I found a bunch of special edition Magic the Gathering cards I didn't know I had in my box of Magic the Gathering things. 27 Hour of Devastation Full Art Lands. Very pleased.

Hey, good for you!Jay wrote:
I just sold a side project that is equal to 1/3 of my current annual income. Holy shit!
my grandparents recently did a fjord cruise. it is for old people.Jay wrote:
Maybe, maybe... want to cruise Norwegian fjords and check out where my family came from in Sweden and Germany. I'd like to see the northern lights in iceland too
I like Consider the Lobster, Authority and American Usage, and This is Water. A lot of his other stuff seems more pretentious as I get older including Infinite Jest. The drug stuff doesn't resonate with me anymore.uziq wrote:
my grandparents recently did a fjord cruise. it is for old people.Jay wrote:
Maybe, maybe... want to cruise Norwegian fjords and check out where my family came from in Sweden and Germany. I'd like to see the northern lights in iceland too
scandinavia would be a lot better in a rent-a-car. do the iceland ring-road. do the norwegian coast.
macbeth that's actually one of the rare DFW things that hasn't aged terribly badly.
Fair enoughuziq wrote:
my grandparents recently did a fjord cruise. it is for old people.Jay wrote:
Maybe, maybe... want to cruise Norwegian fjords and check out where my family came from in Sweden and Germany. I'd like to see the northern lights in iceland too
scandinavia would be a lot better in a rent-a-car. do the iceland ring-road. do the norwegian coast.
macbeth that's actually one of the rare DFW things that hasn't aged terribly badly.
this is water is the worst. it's sentimental mush and the core of the message is basically re-heated boethius or marcus aurelius or whatever. at least confederacy of dunces made that shit funny and satirical. DFW comes across like a millennial preacher.SuperJail Warden wrote:
I like Consider the Lobster, Authority and American Usage, and This is Water. A lot of his other stuff seems more pretentious as I get older including Infinite Jest. The drug stuff doesn't resonate with me anymore.uziq wrote:
my grandparents recently did a fjord cruise. it is for old people.Jay wrote:
Maybe, maybe... want to cruise Norwegian fjords and check out where my family came from in Sweden and Germany. I'd like to see the northern lights in iceland too
scandinavia would be a lot better in a rent-a-car. do the iceland ring-road. do the norwegian coast.
macbeth that's actually one of the rare DFW things that hasn't aged terribly badly.
Congrats, honestly cruises are for old people.Jay wrote:
I just sold a side project that is equal to 1/3 of my current annual income. Holy shit!
I'm not gonna take travel advice from the guy that asked why he should ever leave Bayonne, New Jersey to see the world when he can just watch TV shows.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Unless you have family ties to Scandinavia, I don't know why you would want to go see nature there when you have Alaska to visit instead. And if you are interested in seeing Germanic culture, Eastern Germany alone is equal to the entirety of Scandinavia.
I hate traveling and don't care for people anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jay wrote:
I'm not gonna take travel advice from the guy that asked why he should ever leave Bayonne, New Jersey to see the world when he can just watch TV shows.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Unless you have family ties to Scandinavia, I don't know why you would want to go see nature there when you have Alaska to visit instead. And if you are interested in seeing Germanic culture, Eastern Germany alone is equal to the entirety of Scandinavia.