
One of my family members ventures into Fox only to argue with conservatives in the comments section. I cannot fathom what enjoyment they derive from it. Imagine locking yourself in a room with a hundred Jays, I guess.

I'd rather be tied to a chair with my eyelids taped open in front of the awkward mukbang broadcasts that they also watch.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I saw republicans for biden signs in the great state of wisconsin.
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i mean, it gets close in the tabloids and private news stations.

there was some controversy about a biden hitpiece in the NY Post, written up by some nazi femme fatale aligned with the hardcore bannon lot. that’s textbook murdoch. i mean the signed author on the byline has a public instagram account where she’s posting with far-right figures. it’s just purely scurrilous behaviour. tantamount to spreading misinformation on the eve of an election.

the murdoch media empire undoubtedly has poisoned the world. and being a villain amongst media barons is really quite a feat. you’d be hard pressed to find a bigger pack of slime balls and fascists than the 20th century lords and barons of the british tabloids. i mean, one of them produced ghislaine maxwell ffs.

and let’s not even get started on the murdoch-blair relationship (quite literally if the rumours of infidelity are to be believed). i’m sure dilbert has plenty to get in a twist over there with all the laundering of public opinion that went on then, drumming up support for tony’s wars ...

also iirc fox’s slogan of ‘fair and balanced’ was a purposeful retort/reaction to some other news station’s messaging. might have been CNN. it’s intended as more of a ‘fuck you’.
Murdoch is a dangerous and powerful nut, something came out about some deal they did to deliver the election to Blair.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

One of my family members ventures into Fox only to argue with conservatives in the comments section. I cannot fathom what enjoyment they derive from it. Imagine locking yourself in a room with a hundred Jays, I guess.

I'd rather be tied to a chair with my eyelids taped open in front of the awkward mukbang broadcasts that they also watch.
Very occasionally I used to venture onto gun sites to drop the odd comment and see what happened.

"Do you really think the founding fathers intended that mentally ill teenagers should have access to machine guns?" etc
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX
Here it is

Former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage directly linked this Sun column with the eventual vote to leave the European Union 19 years later.

He told the documentary: “The price of Rupert Murdoch’s support for Tony Blair was that Blair promised he would not take us into the European currency without first having a referendum, and if Rupert Murdoch had not done that we would have joined the Euro in 1999 and I doubt Brexit would have happened.

“So I think when we look at the long history of Britain’s relationship with the European project that led ultimately to the Brexit vote, I think that was a decisive intervention from Rupert Murdoch.”

Revealingly, Farage also admitted he had asked Murdoch “if he wanted me to do this” documentary.

“If he’d said no I wouldn’t have done it, but he said yes do it and I think historically some of this stuff is really important.”

Asked if he believes Blair has Murdoch to thank for his 1997 victory, Wallis said: “I do really. What we did was to say to the British public this is who he is, this is what he can be. Three million newspapers a day is 10m adults reading something every day.”


Blair went on to become godfather to one of Murdoch’s children and former Sunday Times editor Andrew Neil said the relationship between the two after New Labour gained power was “almost incestuous”.

“The line between church and state, if I can put it [that way], between press and state, became so blurred that at one stage it was quite hard to tell which was which,” Neil, whose editorship ended in 1995, said.

He said it was not just Murdoch, but his editors and senior executives who were influential on Labour policy in that period.

David Yelland, editor of the Sun between 1998 and 2003, said: “I would go and see Tony Blair quite often and would have an hour or so private meeting in his office and what I got to realise when I was editing the Sun is that the words I used in leaders were often reflected in things that Downing Street said.”

On the events leading up to the Iraq war, Neil added: “Murdoch would call regularly, he would give him [Blair] the latest information he had gleaned from Washington and the White House. He in turn would find out what Mr Blair was about, will the Labour Party be solid?

“I think it’s now been established that in the week before the land war began the Prime Minister spoke to Rupert Murdoch almost as much as he spoke to his Foreign Secretary or his Defence Secretary. That’s influence.”
https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/rupert-m … ony-blair/

Enjoy your chlorinated hormone packed beef-fed chicken when you're thanking Murdoch for the attack on Iraq.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-10-16 05:23:44)

Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

i mean, it gets close in the tabloids and private news stations.

there was some controversy about a biden hitpiece in the NY Post, written up by some nazi femme fatale aligned with the hardcore bannon lot. that’s textbook murdoch. i mean the signed author on the byline has a public instagram account where she’s posting with far-right figures. it’s just purely scurrilous behaviour. tantamount to spreading misinformation on the eve of an election.

the murdoch media empire undoubtedly has poisoned the world. and being a villain amongst media barons is really quite a feat. you’d be hard pressed to find a bigger pack of slime balls and fascists than the 20th century lords and barons of the british tabloids. i mean, one of them produced ghislaine maxwell ffs.

and let’s not even get started on the murdoch-blair relationship (quite literally if the rumours of infidelity are to be believed). i’m sure dilbert has plenty to get in a twist over there with all the laundering of public opinion that went on then, drumming up support for tony’s wars ...

also iirc fox’s slogan of ‘fair and balanced’ was a purposeful retort/reaction to some other news station’s messaging. might have been CNN. it’s intended as more of a ‘fuck you’.
Murdoch is a dangerous and powerful nut, something came out about some deal they did to deliver the election to Blair.
yes and then his wife wendy was caught storing emails or notes or something on the newscorp servers where she was essentially diarizing her desires for tony blair. 'oh, he so handsome ... strong ... smart ...'.

https://www.theguardian.com/media/green … -tonyblair

"It was written in broken English by a woman to herself, pouring out her love for a man called Tony. 'Oh, shit, oh, shit,' she wrote.

    'Whatever why I'm so so missing Tony. Because he is so so charming and his clothes are so good. He has such good body and he has really really good legs Butt... And he is slim tall and good skin. Pierce blue eyes which I love. Love his eyes. Also I love his power on the stage... and what else and what else and what else...'"
truly a sordid menagerie. to think these people are running the world.

Last edited by uziq (2020-10-16 05:54:36)


Dilbert_X wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

One of my family members ventures into Fox only to argue with conservatives in the comments section. I cannot fathom what enjoyment they derive from it. Imagine locking yourself in a room with a hundred Jays, I guess.

I'd rather be tied to a chair with my eyelids taped open in front of the awkward mukbang broadcasts that they also watch.
Very occasionally I used to venture onto gun sites to drop the odd comment and see what happened.

"Do you really think the founding fathers intended that mentally ill teenagers should have access to machine guns?" etc
Ages ago I posted a list of some of the pro-gun propaganda aimed at families and kids. I'm sure their answer to your troll is in there somewhere.


I particularly found this one funny, having dug a catalog up again:

#8 Is America Becoming a Police State?

GP 8

The latest Gran'pa Jack, "Is America Becoming a Police State?" is chock full of simple-to-understand and timely information to help you show people why gun ownership is vitally necessary at all times, but especially in uncertain times as we now have in America.
Or maybe the federal marshals can deploy a hit squad out to your house.

Anyway some pretty rich stuff in there.
there's something either exceptionally brave or stupid about trolling right-wing gun nuts. i mean, these people have fucking GUNS and are tanked up on paranoia and conspiracy theories. what are you going to do, ask them to stand extra-still at 55 yards so you can whack them with your pea-shooter target pistol?

I think it would probably take a special kind of nutjob to fly halfway around the world to go punch out an internet troll.

Struggling to think of an example. On the tip of my tongue.
that was part of his honeymoon trip, remember. it's a blue-collar rite of passage to get into a punchup at a wedding or thereabouts. totally plausible. fahkin QUEe-YAH!
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Gunslinger came from Cali to NY and visited me- not to fight, but to get stoned.

I think it's mostly talk. "I've got Irish/German/whatever ancestry and I like to drink and fight!" then panics when someone pulls out a knife to cut a sandwich in half.

black votes were down almost 8% in the 2016 election.

i think trump's divisive and toxic rhetoric about BLM, antifa, the 'left biden conspiracy', dismissal of AOC and co, etc, is going to seriously backfire on him.

some polls put biden ahead in georgia. georgia ffs. there are queues of pissed off black folks that stretch for 11 hours. the voter suppression thing has come right to the surface and many african-americans are greeting it as the insidious challenge to their democratic rights that it is.

biden's record on race isn't exactly flawless but i can see trump being brought down by swings in the female and black votes.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

uziq wrote:


black votes were down almost 8% in the 2016 election.

i think trump's divisive and toxic rhetoric about BLM, antifa, the 'left biden conspiracy', dismissal of AOC and co, etc, is going to seriously backfire on him.

some polls put biden ahead in georgia. georgia ffs. there are queues of pissed off black folks that stretch for 11 hours. the voter suppression thing has come right to the surface and many african-americans are greeting it as the insidious challenge to their democratic rights that it is.

biden's record on race isn't exactly flawless but i can see trump being brought down by swings in the female and black votes.
I appreciate the optimism. I think it’d serve the American ppl in terms of seizing our adrenaline reserves to act as if trump is already god-emperor.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:


black votes were down almost 8% in the 2016 election.

i think trump's divisive and toxic rhetoric about BLM, antifa, the 'left biden conspiracy', dismissal of AOC and co, etc, is going to seriously backfire on him.

some polls put biden ahead in georgia. georgia ffs. there are queues of pissed off black folks that stretch for 11 hours. the voter suppression thing has come right to the surface and many african-americans are greeting it as the insidious challenge to their democratic rights that it is.

biden's record on race isn't exactly flawless but i can see trump being brought down by swings in the female and black votes.
According to polls Trump's support among black and specifically black men is up. They too like his aggressive anti-PC attitude I guess.
i'm not sure that the energy of things like BLM in terms of a positive motivating force have been registered by white middle america. a lot of young people are very pissed off.

many democratic elections, if not using underhand techniques like voter suppression, at least rely routinely on the apathy of certain groups. the young and african-americans, for instance. well i think a lot of those groups specifically this year have reason to be pissed off in 2020, and a new raised level of political consciousness to go with it. you're seeing young black rappers and all sorts of figures coming out to urge their fans to vote. that would have been thought of as maximally 'uncool' before.

we'll see. it is optimistic, yes.
Artifice of Eternity
What do you guys use to track polling data in aggregate? I've mostly been watching The Economist's coverage, which seems fairly comprehensive and well arranged. I'm not American though, so I'm sure there's an angle to this that isn't being factored in. race/religion/urbanism/newcomers are some that come to mind as having bearing. I just figure that in aggregate, all the pollsters can't be wrong...right?

https://projects.economist.com/us-2020- … lsrc=aw.ds
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
i feel it in my plums
Artifice of Eternity
In Donald's world it's for sure the case that if he ain't first, he's defo last. That's the NY State Attorney he dreams about and makes poor crayon drawings of at the breakfast table.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7001|United States of America

Pochsy wrote:

What do you guys use to track polling data in aggregate? I've mostly been watching The Economist's coverage, which seems fairly comprehensive and well arranged. I'm not American though, so I'm sure there's an angle to this that isn't being factored in. race/religion/urbanism/newcomers are some that come to mind as having bearing. I just figure that in aggregate, all the pollsters can't be wrong...right?

https://projects.economist.com/us-2020- … lsrc=aw.ds
FiveThirtyEight's model is the only one I've ever given much credence to.
The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX
It would be nice to see the end of Trump, he was at least hard on China but I think we've all woken up now.

Still wouldn't discount the idea he could sweep back in with 238% of the vote.
Fuck Israel

Being "tough on China" in the short term doesn't do much good if you don't have decent materials contingencies for your homegrown industries. I'm not confident in a trade war overseen by a man with zero emotional attachment to the people who are hit the hardest.

Dilbert_X wrote:

It would be nice to see the end of Trump, he was at least hard on China but I think we've all woken up now.

Still wouldn't discount the idea he could sweep back in with 238% of the vote.
being hard on china was a disaster for trump’s base.

his trade wars almost amounted to self-sabotage. look at what happened to american farmers over the last 3-4 years and the immense cost to the US govt.

his industrial war with huawei/tiktok etc has made america an insecure laughing stock. all he’s done there is put it into a unique category along with dubious neighbours like russia, india, and ... china ... of nations who heavily restrict their citizen’s freedom to access certain apps and information. and it sure as hell hasnt hurt the chinese companies in question. great job!

meanwhile coal-based industry and mining operations have actually closed and shrunk faster than they did under obama. so much for all that going around the appalachians telling the workers he was bringing it home!

a bunch of posturing that has actually made working people poorer. what’s the difference between this and the usual conservative rigmarole?
Zee Ruskie
+295|7092|Moscow, Russia

uziq wrote:

industrial war with... tiktok
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

Shahter wrote:

uziq wrote:

industrial war with... tiktok
trump tried to ban an app from access and also tried to force the company to sell to microsoft.

yes, industrial war.

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