Jay wrote:
Anyway, as i said, comparing across the entire country is not a good measure. I would say there are pockets of inequality, but there's nothing preventing people from moving to new opportunities.
erm, you do realise that describes every country on those graphs and statistics, anyway? what, do you think Lapland is a hotbed of opportunity? every country has pockets of inequality and underdevelopment; there's more to social mobility metrics than relocating to the nearest metropolitan centre.
this whole 'nothing preventing people moving to find opportunities' logic of yours never makes rock-solid sense, either: you yourself have said you won't move because of family ties and kin networks. erm, hello?
i guess capitalism works well: look at all those phillipina mothers who travel around the world to be cleaners, leaving behind their children 1,000s of km's away! if you want to improve, just move! it's simples.
glad we established that scandinavia's high tax and high spend model has created far more stability, security and mobility than america's no-safety-net wild west. how many people do you think have been bankrupted by covid in sweden?