uziq wrote:
episteme is not universally ascribed to foucault. heidegger used the concepts of episteme/techne very widely in his own work, and he is a far more important philosopher. nobody with even a salutary grasp of the subject would claim foucault 'owns' episteme. i have never ever read the term 'episteme' used to mean 'lived reality', not in foucault or anywhere else. that's because it doesn't mean that; your usage is idiosyncratic, at best. even in his own text he was discussing how people mentally conceived of their world or cosmos, and the concepts and categories they used to structure that knowledge. not their 'lived reality', which is something else entirely and hardly concerns epistemology.
please just stop. i cannot be bothered to give you a crash course on modern thinking.
kuhn reintroduced the term 'paradigm' to discuss (changing) scientific methods, and 'paradigm shift' has been misused ever since. again, it's from plato (the timaeus). i could probably cite it in detail for you if you want. that's because i've read it, several times. it means something more like a model to be repeated, which makes sense in the narrow sense of the scientific method. it does not mean 'worldview' in the sense you make of it. 'paradigm' is not interchangeable with zeitgeist/weltgeist. again, please stop.
Episteme is most certainly strongly associated with Foucault in the sense that you or I referred to it - literally any book on epistemiology will reference him first. You're honestly being extremely pedantic here. It's you who steered the conversation this way, I never even made a fucking point out of it. The only time I even mentioned the word episteme - in a completely different conversation -
I correctly used the term. So what do you mean my understanding is insufficient? You're grasping at straws here. You want me to give you the complete Foucauldian definition + citations any time I'm using it? Nah I don't feel your subjective interpretation of whatever I'm writing warrants that level of detail and attention, that's a giant overestimation of your own self-importance you're displaying. I'm being as simple and clear as possible, if that's not to your liking maybe you don't understand it that well yourself.
Oh here we go, the defence Kuhn himself made that the term 'paradigm shift' has been misused ever since he publicised his book. Of course you would go there. Yes uzique I'm aware, I have literally no interest in engaging you on these topics at all. I feel the only point to it is that you want to stroke your own ego.
uziq wrote:
china keeps an immense amount of data and metrics on how their population are feeling. that was my entire point, 10 posts ago. they are the most technocratic state on earth. they monitor everything. 'don't care about how their population feels'? i feel like your view of china is about 40 years out of date, and badly scarred by Tienanmen. it's not 1984. it's possibly more nightmarish, even, i'll grant you that, but 'lived reality' there isn't the majority of people living in a greyscale dystopia with a tiny Han elite enjoying all the privileges. most chinese people self-identify as Han and as such consider the nation's success their own. you do not seem to understand this: they take immense pride in their country. the vast majority of them, tibetans and uiyghur muslims excluded, sure.
Yes and the point is not how happy the average chinese person is but the measure of control the government has and can exert. Are you going to argue the CCP is a form of benevolent leadership now? Who's the sinophile here again?
uziq wrote:
and this describes so much of the west, as well. weren't you just denigrating 'identity' politics two posts ago? make some sense, please.
If you're going to make a comparison in the treatment of ethnic minorities in the west vs China you're out of your fucking mind. First off, good luck in finding a uniform treatment of minority groups across all countries that comprise the west, second, what the fuck?
Also I feel we're doing some hilarious reversal here as I remember quite a long time ago I defended the existence of the Chinese state vis-a-vis the HK protests and it was you and KJ who railed against me for not condemning their actions and participate in flag-waving for minority rights. How the tables have turned!
Last edited by Larssen (4 years, 10 months ago)