yeah I'm not gonna sit here and repeat the same points 100 times over. you don't think food can ever be art, I do. that's fine, move on.
it’s very very adorable that you ‘express yourself’ in your cooking. i’m sure your dinner party guests perceive a vast intellect and a precious soul in your application of seasoning. and they nod along piously when you explain to them that, by blanching the carrots thus, you are making a deep and meaningful allusion to your dutch roots.
I'm german

I'm sure people like to eat my food more than discuss infinite jest with you though

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 06:25:02)

eating food is an immense pleasure. like sunbathing. or sex. but it’s not art.

infinite jest is a meme because dudes who think they are deep and intellectual but are not recommend it like a talisman to girls. it’s a reference most people understand. you thought it was a romance novel. haven’t you spoken here yourself about david foster wallace’s essays and nonfiction? not a very smart chap.
uzique, intelligence does not equate reading or memorising novels. I don't think I've written anything about wallace. I've not read infinite jest. I don't care for infinite jest. I don't care for your memes about infinite jest. Nor am I very big into literature - between my work (which involves a lot of reading and writing), hobbies and other pursuits I barely have time or energy left to commit to delving into great literary masterpieces. I might pick up a book or two a year max.

I refer you back to my post in d&st - you're an unpleasant individual who feels an inordinate need to prop up his self-image by insulting whoever you can and by obsessively pursuing niche interests. The latter is fine. Vice versa you'd be at a complete loss in my field and in my hobbies. I don't hold it against you that you're not built for contact sports. Or that your idea of fine dining is a linguine, red wine and poundshop cheesecake. That's a little vulgar really.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 06:44:23)

you're the one who mentioned pasta. i was mocking you for going into aesthetic reveries over common food. are you dense?

2 books a year? jesus christ. no wonder you jumped on mine and jay's passing comment with all the fury of an uncaged eagle after an inter-state flight. you were really keen to get in your condescending recommendation for that book you read for a course one time!!! lmao 'stick to publishing' says the guy who reads 2 books a year and yet somehow considers himself well-read. i have literally read more books than you on the breakup of yugoslavia. what a derpsicle.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 07:15:02)

I read about 2 pure literature books a year yes. The rest are articles and books directly relating to my field. But that is work. A book on conflict dynamics isn't exactly a literary masterpiece wouldn't you agree?

Also I very much doubt that wrt yugoslavia uzique, but keep flattering yourself.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 07:29:37)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England

uziq wrote:

food isn’t an art. let’s get over it. enjoy your food for what it is without trying to ennoble your basic sensuous pleasures with some elevated activity. we all go to restaurants larssen. very well done you interesting individual.

you seem really rather caught up on an average pair of shoes. that really made an impression on you, didn’t it?

you really are just a normie. it’s not my problem.
Those boots were ugly as fuck
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
they weren't boots.

i could take fashion advice from a lot of members on this board, but you are very very near the bottom.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England
You dress like a woman. You need my advice, trust me.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
your wife buys your clothes. why are you insulting women? none of your clothes fit you. you look like someone who grew up surrounded by workmen in oiled clothes and the tang of heavy industry. you look uncomfortable in a collar. you're that guy who over-dressed for the office because he had no idea how to dress formal. you still don't look comfortable in formal clothes.

just stop. we all know what you look like. christ alive.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
mmmf mmmf mmmf
a totally regular thing for a near-40 something adult to do.

and totally, totally accurate

uziq wrote:

a totally regular thing for a near-40 something adult to do.

and totally, totally accurate
a lot of older ppl do the emoji thing. he has kids too so it makes sense. prolly does it for fun with them etc. i don't think it's weird, we are living in different times. i got 50+ year old aunts and shit using snapchat and IG.

btw is anyone here into fasting? i did it a few times over the past couple years and thinking about doing it a little more regularly like maybe a 2 day fast once a month. not really for weight loss but just to sort of cleanse myself. there's a lot of benefits to fasting.

they say even a 16 hour fast is ok but real benefits start at like the 48 hour mark. i didn't even drink black coffee the times i did it, just only water for 48 hours. it's kinda tough but i did notice better digestion afterwards and feeling a lot more clear headed etc.
gang shit
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England
I do intermittent fasting
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
between 9.30 and 10.30?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:
Your avatar needs to be wider.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

uziq wrote:

it’s very very adorable that you ‘express yourself’ in your cooking. i’m sure your dinner party guests perceive a vast intellect and a precious soul in your application of seasoning. and they nod along piously when you explain to them that, by blanching the carrots thus, you are making a deep and meaningful allusion to your dutch roots.
My experience is that the creative force that flows through me when making music, writing poetry, drawing, etc. is the same force which flows while I cook. I wouldn’t say eating food is some kind of artistic experience though. I cook to heal myself and others and that makes the stakes high very often. Some cooks approach it like an engineering project, but some approach it intuitively. It’s a full immersion of the senses, I can hear, smell, taste or see when something needs attention on the stove or w/e. I’m also wielding an extremely sharp knife made in the same way as a samurai sword. This brings me fully into the present moment and in the end I have something wonderful to show for it that makes people feel good. Some have said that cooking is the highest art because it determines the eater’s destiny. That said I don’t feel like an artist being a cook, it more like alchemy- somewhere between a science and magic.
cooking is literally chemistry, it's not alchemy. why are people so damn pretentious about food?

art expresses something higher, it gives you pause to think, it raises spiritual, metaphysical, theological questions. art has an aesthetics, an ethics. it helps us navigate questions about meaning in life, about social relations, how to live our lives as individuals and within a community. it expresses the human lot here on earth. do you get that when you're baking cinnamon rolls or beef pho?

i appreciate it takes skill, involves tradition, and is a refined experience for the senses. but art is not about glittery and fine things being put before your sensorium. why can't cooking just be a good pursuit and a difficult craft without it needing to be 'alchemy'?

Some have said that cooking is the highest art because it determines the eater’s destiny.
lol fuck me i am literally done

i say it's the lowest art because it provides bare necessities for biological existence and all ends up as brown shit. how about that? the 'eater's destiny' determined by a meal? what, you mean the part where 6 hours later they have to go to the john and squeeze out a loaf?

Last edited by uziq (2020-07-08 05:30:56)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Food determines your health- with determines your destiny. I use the word alchemy not be pretentious. Alchemy is basically chemistry but with a spiritual intent. I don’t bake cinnamon rolls or make beef pho. When you’ve had the experience of saving your life through your food, then you gain a different perspective on it.

art expresses something higher, it gives you pause to think, it raises spiritual, metaphysical, theological questions. art has an aesthetics, an ethics. it helps us navigate questions about meaning in life, about social relations, how to live our lives as individuals and within a community. it expresses the human lot here on earth.
All that is an inseparable part of my culinary experience.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2020-07-08 05:43:24)

it's like a drug addict getting into adopting dogs or bird-watching to 'save themselves'. i'm very glad that cooking has given you purpose in your life. an infinite number of things can be given significance and weight in people's lives. i never trivialized cooking. but why does it have to be ART or alchemy (whatever that even means; are you transmuting elements?)

i actually cannot even be bothered. right on duuuuude.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I’m not saying that the work of cooking saved my life. I’m saying that the food itself healed my body.

I don’t really feel like getting deep into my personal life to explain what I’m talking about on a public forum, but if you want to talk privately about it that’s fine. But I’ll say I was born with a medical condition which most likely would have made me dead by now otherwise.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2020-07-08 05:55:30)

okay yes great. food is important for sustaining life. finding the correct diet is important. do you have to mystify all this stuff in sacred-sounding nonsense? i'm sorry but you sound like an acid-fried hippie.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Shit I thought that was Mac posting not supmind

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