Dilbert_X wrote:
Whoever is currently running the EU, what persuasion do we call them?
it's pretty hard to characterise the EU as anything but neoliberal after 2008. the top priorities of the organization are preserving the economy, fiscal policy, and austerity/quantitative easing. it's an organization there to service the powerful northern banks. a 'neo-socialist' organization wouldn't do what the EU did in greece, italy and spain. real, autochthonous left-wing movements there were squashed like bugs and brought into line with the EU orthodoxy.
the EU's response to the economic crash was basically the same as the democrats' in the US: totally absolve all those responsible, rap a few bosses on the knuckles, and then tell the rest of the populace to pull up their bootstraps and deal with it. an opportunity for serious review and reform? ha!
an organization that forces working-people across the continent to accept massive austerity? huge cuts to public services? liberalization of markets? privatization of public utilities and services? all in the name of paying off a banking crisis? not very socialist, let alone deserving of a trendy 'neo-' prefix. recall how much ire larssen reserves for the humble greek olive farmer and their part in the economic crash. solidarity with the comrades!
if the EU did use its clout and resources for left-wing and redistributive ends, i wouldn't have a problem with it. neither, evidently, would the french people, who are protesting en masse about macron's banker-lite governance, e.g. the usual sallies of tax cuts for the rich and corporations, increased taxes on working people.
all of which are tinder fuel for a revived populist right-wing, too. the energies can just as easily be diverted that way.
of course, you can anticipate larssen's response, as it's a favourite ploy of everyone of their 'right-thinking' persuasion to claim they are post-ideology, beyond politics, not involved in petty partisan issues, etc. everything is 'pragmatic', without paying any attention to the drastically reduced field of possibilities considered, of course. these germans, they're just so reasonable! it's the rest of the world who are losing their mind, crazy lefties and right-wing thugs included, the pious centrists are beyond reproach!
Last edited by uziq (4 years, 10 months ago)