Karma Ratio whore
+178|6854|-removed you know why- mod

have a look

Jungs, steht hier IRGNENDWO das mir das passiert ist?

trannslated: no that WAS NT ME. i just found that story

Last edited by Flonster (2006-05-30 04:56:51)

+59|7044|The land of Hookers and pod
Woooh dude you're lucky!

Last edited by Kusunagi (2006-05-29 08:24:49)

wow, just wow... no biggy for me, i nearly get killed everyday
fucking hell man, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. There was a thread on whether guns should be legal. Nuff said. wtf was the neighbor doing anyway,  Deniro impressions???
This is what happens when you legalize weapons like that. Hope you're not too shocked! Great story!
is drunk and crazy
Did this actually happen to you, or is it something you found?
The Magnetic Bullet Attractor
This isn't what happens when you legalize guns, this is what happens when retards get their hands on guns.  Thank goodness you're ok.
+51|7033|Twente, The Netherlands
Man, dangerous. Good you (or the person the story is about) is still amongst the living
this is obviously not about you, the article says "I've become a bit of an internet celebrity" what in less than a day? and what about those 20 pages of comments if it happened today, I think not
+255|6944|Westminster, California
Criminals can't have legal guns, but they can and do have guns.
Funny how dipshits always clamor to ban guns when somebody stupid makes headlines with the missuse of them.

I personally trust my luck against idiots with guns more than I do my luck with only the government owning guns. The guy was probably coked out pretending to be Rambo in front of his mirror. I didn't see any mention of the police being called; this guy should have his guns taken.
     I wouldn't recommend trying to take mine from me, I'm American, you'll be sorry.

yerded wrote:

Criminals can't have legal guns, but they can and do have guns.
Funny how dipshits always clamor to ban guns when somebody stupid makes headlines with the missuse of them.

I personally trust my luck against idiots with guns more than I do my luck with only the government owning guns. The guy was probably coked out pretending to be Rambo in front of his mirror. I didn't see any mention of the police being called; this guy should have his guns taken.
     I wouldn't recommend trying to take mine from me, I'm American, you'll be sorry.
It's funny how when you stub your toe, it hurts
It's funny how when you break the law you go to jail
It's funny how cause A leads to effect A

Do you ever see smart people in the news having shot someone?
Good reason to ban em

It's funny how when you do something stupid that people want something done
it really makes no sense to me either, I mean, come on, some idiot coked up shooting his mirror, what better proof that monkeys should have guns

what better proof that only cops should have firearms
what better proof that gun owners are dangerous and irrational people
what better proof:
"     I wouldn't recommend trying to take mine from me, I'm American, you'll be sorry.   "

It's funny how dipshits keep defending the use of guns by civilians.

I'm sure you'd make a good idiot in the next headlines.

How is it that you don't trust your govt, but you do trust an idiot, when it is your govt who allows you to have a gun in the first place??

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-05-29 20:50:12)

+93|6980|Alaska, mother fucker.
hey oyu play WoW, what server was your horde guy on?..... anyways, DAMN LUCKY FOOL, heres a tip, move far, far away, like kansas or something
Who the hell elected you leader of this outfit?
I can totally buy the story seeing as sheetrock ain't gonna stop a .44 round.

I'd get a piece of junk steel plate.  I'm sure the body armor is real, and that you probably have it as your issued equipment.

But if it takes a round, aren't you out of pocket on that? Not like you can DX your body armor if it gets shot up "off duty."

I think I'd find a different apartment.

Unless his guns were junk and they were loose AND there was a errant round in the chamber, I could maybe see dropping it.

But I've never seen a dropped gun go off.

Your neighbor is a fuckin Section 8.

I just can't see how someone would be sitting down and pointing at the mirror. Unless he was on the shitter.

Hope he didn't have it out for you.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra
it doesnt seem to add up for a few reasons.

that should never have happened for the reason there should be brick deviding the two apartments due to fire restrictions. if not brick then multiple sheets of fire rated plasterboard that is so dense it would totally destroy a hand gun bullet within the first layer alone.

also it must have been a solid projectile which would be odd looking at the guns there, anything in a copper case would have left about a 6 inch hole on your side and you would be full of shrapnell.

a gun went off in my house a few years ago and there was a small hole in the first wall the size of the projectile. then two 6 inch holes through the corner of another room then about 10 small holes from the shrapnel in the last room.

if its true then your fucking lucky.

Spumantiii wrote:

yerded wrote:

Criminals can't have legal guns, but they can and do have guns.
Funny how dipshits always clamor to ban guns when somebody stupid makes headlines with the missuse of them.

I personally trust my luck against idiots with guns more than I do my luck with only the government owning guns. The guy was probably coked out pretending to be Rambo in front of his mirror. I didn't see any mention of the police being called; this guy should have his guns taken.
     I wouldn't recommend trying to take mine from me, I'm American, you'll be sorry.
It's funny how when you stub your toe, it hurts
It's funny how when you break the law you go to jail
It's funny how cause A leads to effect A

Do you ever see smart people in the news having shot someone?
Good reason to ban em

It's funny how when you do something stupid that people want something done
it really makes no sense to me either, I mean, come on, some idiot coked up shooting his mirror, what better proof that monkeys should have guns

what better proof that only cops should have firearms
what better proof that gun owners are dangerous and irrational people
what better proof:
"     I wouldn't recommend trying to take mine from me, I'm American, you'll be sorry.   "

It's funny how dipshits keep defending the use of guns by civilians.

I'm sure you'd make a good idiot in the next headlines.

How is it that you don't trust your govt, but you do trust an idiot, when it is your govt who allows you to have a gun in the first place??
Banning guns wont stop criminals owning guns, just means the criminals will be even more illegal.

I remember a 'news' show doing a report on the purchase and ownership of illegal fireams here in Australia and in some cities, it was as easy to obtain one as asking a few questions down at your local pub.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra

Darky wrote:

it was as easy to obtain one as asking a few questions down at your local pub.
if you need one pm me

it is fucking easy to get illegal guns here.
+12|6864|whitehorse, yukon
it doesnt seem to add up for a few reasons.

that should never have happened for the reason there should be brick deviding the two apartments due to fire restrictions. if not brick then multiple sheets of fire rated plasterboard that is so dense it would totally destroy a hand gun bullet within the first layer alone.

also it must have been a solid projectile which would be odd looking at the guns there, anything in a copper case would have left about a 6 inch hole on your side and you would be full of shrapnell.

a gun went off in my house a few years ago and there was a small hole in the first wall the size of the projectile. then two 6 inch holes through the corner of another room then about 10 small holes from the shrapnel in the last room.
okay matlock.  if his appartment (or duplex or whatever) was built recently.  it may have been build to have a party wall and to meet fire codes.  but ASSUMING the building codes a) required all that when his pad was built b) he has the same building code as your jurisdiction, well, you'd have a case.  provided fire rated gyprock can stop a BULLET.  a fast can go through fire rated 5/8" gyprock.... so... unless he's shooting... marshmellows... should have no problem almost killing teh fellah.

anyways nice to see you're not dead.  but teaches you for playing WOW.  "WOW claims another life"
Yeah, that thing I said
+18|6942|Ames, IA

the_heart_attack wrote:

it doesn't seem to add up for a few reasons.

that should never have happened for the reason there should be brick dividing the two apartments due to fire restrictions. if not brick then multiple sheets of fire rated plasterboard that is so dense it would totally destroy a hand gun bullet within the first layer alone.

also it must have been a solid projectile which would be odd looking at the guns there, anything in a copper case would have left about a 6 inch hole on your side and you would be full of shrapnell.

a gun went off in my house a few years ago and there was a small hole in the first wall the size of the projectile. then two 6 inch holes through the corner of another room then about 10 small holes from the shrapnel in the last room.

if its true then your fucking lucky.
I'm not sure of the fire restrictions thing...I'm unaware of any fire restrictions requiring there to be a brick and mortar wall separating two living spaces.  The heaviest fire restrictions I am aware of is for walls separating a garage and living space, which require two layers of 5/8" Sheetrock (one on each side of a wall, wood studs allowed).  this can prevent spread of fire for 5 hours.  (technically 5 hours per sheet but you really only get one sheet worth of protection with wood or steel studs in the walls because the heat will cause the wall to collapse in ether case)  Also, you can easily poke a hole through a sheet of Sheetrock with a screwdriver, I'd imagine it's no trouble for a bullet.

the_heart_attack wrote:

Darky wrote:

it was as easy to obtain one as asking a few questions down at your local pub.
if you need one pm me

it is fucking easy to get illegal guns here.
I dont need one, although at times it would come in handy when the neighbour's dog wont stfu.
You might want to keep the ceramic ballistic plates inside your flak jacket and keep it against the damned wall!!

Hell, get another flak and glue it to the wall so you don't get a round in the nuts...
+255|6944|Westminster, California

Spumantiii wrote:

yerded wrote:

Criminals can't have legal guns, but they can and do have guns.
Funny how dipshits always clamor to ban guns when somebody stupid makes headlines with the missuse of them.

I personally trust my luck against idiots with guns more than I do my luck with only the government owning guns. The guy was probably coked out pretending to be Rambo in front of his mirror. I didn't see any mention of the police being called; this guy should have his guns taken.
     I wouldn't recommend trying to take mine from me, I'm American, you'll be sorry.
It's funny how when you stub your toe, it hurts
It's funny how when you break the law you go to jail
It's funny how cause A leads to effect A

Do you ever see smart people in the news having shot someone?
Good reason to ban em

It's funny how when you do something stupid that people want something done
it really makes no sense to me either, I mean, come on, some idiot coked up shooting his mirror, what better proof that monkeys should have guns

what better proof that only cops should have firearms
what better proof that gun owners are dangerous and irrational people
what better proof:
"     I wouldn't recommend trying to take mine from me, I'm American, you'll be sorry.   "

It's funny how dipshits keep defending the use of guns by civilians.

I'm sure you'd make a good idiot in the next headlines.

How is it that you don't trust your govt, but you do trust an idiot, when it is your govt who allows you to have a gun in the first place??
I'm not likely to make headlines unless your bean somehow becomes aligned with the barrel of my mini 14.
Stay in Canada, we don't need your kind here.
oh hai :D
+156|6959|The Netherlands
OMG! dude we may not even have any guns in the netherlands... that sink is beautiful with all the gunz
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7078|AUS, Canberra

mattrsch wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

it doesn't seem to add up for a few reasons.

that should never have happened for the reason there should be brick dividing the two apartments due to fire restrictions. if not brick then multiple sheets of fire rated plasterboard that is so dense it would totally destroy a hand gun bullet within the first layer alone.

also it must have been a solid projectile which would be odd looking at the guns there, anything in a copper case would have left about a 6 inch hole on your side and you would be full of shrapnell.

a gun went off in my house a few years ago and there was a small hole in the first wall the size of the projectile. then two 6 inch holes through the corner of another room then about 10 small holes from the shrapnel in the last room.

if its true then your fucking lucky.
I'm not sure of the fire restrictions thing...I'm unaware of any fire restrictions requiring there to be a brick and mortar wall separating two living spaces.  The heaviest fire restrictions I am aware of is for walls separating a garage and living space, which require two layers of 5/8" Sheetrock (one on each side of a wall, wood studs allowed).  this can prevent spread of fire for 5 hours.  (technically 5 hours per sheet but you really only get one sheet worth of protection with wood or steel studs in the walls because the heat will cause the wall to collapse in ether case)  Also, you can easily poke a hole through a sheet of Sheetrock with a screwdriver, I'd imagine it's no trouble for a bullet.
yes but between two seperate apartments the fire regulation increase quiet alot, due to that fact that the want fires to be constrained in the one unit.
After seeing the dent in the wood trim, I'm not convinced it would have killed you, but damn in all that is holy would that have hurt, and bled. Very lucky and glad you're "OK".

Some people call these AD's (Accidental Discharges), but I'm a firm beleiver of the term Negligent Discharge, which is an obvious description of what took place.

I too have M16 mags laying about my apartment, but my guns are in a safe. My bathroom also doesn't look like it belongs in a Dirty Harry film.... good grief...
Destroy Noob Cannons
"Otter ([info]antiotter) wrote,
@ 2006-04-20 20:08:00"

Nice try, not.

It's the 30th of May.

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Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2006-05-30 01:41:10)

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