i like the made-for-TV stuff he did where he really honed his technique with the interrotron (i.e, the camera/viewing pane combo which gives the effect that the interviewee is talking directly into the lens). there’s some great ones like about a mafia lawyer, a hero pilot, and a jeopardy quiz show winner. i can’t remember the names, i saw them all years ago.
it’s the technique and interviewing style he adopted in the mcnamara movie and later in the rumsfeld one as well.
a funny biographical note: his son, hamilton, makes documentaries for vice magazine where he travels around the world taking rare drugs. he has some savant-like self-education in biochemistry. he even did documentaries on shulgin and tikhal/pikhal. i recommend looking them up, they are actually very good and entertaining.
being recommended errol morris in a thread in 2020 like it’s a 'new education' is a blast. larssen is that guy with fight club and american psycho posters on his walls to show off his ‘edgy alternative’ taste. he knows all the big hitters! serious movies!
Last edited by uziq (2020-05-22 02:09:35)