I am going to say this in the nicest way possible: you have this caricature of education that isn't like anything actually taking place. Most schools even well funded ones use either older textbooks or the specific one a teacher used their yearly supply voucher to buy. There are no Social Justice textbooks. You won't read in a school textbook something like "capitalism is an inherently predatory system". You might read about how a labor Union 'fought for their rights' but you would probably be surprised to learn that leftist don't even care for labor unions either. And no one does diversity rallies either. Especially highly diverse school systems. I can't stress to you enough how old school, white, conservative, and upper middle class upper school administration is.Jay wrote:
It mostly happens in college, but some of it does bleed down to the high school level. It's in the textbooks and in the diversity assemblies etc. When I was in grade school, American history classes ended right around the time Kennedy got shot. Everything after was considered too controversial. When I was in college, basically everything in my American history textbook was about the labor movement, and unions, and POC and their snippets of history, and oppression.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Kids aren't getting heavily indoctrinated into leftism at their public schools. That is a fantasy being sold to Americans in order to get them to support breaking up teachers unions in order to lower taxes. Most teachers are suburban white people who get the job through their suburban white people family and friends. They are just as conservative as the rest of their demographic group. Male history teachers tend to be the type who are obsessed with military history and warfare and begrudgingly teach the civil rights stuff before we could get back to talking about our war stuff.
And your experiences with low level required college history classes isn't indictive of what college history education is like. Sure, you often get some lady or guy teaching "U.S. History 1" from the feminist perspective. But even if you happen to get that in your U.S. 1, and U.S. 2 classes, you can pick and choice the classes you want later and completely cocoon yourself from "SJW stuff". There was no SJW stuff in my classes about the Ottoman Empire or Imperial Russia to give you an example of how esoteric history classes can be.