The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Farage achieved every objective and more, yet you still dismiss him. Amazing.
Fuck Israel
steve bannon achieved every objective. he's still a nobody, 4 years later, with no power and no ability to direct things to his end.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
What did Bannon do?

Have fun with Brexit.
Fuck Israel
bannon got trump elected, dumbie. rather the same thing as farage catalyzing brexit.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
According to him, meanwhile is Brexit still happening?
Fuck Israel
did biden turn georgia blue for the first time in 30 years? how many incumbents have been defeated in the 20th century? 3?

and you think it's down to covid vaccine timing? looks like maybe you've been blindsided by certain demographics, too, eh.

maybe you're nOT iN tOuCh wiTh ReAliTy

Worth a watch
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Beyond strengthening the existing program, Mr. Biden said he would create yet another forgiveness plan for workers in schools, government and other nonprofit organizations. For each year of service, workers would be eligible to have $10,000 of their undergraduate or graduate debt erased for up to five years (for a total of $50,000).
BuT wHaT dO tHe DeMoCrAtS eVeR dO fOr ThE wOrKiNg ClAsS?

Also this will benefit me so

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-11-15 13:14:04)


Dilbert_X wrote:

According to him, meanwhile is Brexit still happening?

genius. uR noT in touCh wiTH reAl pEopLe
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

According to him, meanwhile is Brexit still happening?

genius. uR noT in touCh wiTH reAl pEopLe
I hate when the politics of English speaking countries cross streams like this. I do sincerely believe that the rise of the dumbass right in the U.K., U.S., Australia, and Canada is all related to the fact that we can listen to the same cranks and morons in each country and feed off of each other.
yep, completely true. and they network with far-right ideologues in the netherlands, hungary, belgium, etc.
It would be a mistake to analyse this as a problem restricted to the western or anglosaxon sphere. Bolsonaro, Duterte, Modi - they all are broadly similar in the ways that they appeal to the public. The resurgence of combative, toxic (ethno)nationalism and anti-corruption rhetoric has been going on everywhere for a while now.

The common dynamic in all of these countries being (1) economic stagnation nationally and among the general public while the rich have exploded their wealth, (2) the loss of national governments' / media control on the flow of information. This second point is hugely impactful. In our now global information era, the internet and how search engines and social media platforms have been deployed absolutely facilitate a breakdown of national dialogues and splintering into isolated political narratives.
yep, dom cummings' mastermind work for the vote leave campaign was largely all about information flows, advertising, mendacious truth-twisting, etc.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Brazil and the Philippines have had straight up military dictatorships in living memory. They seem to be returning to their natural state. I accept your basic premise though. The decline of the west probably has accelerated the retreat of democracy elsewhere since not only do we lack the resources to encourage democracy elsewhere but our socio-political troubles throw the fundamental premise into question. I don't think democracy is at the end point of history and that a lot of Western democracies are only relevant based off of gains made from imperialism that are evaporating as China, India, and even Africa gain their footing or at least the knowledge of how to run a factory.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Never Trump Republicans who used to write for the National Review went and created a new online magazine for moderates and center right. They sent someone to attend the Trump rally in D.C. and write about. It is pretty much a hit piece on Trump supporters but it is still fun to read.

https://thedispatch.com/p/a-day-at-the- … maga-march

I have to admit this article made me feel like how a Trump voter probably felt the last 4 years. I am personally satisfied knowing these people have to go through feelings of losing, being lost, and rejection. I didn't feel the same way about Republicans in 2012 or even 2016.
https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archi … cy/617087/

Long interview with Obama, it's a good read. I really don't understand why people like Jay had such a deep hatred for the man, the only 'compliment' he was willing to give that he could talk nice. Obviously beyond talking nice he's a thoughtful person, and if perhaps ineffectual in some ways, that in itself is a good quality for any leader. Compare it to the fucking stupidity of the neoconservatives and trump...
jay just affected hate for obama because it's the tribal thing to do amongst his crowd. he probably has the usual blue-collar resentments towards a charismatic, suave, educated guy.

once upon a time, many years ago, jay was trying very hard to be the sort of thinker and orator that barry obama is. jay was always trying to drop thoughtful and pensive quotes into his posts, and to come across as mr. considered, enlightened pundit. he gave all that up when he ran out of energy, i guess, and his efforts were diverted to family life. after that making a virtue out of being an ingrate was an easier ticket.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

I voted for him twice and defended him here but I kind of don't care what he thinks at this point. Unless he runs for an office or something  that will make a substantive change in our lives I couldn't care less what he is up to.

And I think writing a 700 page about yourself and still have a second unreleased one about your time in office is arrogant. I have more fingers on my right hand than there are presidents who deserve to write thousands of pages about themselves.
Every president is arrogant. It's a prerequisite for attainment of power.
presidential/prime ministerial memoirs are a staple of the book trade. i can't complain. they shift a huge number of units: everyone likes a peek behind the curtain in the wizard of oz.

this, however, is pretentious as fuck. and super lame.


you've already got a guaranteed bestseller on your hands, barry. don't try and make out the publisher's publicity department put you up to this to 'boost exposure'. please stop forcing your shitty 'hip dad has music on in the kitchen whilst cooking' playlist on us. we do not care.

Last edited by uziq (2020-11-16 15:16:35)


Well it looks terribly dumb but if you write a near 800 page memoir, why not add a soundtrack I suppose...

I've never bothered to read a PM/presidential memoir. Is there a single one that's actually any good?

Should have called it his mixtape.

Larssen wrote:

Well it looks terribly dumb but if you write a near 800 page memoir, why not add a soundtrack I suppose...

I've never bothered to read a PM/presidential memoir. Is there a single one that's actually any good?
why not? a better question would be WHY do.

i don't read memoirs either, really, unless they're funny and witty literary ones with lots of bon mot and in jokes. never these sententious, elder-statesman things.

political memoirs and biographies will always do a steady trade, though.

Larssen wrote:

I've never bothered to read a PM/presidential memoir. Is there a single one that's actually any good?
The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson

off the top of my head

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