found her way to a woman's porch after being shot with an arrow.

The woman inside got her safely to the vet.

Now, the search is on for the shooter.
Someone shot my cat with an arrow

youtube description wrote:

someone in my trailerpark in choctaw shot my cat with an arrow. warning very graphic..

its been a few months now and the cat is fine, he is back to his attention loving self :]
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6942|Little Bentcock
Cats should be kept inside 24/7

I think mac has called me a cat jailkeeper the last time this came up. Then he goes on about being glad the plastic bag ban is saving the environment from thoughtless consumers or whatever.

Domesticated cats are an invasive predator species (HuMaNs ArE An InVaSiVe SpEcIeS), a human-caused threat to indigenous wildlife, and have contributed to the extinction and threatened status of a number of species. Don't let your pet fluffykins out on his own, for his sake and for that of local biodiversity.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
People have contributed to a lot more extinctions.

My cat in Australia is an indoor cat, he'd love to be an outdoor cat and being kept inside does make him sad but in a suburban environment it makes no sense for anyone including him.
Once he did escape and was over the roofs and four houses away before we tracked him down.

My cat in the UK was more outdoors than indoors, he annihilated the rabbits and squirrels which wasn't a bad thing.
He had proper fangs, not the flimsy pegs a lot of cats seem to have.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Dogs are a bigger problem and routinely attack adults, children and wildlife but no-one wants to talk about it.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-11/ … /100284298
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-01/ … /100258860

People just shouldn't be owning fighting dogs.
Fuck Israel

I knew you'd comment on humans. Not even sarcastically spongebobbing it stopped you. Introducing problematic species into ecosystems is one of the many impactful things humans have done that we can proactively address by more people working to minimize pets' contact with wildlife. Why is that so onerous? If you were an ant keeper and had an aggressive species from another region, you wouldn't let them roam free would you?

Taking care of our ecosystems is a multifaceted problem.

What do you mean "nobody wants to talk about dog attacks?" Papers and social media talk about dog attacks all the time. Dogs killing other dogs, dogs killing cats, dogs killing cattle, poultry, dogs running loose, feral dog packs, dogs attacking neighbors, children, and members of their own household "he/she was so gentle with children, I don't know what went wrong!"

"Pibble" owners vociferously defending their breed from reporting doesn't really count as "nobody wants to talk about it."
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Yeah I dunno, I talk to farmers who have cleared and laser levelled 1,000s of hectares of pristine wilderness and apparently I shouldn't own a cat because of the environmental impact if he escapes and eats a bird.

Fat schlubs eating brazil-sourced cheeseburgers do more damage than the world cat population I'm sure.

Of course cats shouldn't be wild in a lot of places but generally speaking they don't savage people to death.
Fuck Israel

Farming can be destructive, but growing/raising food so people can eat and live is probably more important than Murder Mittens and millions of his fellows being allowed to decimate local bird populations unchecked. Like, keep your cats inside for any number of other reasons if that singular point bothers you so much? Dude.

re: "shouldn't own a cat"

Who's saying that here? Sometimes they get out, it happens. But pet cats generally shouldn't be allowed out as a norm. Also, cats eat food too. Dogs as well. Can we talk about that, post-deflection onto farming?

The truth about cats’ and dogs’ environmental impact
https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/the- … tal-impact

All that meat has important consequences. Okin calculated that meat-eating by dogs and cats creates the equivalent of about 64 million tons of carbon dioxide a year, which has about the same climate impact as a year’s worth of driving from 13.6 million cars.

“I like dogs and cats, and I’m definitely not recommending that people get rid of their pets or put them on a vegetarian diet, which would be unhealthy,” Okin said. “But I do think we should consider all the impacts that pets have so we can have an honest conversation about them. Pets have many benefits, but also a huge environmental impact.”
“Maybe we could all have little ponies,” he said, half-jokingly. “We’d all get more exercise taking them for walks, and they would also mow the lawn.”
literally all of dilbert's arguments and world view come down to 'i do it/i like it, therefore it can't be bad'.

doesn't affect him? not a problem. must be overblown and hysterical. must be a special interest group arguing for their own domination.

'i don't ever air travel and i don't have a life. anyone who wants to get on a plane in the next year is a selfish tourist or a subhuman ethnic who has no concept of community'. meanwhile he'll spend a whole day defending someone's right not to get a vaccine as if on perfectly reasonable grounds ... in the country with the lowest vaccination levels of any OECD country. 'extend the flight ban for another 1.5 years, it makes perfect sense to me!'

he's the shadow image of jay, a self-satisfied person who can't see beyond their nose. where jay is a libertarian tard dilbert is full of bunkum about social darwinism. ironically, in this comparison, jay is the only one who has made it to the level of basically successful organism with a wife and kid. he's at least living out his weird little philosophies.

when you point out any valid negative aspect, big or small, in a spirit of reasonability, he has wild whataboutism as radar chaff. 'what do you mean cats endanger certain bird species? well FARMERS use PESTICIDES and hurt insects!' can't reason with that, old boy!

Last edited by uziq (2021-07-10 22:58:09)

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

nerdzique is unhinged and obsessed, following me around every thread to critique me

how very weird
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why shouldn't my house cat be the local apex predator? What ever happened to survival of the fittest?

Your apex predator is food for raccoons.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Why shouldn't my house cat be the local apex predator? What ever happened to survival of the fittest?
think you might want to take a basic ecology 101 class. apex predators evolve within their own ecosystems.

and cats are clearly not an apex predator, even in suburban new jersey.

Last edited by uziq (2021-07-11 00:12:19)

Mass Media Casualty

How in fuck is this place still going?

Anyway, this is Pablo.

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Welcome back, Ty.
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+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

Ty wrote:

How in fuck is this place still going?
Well sort of
Anyway, this is Pablo.

Hello Pablo
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Ty wrote:

How in fuck is this place still going?

Anyway, this is Pablo.

What is the life of Pablo like?

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