Berghain is for tourists mostly, and people who REALLY love it. If there's a good party expect to wait in line for hours. Your chances of getting in are also arbitrary so have fun. It's a good club but coasts on its exclusive ( & nasty) reputation more than anything.
There's so many other places in Berlin worth visiting.
uziq, I really couldn't give less of a fuck to be dragged along into one of your obsessive dives into a certain (sub)genre and 'the REAL scene' - have fun, by yourself. Are you sure you're not on the autism spectrum somewhere?
lol i know, i used to go to berlin every year. my ex-gf lived there. i've been to berghain 4 times but didn't queue.
nasty reputation? hardly. it's very inclusive. was sven nasty to you?
and yeah, sure, we don't have to do this, baby. i guess 'living in a country' doesn't make you an expert on a scene you don't know anything about. odd that!
no wonder they don’t let you in. homophobe. well that and your trash taste. do they confuse you for the italian tourists? no, no, honestly, i’m german, i was born here! look at my passport sven!
I liked that rave I went to. I was going to another one for my birthday before COVID shut everything down. I wish I got into raving when I was younger. I don't like American style night clubs which seems to be more about getting dressed up, having drinks, etc. rather than dancing.
My younger sister goes to EDC every year in Vegas Apparently it's about dressing up like a cyber hippie, getting high off ecstasy, and dancing. I will go someday.
uziq prefers dark rooms with gay men wearing spiked collars fucking him in the ass
sven is only there on fridays and saturdays btw, sundays are better. less tourists. i've been to berghain a few times but it's not my thing. music is dope tho.
ofc you didn't que. I'm not from berlin so not into the know with the bouncers at the door.
any club is better than a giant festival. dance music was made for clubs, not rockstar-style festivals full of lights and giant stages. it just doesn't work. you need the energy and the focus of a dance floor. even on the level of acoustics, it just works way, way better.
berghain isn't all dark rooms and shit parties, either. p-bar closing is one of the most uplifting experiences you'll ever have in your life.
there are darker and weirder venues in berlin, /about blank for one.
Since when is seeing any musician live about the music? If you want sound quality lock yourself in a soundproof room with your expensive headphones. Live music is for the experience, and festivals are fucking awesome.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough." -Frederick Bastiat
That's true for a lot of live music, but electronica, especially techno, EDM, and house, were designed to be listened to in large rooms with very heavy bass. Extremely hard to replicate in a home setting. The balance in early albums (like even as late as the late 90s) is completely skewed to sounding best at high volume with tonnes of bass.
edit - Also, this is making me really miss my club days. Now I'm old, decrepit, and cranky after midnight.
Last edited by Pochsy (2020-05-27 16:04:05)
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough." -Frederick Bastiat
Since when is seeing any musician live about the music? If you want sound quality lock yourself in a soundproof room with your expensive headphones. Live music is for the experience, and festivals are fucking awesome.
you've never been to a club with a proper sound-system. you cannot replicate it at home. not for under $100,000, anyway.
dance music is a physical/tactile thing as much as an auditory one. you feel half the audio spectrum.
some of the best-tuned clubs in the world even have dance floors with bass transducers inside them. fabric room 1, for one.
it's honestly not comparable. and standing near the PA array at a festival is not the same thing. that's a great way to get tinnitus.
also don't talk about 'the experience' lol. spending 12 hours inside a perfect club cocoon on MDMA >>> drinking overpriced beer from a plastic cup and peering over the heads of 6,000 people, listening out for the echo of the band to backsplash from the hill behind you.
The only outdoor event I've actually enjoyed was an invitational psytrance white rabbit a friend brought me to in uni. 100 people, 2 DJs, middle of a forest some dude owned to the north of the city. The organizers rented a really nice sound system (no idea what it was) and had a generator to power the lights and sound system. What a fucking night.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
i really want to go to labyrinth festival in japan, it's pretty much the mecca for insider festivals. hard to get tickets, though, and its in the mountains way outside any airport.
they build one of the most impressive funktion-one rigs going and then play ambient/techno for a full weekend, night and day. it sounds absolutely blessed. it's done on a tasteful scale and the crowd are very much of one mind.
that's more like the music i associate with the low countries. speed heads and truck drivers and people in tracksuits. it's why i laughed when larssen made out he had some sort of high-pedigree taste because he's 'spent time in the netherlands and belgium'. the most popular forms of electronic music there are like gabber techno and hardcore, full of skinheads slowly chewing off their own faces.
it's really telling that you never see a black person at any of those events. trust the white man to take their music, full of rhythm and soul and syncopation, and boil it down to the sounds of a photocopier and fascist goose-stepping.
that's more like the music i associate with the low countries. speed heads and truck drivers and people in tracksuits. it's why i laughed when larssen made out he had some sort of high-pedigree taste because he's 'spent time in the netherlands and belgium'. the most popular forms of electronic music there are like gabber techno and hardcore, full of skinheads slowly chewing off their own faces.
It's funny that that sort of music I guess has a Nazi element to it in Europe? American Nazis are deep into metal and punk. The music I linked is 100% associated with millennial and Gen Z urban culture.
So the funny thing about Hardstep dancing is you literally can't do it at the clubs because you need so much space. I've never seen someone make it work. Maybe a DnB track'll come on and a few folks will try, but nothing like that video. So it just ends up being losers dancing in parking lots lmao
Last edited by Pochsy (2020-05-27 16:40:54)
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families